Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church


So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Hmmmm. That "haircut a ten-year-old would wear" shouldn't be hard to spot.

I'm wondering if the guy has some sort of hair net on, the likes you would see someone in the restaurant industry might wear ?

So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Hmmmm. That "haircut a ten-year-old would wear" shouldn't be hard to spot.

Moe Howard wanna be?

So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Hmmmm. That "haircut a ten-year-old would wear" shouldn't be hard to spot.

White male....early 20s.......looks like Moe from the Three Stooges.

This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
(sigh).......what can any human being say, with so much evil in this country coming from the hands of whites, what can you say? Everybody wants to hate on OBama, hate on the so called thugs that are killing each other in these inner city dwellings, hateful comment after hateful comments.....and now we have this. Instead of mourning the dead, you got people here as usual hating on Sharpton and other black leaders. (sigh)

The fact that this kid is still at large, the fact that the police have no leads, the fact that the intire community has kept its calm...speaks volume of a people who've just witness a few months ago, another senseless murder at the hands of whites. The fact that not once, not even a thought....these words come from law enforcement...Suspect Is 'A Very Dangerous Individual'....the two white murderers at large, are dangerous guy that killed white family and maid....thug, low life, animal...etc.......

Yes, inner city blacks murder each other over shit that is stupid and senseless. Yes the numbers grow each calender month as the year ends and yes some are animals and thugs and just plain evil. BUT THEY DON'T GO INTO WHITE CHURCHES, ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND MOVIE THEATERS AND KILL JUST FOR THE SPORT OF KILLING!!

A race that has everything at its finger tips, everything to live for in a country that is cloaked in white worship.....should never ever find reason to hate on a race that has done more harm to itself than it could ever do to whites.....damit, why?View attachment 42720

I hope they find this sad sick THUG and put his ass in a cell filled to the brink with black men with a attitude!!

You do realize that white on black crime is less than black on white crime...right? you are a moron.....
The likes of Brian Ross, Al Sharpton and some of the radicals on MSNBC better not say anything, and just stay out of it.

From what I've seen this morning, this community has well-spoken strong leaders, who don't need outside dividers showing up trying to take the stage.
Especially pricks like Al Sharpton.
and the citizens of Charleston are "Much More Civilized" then the locals of "Those other two cities". and wont cause havoc. even whites are mourning.

Was the massacre by a Police Officer?

So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Hmmmm. That "haircut a ten-year-old would wear" shouldn't be hard to spot.
And the prosthetic nose.
The likes of Brian Ross, Al Sharpton and some of the radicals on MSNBC better not say anything, and just stay out of it.

Won't happen. They are pathologically unable to do so.
These incidents keep them employed.
i would guess the citizens of South Carolina would tell Sharpton to keep his {fill in the blank} of out this horrible tragedy, and just stay out of South Carolina period![/QUOTE

If I didn't know any better, I'd swear this in the 1960's and you sir is demanding that Dr.King stay away. Al Sharpton, Jackson are not responsible for a young white male with a hate mentality. Stop pointing fingers and pray for the mercy this white thug is gonna need from your people, not mine!!
So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

It is disrespectful TO the dead. Don't misquote me. You are using their deaths to push a racial agenda. You just proved it in your previous posts. My gosh man, do you ever read what you post?

Ahh. OK. Its disrespectful TO the dead to suggest it was racism, unless the cops give the go ahead.

Got it. Also, sorry I prejudged a mass murderer. He was prolly just having a bad day from not being able to get a job because of his whiteness.
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.
Wait, didn't you just say it was "radical" to suggest it was racism, and that it is not reverent of the dead to do so?

No, you simply like to read what you want to read. It's radical to leap to judgement before the cause has been fully determined. We all know what it might be, but I will wait for the authorities to make that conclusion.


So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Here we go, rationalizing white murderers, rationalizing the need for calm, rationalizing his intent.....if the roles were reversed....he'd be a gotdamned animal, a f**kin thug, not fit to breath motherf*** air....give me a break and shut up!!
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
If he did have a wig, phony nose, etc., that tells you right there this was never some sort of suicide mission. He obviously intended to carry this out and not get caught. Be interesting to see if the car was stolen.
So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

It is disrespectful TO the dead. Don't misquote me. You are using their deaths to push a racial agenda. You just proved it in your previous posts. My gosh man, do you ever read what you post?

Ahh. OK. Its disrespectful TO the dead to suggest it was racism, unless the cops give the go ahead.

Got it. Also, sorry I prejudged a mass murderer. He was prolly just having a bad day from not being able to get a job because of his whiteness.
You are a stupid son of a bitch, shut the hell up. People were murdered last night, as usual you want to push the race card. Why can't we come together and get this killer and bring him to justice? People like yourself want to bring racism into it. You being a hater is noted, continue to be a miserable person.


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