Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them


May 29, 2010
Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.
It's outrageous that the Obama administration (and the main stream media) lets this voter intimidation go on!
Obama's America is confrontation between black and white voters and poll watchers.
OmiGod! Michelle Malkin is trying to make us afraid of black folks at the voting booths!

Oh........Im chomping at the bit to see this happen............


These faggots are going to get thier asses kicked this watch this time. They'll be forced to change their name after video of this shit.............
I know for a fact that these people are going to get their asses confronted like they cant imagine ( if its the Philly area)
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Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

It was only a controversy for rightwingers, you didn't vote for Obama, so you have nothing coming.

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.

I didn't hear him say that, don't doubt he said it, and it seems spot on. They don't want a repeat of Florida. Remember?
OmiGod! Michelle Malkin is trying to make us afraid of black folks at the voting booths!

idiot, just because she is reporting on this doesn't mean she is trying to make us afraid. It is just wrong and the idiots know it. Arrest them all for breaking the law, oh wait, not with obama and holder in there. IDIOTS!!!
Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

It was only a controversy for rightwingers, you didn't vote for Obama, so you have nothing coming.

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.

I didn't hear him say that, don't doubt he said it, and it seems spot on. They don't want a repeat of Florida. Remember?
Just because we did not vote for the idiot in charge doen't mean we have nothing coming. WE JUST KNEW BETTER.
Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.

If having baton wielding thugs standing out in front of polling places is allowed and not considered threatening and voter intimidation...then white sheet wearing baton wielding KKK should join them.

Oh my goodness, the righties have their pictures of guns out. Ooooo, I'm sooooo scared. How do these neanderthalls advocate that we counter made up voter intimidation? Why with real intimidation!

Do y'all see black panters under your beds and imagine them hiding in your closets?

Maybe we should get y'all some night lights.
I guess liberals pretend they are not threatening people, like liberals pretend they are not smashing each other's skulls in after school in lousy neighborhoods in Chicago.
Oh my goodness, the righties have their pictures of guns out. Ooooo, I'm sooooo scared. How do these neanderthalls advocate that we counter made up voter intimidation? Why with real intimidation!

Do y'all see black panters under your beds and imagine them hiding in your closets?

Maybe we should get y'all some night lights.

That is just the point. IF you think the black panthers are made up intimidation then the kkk would be the same made up intimation.

Double standard much?
Oh my goodness, the righties have their pictures of guns out. Ooooo, I'm sooooo scared. How do these neanderthalls advocate that we counter made up voter intimidation? Why with real intimidation!

Do y'all see black panters under your beds and imagine them hiding in your closets?

Maybe we should get y'all some night lights.

That all ya got? Bullshit? Figures!
Obama's America is confrontation between black and white voters and poll watchers.

What exactly would be a good remedy for this?



Just wondering.

Enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.

And what exactly do you propose?

Life without parole?

These guys were barred from carrying their nightsticks to polls. They were also detained by authorities.

So..if that was not enough..what sort of penalty should have been metted out? And exactly how would one going about prosecuting with no complaints?

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