Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.

But in this case, it was. In fact, it is the oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston.

Anything else to add, you dottering old fool?
Is it any greater a crime to kill people based on race than it is to kill people to steal their money (or some other motive)? Some people are simply evil!
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it
I want the killer brought to justice. You want to attack the second amendment on cue.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Lets go there.....when you have overt poverty, no social resources, blight in jobs and opportunity and inner city issues...yes, you're gonna have senseless murders among a certain group of people. Come to Kentucky someday, same dynamics in white poor counties.....but here's the difference that morons like you don't see.....WHY WOULD A WHITE BOY, MAN, WHAT THE FUCK EVER....WANT TO HATE ON A RACE, THAT WORSHIPS THE SHIT HE POOPS EACH DAY, CHARISH HIS WHITE WOMEN LIKE THE HOLY GRAIL, WHY WOULD A WHITE MAN THAT RULES THE PLANET, HAS EVERYTHING AT HIS DISCRETION....WANT TO HATE A RACE THAT WOULD LITERLY EMPLOED IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE WHITIE TO WORSHIP?
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

It happened with the batman shootings.
It happened in Newtown.
It happened with Gabby Giffords.

There is a pattern here.
Is it any greater a crime to kill people based on race than it is to kill people to steal their money (or some other motive)? Some people are simply evil!

Apple and oranges....white men killing blacks for what? Yaw own the world, what harm can any black person do to a race that is protected and worshipped around the globe?
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.

But in this case, it was. In fact, it is the oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston.

Anything else to add, you dottering old fool?
And just how is it "YOU" know that this person "KNEW" it was a BLACK church? YOU TALK TO HIM?

Take your pajama boy punk bull shit somewhere esle, fag. You don't know anymore about what is going than anyone else, so don't act like you do, dumbass mother fucking progtard.
Oh and to add fuel to this already sick and twisted fire, State Senator Larry Grooms, who was among the dead, was A REPUBLICAN. Hey liberals, how goes your race baiting now?

Well, aren't you one stupid fuck.

I mentioned no parties at all.

Murder is murder is murder.

And when a racist opens fire on people, I doubt that he looks to see if they are card carrying Democrats, Republicans, or otherwise.

Get a grip on yourself, bubba.
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

It happened with the batman shootings.
It happened in Newtown.
It happened with Gabby Giffords.

There is a pattern here.

Yes there is a pattern, its called election times and the GOP and people like Rush and Fox news feed these mindless bastards the courage they use to kill people. Look it up, its fact
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Nope. No racism intended here. Nosirree.

Racists are so very translucent.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.

But in this case, it was. In fact, it is the oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston.

Anything else to add, you dottering old fool?
And just how is it "YOU" know that this person "KNEW" it was a BLACK church? YOU TALK TO HIM?

Take your pajama boy punk bull shit somewhere esle, fag. You don't know anymore about what is going than anyone else, so don't act like you do, dumbass mother fucking progtard.

Anyone living in that area, not knowing the history of that church was either dumb or stupid....STOP PROTECTING THE INSANE...IT MAKES YOU SOUND AND LOOK STUPID
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.

But in this case, it was. In fact, it is the oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston.

Anything else to add, you dottering old fool?
And just how is it "YOU" know that this person "KNEW" it was a BLACK church? YOU TALK TO HIM?

Take your pajama boy punk bull shit somewhere esle, fag. You don't know anymore about what is going than anyone else, so don't act like you do, dumbass mother fucking progtard.

Just what part of "oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston" didn't you understand?

What part of 'the perp attended services for an hour before he started shooting' don't you understand?
This nut bag hated Christians. Had nothing to do with race. So calling it a hate crime better mean hate against Christians.

Why? Cuz you said so?

Oh, that is impressive.
I've already explained why. Apparently you'd rather run your jacked off cock sucking mouth than acknowledge that.

Eat shit, moron.

Well, aren't you being foul mouthed today.

It only makes you and your "argumentation" (if we want to be charitable and call it that) look very, very weak.
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!

You can count on it

There will be no lasting outrage here. It is part of what makes America what it is today. We love our guns more than we love our children.........what would make anyone think nine black churchgoers will change our mind
So someone shoots some people up... who's the first person people will call? Well how about that, it's ANOTHER PERSON WITH A GUN.

The ONLY thing that stops a BAD GUY WITH A GUN, is a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN.

What part about that don't you fucking idiots get?

Another example of our rampant gun culture

The only solution to more gun violence is more guns. Dodge City meets Somalia as we need more shootouts in our streets to solve gun violence
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

It happened with the batman shootings.
It happened in Newtown.
It happened with Gabby Giffords.

There is a pattern here.

Theres no doubt that there is a trend of psychopathic isolated white males in their late teens/early 20s doing these mass shootings.

We need mental hospitals back...and identify these loons early...and CONFINE them.

Society isnt crazier. Its just that our crazy now walks the streets instead of being confined.
So what do we have from this tragedy so far?

We can't blame it on race
We can't blame it on guns

Just move along people....nothing to see here
We blame it on:

1. The shooter
2. Those on both ends of the spectrum who are fomenting hatred and division

If we're honest.


Both f***kin ends? Are you insane.....why would a church be preaching white hatred? GTFOOH fool!!
Once again we see a white right wing gun nut terrorist killing innocent civilians.
Wake up America.

Oh, I've not seen many people claim he is from the right. But he is very likely a nasty racist. Racism doesn't know one specific ideology.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Lets go there.....when you have overt poverty, no social resources, blight in jobs and opportunity and inner city issues...yes, you're gonna have senseless murders among a certain group of people. Come to Kentucky someday, same dynamics in white poor counties.....but here's the difference that morons like you don't see.....WHY WOULD A WHITE BOY, MAN, WHAT THE FUCK EVER....WANT TO HATE ON A RACE, THAT WORSHIPS THE SHIT HE POOPS EACH DAY, CHARISH HIS WHITE WOMEN LIKE THE HOLY GRAIL, WHY WOULD A WHITE MAN THAT RULES THE PLANET, HAS EVERYTHING AT HIS DISCRETION....WANT TO HATE A RACE THAT WOULD LITERLY EMPLOED IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE WHITIE TO WORSHIP?
We have a black president and blacks are worse off since. So l guess you can say blacks are their worst enemy. Also when you sold yourselves to the democrat party. Your demise started then, keep blaming everyone else and not yourself. Until you realize why you are where you are. You will never improve your life. Keep hating!
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights
Shut the hell up, can't you leave politics alone. For a minute?

This has nothing to do with politics

This is the American gun culture we have embraced. When tragedies like this occur, we feign outrage and in the end, just shrug and say....nothing we can do about it

It happened with the batman shootings.
It happened in Newtown.
It happened with Gabby Giffords.

There is a pattern here.
Yes, they were all liberals that did those useless killings.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.
Guesses are based on logic. Its called profiling, and you can bet that's what the cops are doing right now on this guy, building a profile.

He could have shot up a bunch of BLACKS in any of a couple hundred different places, but he didn't, he chose a CHURCH, so it's not logical it was a crime solely against blacks.

That's not to say race didn't play a role, it just isn't what stands out as his motiove. He wanted to kill Christians. They could have been green and it wouldn't have mattered.

If his only goal was to kill Christians, why did he pick a black church when there are so many varieties of white Christian churches the area?

Baptist, Presbyterian, Catholic, etc

Why target the black church?
One thing you can be sure of, of a church. There will be Christians inside.

One thing you can't be sure of, that it's a black only church.

But in this case, it was. In fact, it is the oldest black church in all of the USA, with a long history and very, very well known within Charleston.

Anything else to add, you dottering old fool?
And just how is it "YOU" know that this person "KNEW" it was a BLACK church? YOU TALK TO HIM?

Take your pajama boy punk bull shit somewhere esle, fag. You don't know anymore about what is going than anyone else, so don't act like you do, dumbass mother fucking progtard.

Yes, you seem quite angry today. Blood pressure problems? Erection problems? Or just can't get your tired old fat ass out of the recliner to launch the great revolution? All three? Poor sop.

Do you really think your nasty comments phase me even in the slightest?

They don't.

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