Breaking. Bombing in Brussels

I called it immediately. Something you could have and should have done even more immediately.

I'm willing to bet you just waddle forth and commit the same gaffe all over again, expecting different results.
And I'm willing to bet none of us have ever seen you admit to making a mistake huh?

It was a radio replay of yesterday's top stories. I mistook it for current. Sue me

We're way past that point The fact that there was no such breaking event

There absolutely was you collaborating pig:

Brussels Train Station Bomber Was an ISIS Sympathizer
So if anyone takes exception to the fact that OP declared a second attack in Belgium today which did not happen, they are an ISIS sympathizer/collaborator?

Where did the OP say 2nd attack? Where's the thread on the 1st? And yes Pogo is a willing collaborator of the Muslim invaders.
There are several threads on yesterday's attack. We haven't been invaded by Muslims.
A lot of you folks think anyone who doesn't start frothing at the mouth about beheading all the Muslims is a collaborator. In this case, we didn't have to overreact, because yesterday's bomber in Belgium is dead and the stabber in Michigan (who may well be a terrorist) is in custody. So there ya go. Justice beat ya to it.
and if we are talking about the very receny islamic attack in Michigan

We ain't. Again, "Brussels" is nowhere near "Michigan". The distance between them is about four thousand miles, or 6300 kilometers. And again, you can't "bomb" something with a knife. And again, that story didn't exist when the OP went up. So quit trying to change the subject.
------------------------------------------------ i'm replying to other posters in this thread that are talking about the possible / probable muslim attack in Michigan Pogo .
and if we are talking about the very receny islamic attack in Michigan

We ain't. Again, "Brussels" is nowhere near "Michigan". The distance between them is about four thousand miles, or 6300 kilometers. And again, you can't "bomb" something with a knife. And again, that story didn't exist when the OP went up. So quit trying to change the subject.
So you admit Islamic terrorism is worldwide, thanks
muslim terrorism , happening All the time and everywhere there are muslims WMan !!
And I'm willing to bet none of us have ever seen you admit to making a mistake huh?

It was a radio replay of yesterday's top stories. I mistook it for current. Sue me

We're way past that point The fact that there was no such breaking event

There absolutely was you collaborating pig:

Brussels Train Station Bomber Was an ISIS Sympathizer
So if anyone takes exception to the fact that OP declared a second attack in Belgium today which did not happen, they are an ISIS sympathizer/collaborator?

Where did the OP say 2nd attack? Where's the thread on the 1st? And yes Pogo is a willing collaborator of the Muslim invaders.
There are several threads on yesterday's attack. We haven't been invaded by Muslims.
A lot of you folks think anyone who doesn't start frothing at the mouth about beheading all the Muslims is a collaborator. In this case, we didn't have to overreact, because yesterday's bomber in Belgium is dead and the stabber in Michigan (who may well be a terrorist) is in custody. So there ya go. Justice beat ya to it.
Who's getting attacked by Muslims tomorrow? Friday?
now i am hoping that someone will post a thread concerning the possible / probable muslim attack on a cop at some airport in Michigan .
We're way past that point The fact that there was no such breaking event

There absolutely was you collaborating pig:

Brussels Train Station Bomber Was an ISIS Sympathizer
So if anyone takes exception to the fact that OP declared a second attack in Belgium today which did not happen, they are an ISIS sympathizer/collaborator?

Where did the OP say 2nd attack? Where's the thread on the 1st? And yes Pogo is a willing collaborator of the Muslim invaders.
There are several threads on yesterday's attack. We haven't been invaded by Muslims.
A lot of you folks think anyone who doesn't start frothing at the mouth about beheading all the Muslims is a collaborator. In this case, we didn't have to overreact, because yesterday's bomber in Belgium is dead and the stabber in Michigan (who may well be a terrorist) is in custody. So there ya go. Justice beat ya to it.
Who's getting attacked by Muslims tomorrow? Friday?
------------------------------------ you just know that its going to happen somewhere either in the First world or the muslim third world . We oughta get a betting pool going if thats legal WMan .
could have 2 catagories , one being muslim attacks on the Western World and the other catagory being , muslim attacks in the third world .
and if we are talking about the very receny islamic attack in Michigan

We ain't. Again, "Brussels" is nowhere near "Michigan". The distance between them is about four thousand miles, or 6300 kilometers. And again, you can't "bomb" something with a knife. And again, that story didn't exist when the OP went up. So quit trying to change the subject.
So you admit Islamic terrorism is worldwide, thanks

I ADMIT that reality is non-negotiable. That's what you need to do too, instead of making shit up.
could have 2 catagories , one being muslim attacks on the Western World and the other catagory being , muslim attacks in the third world .

Could have been, but wasn't. It was actually a third category, "posters who don't bother to look up sources before posting", which then morphed to a fourth category, "gadfly posters who admit the errant story isn't real but then go right on as if it IS real".

---- which is absolutely friggin'
Why are you all still posting in this thread?
Time to move on boys & girls
See what you started? LOL
I wasn't trying to. It was an honest mistake and everyone has gone full tilt now.
There have been many attacks over the last few days. It's difficult to keep up with them all.
Agree you Tilly It's almost daily now
The last two in Paris and Brussel are the most threatening if I may say so (all attacks are a threat) but with explosive which does not work completely seems like practices for a bigger attack.
And in France they are files S attacking they are monitored but not 24/24 hours and it is those who are in the shadows who do not make themselves see that could make a bigger attack.
We live in a truly insecure world.

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