Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this in the 1960's and you sir is demanding that Dr.King stay away. Al Sharpton, Jackson are not responsible for a young white male with a hate mentality.

Complete nonsense. King was a decent man who helped right a wrong. Sharpton, Jackson and others are typical Democrat operatives charged with stirring up as much chaos and racial animosity as they can within the black community.

LOLOLOLOL.....oh, now Dr.King is decent man, LOLOLOL...gotcha!!
GTFOOH, every time one of you nuts go on a shit fit and start shooting up people its always somebody else's fault. Your race is evil and you can either own it or not own it!!

You're an idiot. Goodbye.
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?
Ahh. OK. Its disrespectful TO the dead to suggest it was racism, unless the cops give the go ahead.

Got it. Also, sorry I prejudged a mass murderer. He was prolly just having a bad day from not being able to get a job because of his whiteness.
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.

No shit dumbass, who cares? We have a killer on the loose and you are worried about the killer being a racist. Wow I just want him caught and brought to justice.

Oh, you want him brought to justice......good thing he's white, because he will be caught and brought to justice......otherwise as a black man, he'd just be buying time before some white cops pops his head open with a bullet!!
I hope a cop kills him, saves the tax payers money, but you want to prove you are racist is noted.

My prediction and you heard it here first...and i want my creds.....chances are the coward has killed himself, he will in fact have one of the famous white boy 3 names, Billy Ray Bud and I would bet the house, prior to this, he was a nice white quiet white boy who was a boy scout leader, etc.
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this in the 1960's and you sir is demanding that Dr.King stay away. Al Sharpton, Jackson are not responsible for a young white male with a hate mentality.

Complete nonsense. King was a decent man who helped right a wrong. Sharpton, Jackson and others are typical Democrat operatives charged with stirring up as much chaos and racial animosity as they can within the black community.

LOLOLOLOL.....oh, now Dr.King is decent man, LOLOLOL...gotcha!!
GTFOOH, every time one of you nuts go on a shit fit and start shooting up people its always somebody else's fault. Your race is evil and you can either own it or not own it!!

You're an idiot. Goodbye.

This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.

No shit dumbass, who cares? We have a killer on the loose and you are worried about the killer being a racist. Wow I just want him caught and brought to justice.

Oh, you want him brought to justice......good thing he's white, because he will be caught and brought to justice......otherwise as a black man, he'd just be buying time before some white cops pops his head open with a bullet!!
I hope a cop kills him, saves the tax payers money, but you want to prove you are racist is noted.

My prediction and you heard it here first...and i want my creds.....chances are the coward has killed himself, he will in fact have one of the famous white boy 3 names, Billy Ray Bud and I would bet the house, prior to this, he was a nice white quiet white boy who was a boy scout leader, etc.
No, he will go down in history as a murderer, but people like yourself want to keep racism alive and well. Congratulations.
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.
If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this in the 1960's and you sir is demanding that Dr.King stay away. Al Sharpton, Jackson are not responsible for a young white male with a hate mentality.

Complete nonsense. King was a decent man who helped right a wrong. Sharpton, Jackson and others are typical Democrat operatives charged with stirring up as much chaos and racial animosity as they can within the black community.

LOLOLOLOL.....oh, now Dr.King is decent man, LOLOLOL...gotcha!!
GTFOOH, every time one of you nuts go on a shit fit and start shooting up people its always somebody else's fault. Your race is evil and you can either own it or not own it!!

You're an idiot. Goodbye.

Seems some of the people here are as idiotic as those on the old board, billy.

Funnier, but just as idiotic
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!
And I hope you do, a hater like yourself deserves it.
You'd never say that on a thread where a black person committed a crime.
The race of the suspect does not make the comments here any less stupid.
Great. I'm glad you feel that way about a white on black crime thread. Please try to apply it to all other crime threads in the future.
I always wait for the facts to be presented when talking about a crime on here don't you?

Well, the first and only truly immutable fact is that this kind of crime should never happen, anytime, anywhere, with any group of people at all.

Murdering people in the middle of worshipping is as low as a person can go. There is, imo, no lower point than this.

I feel this way when Jews get murdered while worshipping in a Synagogue, or the Sikhs who were murdered in a Temple somewhere in the Snowbelt last year (Wisconsin? Minnesota?), or Christians in a Church and yes, Muslims in a Mosque.

Some things in life should be instinctively completely off limits, and this is one of them.
Happens every day in the Middle-East. Has been for over a decade. Christians murdered by Muslims. That's what ISIS is doing right now.

Not a peep out of you because of it.

Uhm, no. I have spoken out against it a lot, espeicially since I am a Jew. Try again.
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!
I'd rather you run across a hating muslim thug too, maybe they'd put a bullet in your worthless racist skull.

Would that bullet be before or after some white cop coward or hillbilly white boy does it first? Just askin
Wait, didn't you just say it was "radical" to suggest it was racism, and that it is not reverent of the dead to do so?

No, you simply like to read what you want to read. It's radical to leap to judgement before the cause has been fully determined. We all know what it might be, but I will wait for the authorities to make that conclusion.


So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?

What, you think a WHITE shooter enters a BLACK church and shoots 9 people dead because he didn't like the bonnets on their heads, or what?

And then, said shooter calls and taunts that cops and claims that he also planted a bomb...

And you think that race has no part to play in the WHITE Chief of Police from Charleston calling this a "hate crime"? Really?
It is disrespectful TO the dead. Don't misquote me. You are using their deaths to push a racial agenda. You just proved it in your previous posts. My gosh man, do you ever read what you post?

Ahh. OK. Its disrespectful TO the dead to suggest it was racism, unless the cops give the go ahead.

Got it. Also, sorry I prejudged a mass murderer. He was prolly just having a bad day from not being able to get a job because of his whiteness.
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.

No shit dumbass, who cares? We have a killer on the loose and you are worried about the killer being a racist. Wow I just want him caught and brought to justice.

Oh, you want him brought to justice......good thing he's white, because he will be caught and brought to justice......otherwise as a black man, he'd just be buying time before some white cops pops his head open with a bullet!!
Actually, most white people will be okay with this dude getting taken out by a cop. the color of the cop doesn't matter.
You think we'd have this SCREAMING headline about the persons skin color if the shooter had been an Asian, Indian, Oriental, etc etc?

Here we go again folks. and next they will have them a RIGHTWING extremist, racist bigot, who is anti-government, read Sarah Palin's facebook and hated Obama. so they went out and shot up a church that had black people in it

Hey, Staph Infection, instead of bitching about other people, why don't you fucking grow up and stick to the facts?

A young white man, age 21 or 22, goes into a a black church during Wednesday Evening church services and brutally shoots 9 people dead. He then calls the police while on the run and taunts them and claims that he also has a bomb in the vicinity.

Sounds like a nasty, nasty, evil perp to me. I hope the cops get him and they get him quickly.

Or do you support him having murdered 9 completely innocent people in cold blood? Is that your position?

Stephanie, do you even have a heart? A soul? A conscience?

Or is your ideology the only thing that is important to you?

Damn, you are one thoroughly disgusting troll.

You know Staph has to bring her partisan political views into every incident. It is her MO....unfortunately.
and we know you have to troll with your nasty comments and name calling
there wasn't anything partisan about it. but ANSWER THE DAMN question? if the shooter were any other SKIN COLOR. you're an infection of hate on this board


Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it
Oh and to add fuel to this already sick and twisted fire, State Senator Larry Grooms, who was among the dead, was A REPUBLICAN. Hey liberals, how goes your race baiting now?

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