BREAKING: Biden Caves, He and Speaker McCarthy List Points of Agreement, Take Possibility of Default off the Table

While I've said all along this is nothing more than political theater and we will not default, wow what a fluff article.

They've agreed to come together unless they can't agree? LOL
I don’t recall you calling Tater out for bleating DEFAULT DEFAULT DEFAULT for the past few months.
This is a MAJOR accomplishment for Biden, he really is a great POTUS.

I'm a desperate and delusional Democracked, and I approve this message
You using Adumb Schifferbrains?

First, the Trump tax cuts were across the board.

Second, revenues went up.

Third, the rich payed a higher share of the total tax burden AFTER the Trump across the board tax cuts.

Grow a brain and learn how to use it, Buttercup.
It’s really none of your business but thank you for reminding us that with Republicans the cruelty is a feature not a bug.

Well if Jessica lived in Canada she would already be signed up for MAiD. If she's poor, if she feels bad, if she has pain. If she can't find an apt. For whatever reason.

So maybe hush up about "cruelty"
I'll try to keep this simple for you.

This gives the Dems the excuse to hold the economy hostage while they demand to push through their own agenda items, whatever they may be, including ridiculous spending INCREASES.

Okay. I tried to dumb it down for you. You're welcome. Done.
That’s what they’re doing now dumbass…
That’s what they’re doing now dumbass…
Is that what they're telling you, in your world? I'm not surprised.

NOW it's a crisis, not when your Orange God was spending money like a 16 year old girl with Daddy's Gold Card (how ironic is THAT), begging the Fed for more inflationary QE, and making more promises.

You didn't want to bring down the economy when it was okay THEN. Sheep.
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Is that what they're telling you, in your world? I'm not surprised.

NOW it's a crisis, not when your Orange God was spending money like a 16 year old girl with Daddy's Gold Card (how ironic is THAT), begging the Fed for more inflationary QE, and making more promises.

You didn't want to bring down the economy when it was okay THEN. Sheep.
Yet you support a guy in the here and now who refuses to negotiate one penny of spending cuts…Spare me lib…
Is that what they're telling you, in your world? I'm not surprised.

NOW it's a crisis, not when your Orange God was spending money like a 16 year old girl with Daddy's Gold Card (how ironic is THAT), begging the Fed for more inflationary QE, and making more promises.

You didn't want to bring down the economy when it was okay THEN. Sheep.
Yea, ANOTHER CRISIS formulated by the demented LEFT.
By any means necessary......

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