BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Chil

Only changes the game if it gets out in time. Mainstream media isn't even talking about half the shit that's come out according to my husband (I don't watch TV news myself) He said they haven't talked about anything I've brought up off the internet (the wiki links, even the video of the DNC violence at Trump rally planning) Though in fairness, he doesn't watch a heck of a lot of news cause he tends to fall asleep in his recliner heh
Maybe because none of the stuff you're reading off the internet is true?
You mean like hitlery Winning? :lol:
Who would know what's real any more?
Yes yes I know the russian's are behind the Wikilinks and the chick that got canned from CNN is made up, and the videos of the DNC and Clinton sending out attack dogs is all... actors... really good actors that look just like the folks the DNC fired when the video came out...
Only changes the game if it gets out in time. Mainstream media isn't even talking about half the shit that's come out according to my husband (I don't watch TV news myself) He said they haven't talked about anything I've brought up off the internet (the wiki links, even the video of the DNC violence at Trump rally planning) Though in fairness, he doesn't watch a heck of a lot of news cause he tends to fall asleep in his recliner heh
Maybe because none of the stuff you're reading off the internet is true?
You mean like hitlery Winning? :lol:
Who would know what's real any more?
Us unindoctrinated have a pretty firm grasp on reality.....
Only changes the game if it gets out in time. Mainstream media isn't even talking about half the shit that's come out according to my husband (I don't watch TV news myself) He said they haven't talked about anything I've brought up off the internet (the wiki links, even the video of the DNC violence at Trump rally planning) Though in fairness, he doesn't watch a heck of a lot of news cause he tends to fall asleep in his recliner heh
Maybe because none of the stuff you're reading off the internet is true?
You mean like hitlery Winning? :lol:
Who would know what's real any more?
Us unindoctrinated have a pretty firm grasp on reality.....
Of course you do.
Yes yes I know the russian's are behind the Wikilinks and the chick that got canned from CNN is made up, and the videos of the DNC and Clinton sending out attack dogs is all... actors... really good actors that look just like the folks the DNC fired when the video came out...
The Democrats are fucking clueless....
Give a list of the number of Super rich people in this country that have to gone to jail for major crimes. Would you consider Phil Spectre one? Did Ted Kennedy go to to jail for killing a woman? Nope. Did the Kennedy's dad go to jail for bootlegging? Nope. I can think of maybe one more, the Queen of Mean Leona Helmsley. Other than that... none. Unless you want to count guys like mobsters like Al Capone and the Teflon Don, Jon Gotti, but I don't think you should count them.
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury

But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

  • Money laundering
  • Child exploitation
  • Sex crimes with minors (children)
  • Perjury
  • Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Other felony crimes

  • Other felony crimes? huh, importing Cocaine for Bills Habit perhaps
The Clintons are the most repugnant of people…
Maybe because none of the stuff you're reading off the internet is true?

Surely some of it is not true, and each person has a responsibility to try to confirm anything that they want to put out, but trolls and partisan operatives put out disinformation and people will occasionally get tricked into repeating if not believing it.

But have you considered the possibility that some of the stuff you're reading off the internet is pure horse shit?
I just found out that Dem's were apparently snowed by a scam telling them to text in their votes... Trending on Bing - they blame a Republican of course, though I'm quite sure all of those who texted in their vote just got added to a marketing list or 500 heh

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