Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!
I'd rather you run across a hating muslim thug too, maybe they'd put a bullet in your worthless racist skull.

Would that bullet be before or after some white cop coward or hillbilly white boy does it first? Just askin
Your victim act is a stupid as you are racist.

We AAAAALLLL know that there's FAAARR more "violent" black on white crime than white on black.

Go cry wolf somewhere else, shit for brains.
No, you simply like to read what you want to read. It's radical to leap to judgement before the cause has been fully determined. We all know what it might be, but I will wait for the authorities to make that conclusion.


So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Thanks for providing the information.
Oh and to add fuel to this already sick and twisted fire, State Senator Larry Grooms was A REPUBLICAN. Hey liberals, how goes your race baiting now?

Race baiting? Hey you dumb shit for brains maggot, THIS WAS A RACE CRIME NOW SHUT UP AND PRAY!!
The likes of Brian Ross, Al Sharpton and some of the radicals on MSNBC better not say anything, and just stay out of it.

From what I've seen this morning, this community has well-spoken strong leaders, who don't need outside dividers showing up trying to take the stage.
Especially pricks like Al Sharpton.

Actually, I agree with you on that one.
Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?
How in the hell does anyone of color in this nation stress over what the fu** is going on overseas, with so much evil being perpetrated against our race, by both blacks and whites. I'm sitting here listening to reports about ISIS, with 9 blacks gunned down for the sport of white hatred...incredible!!

Well, ISIS would lop off your American head as well.:laugh:

Put it this way, I would rather run across a hating muslim, a thug, even a damned pit bull than come across a white boy under the age 25 that smiles a lot!!
I'd rather you run across a hating muslim thug too, maybe they'd put a bullet in your worthless racist skull.

Would that bullet be before or after some white cop coward or hillbilly white boy does it first? Just askin
Your victim act is a stupid as you are racist.

We AAAAALLLL know that there's FAAARR more "violent" black on white crime than white on black.

Go cry wolf somewhere else, shit for brains.

Here's the difference, lice on white crime....n*gga's go under the damned jail, if they live to have a day in court.....white on black crimes.....paleezzeee!!
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!

You can count on it

There will be no lasting outrage here. It is part of what makes America what it is today. We love our guns more than we love our children.........what would make anyone think nine black churchgoers will change our mind

So its disrespectful of the dead to suggest it was racism - until the cops give the go ahead.

Got it.

I had no idea you loved government so much.

The police chief of Charleston, who is white and who gave a very good, professional announcement shortly after the crime, has already pronounced this as a hate crime. That automatically means that racism was involved.

End of story. means the shooter hated the people......he murdered 8 people...but lets really lock him up because he was a racist?
In the first place white could be Hispanic, or Middle East or one of us white folk. As far as hating people, I suggest he hated Christians.
as long as everyone wants to get stupid and claim its racism before the guy is even caught, let me jump in and add some more stupidity to the conversation.
I say he was a homosexual who hated Christians because they wont let him marry his butt buddy and adopt kids, so, he went in and shot up the church.
or how about this, he was a muslim convert that was on his own personal jihad based on his readings in the koran and was just warning the infidels.

Doesn't look Middle eastern, or Hispanbic to me.


Thanks for providing the information.

No problem, the picture had just shown in one of my twitter feeds, and thought I'd pass it on.

(My good deed for the month)
Add one part division pimp radio and multiply it by Identity Politics/PC, and you get crazies who get pushed too far.




No, when you got the GOP, the biggest proprietiers of hatred in this country out hating on Gays, hispanics, the poor, everyone should expect the white nuts to come out.
So what do we have from this tragedy so far?

We can't blame it on race
We can't blame it on guns

Just move along people....nothing to see here
Oh and to add fuel to this already sick and twisted fire, State Senator Larry Grooms was A REPUBLICAN. Hey liberals, how goes your race baiting now?

Race baiting? Hey you dumb shit for brains maggot, THIS WAS A RACE CRIME NOW SHUT UP AND PRAY!!

No, you just need to shut up. This has not in fact been deemed a racist hate crime. For all we know, the hate crime could have been religiously motivated.

Seriously, go eat your Cheerios like a good three year old should.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
Lol, your race invented the drive by. How many have been innocently murdered by them. Thousands of innocent kids. They are done daily black on black crime. How many blacks have killed each other in Baltimore in the past few days? Do you really want to go there?

Actually, the drive by was probably invented in the Roaring 20s.

But they seem to get a lot of coverage in old movies, so anyone could have picked up on them.
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!

You can count on it

There will be no lasting outrage here. It is part of what makes America what it is today. We love our guns more than we love our children.........what would make anyone think nine black churchgoers will change our mind

Bingo....any nation that lives and thrive off of NRA and gun worship, will never allow this to change their minds. What angers me the most, is that this white thug, like most of these senseless killings, never venture into areas where it can be a clean a club or a inner city hot spot
Well, here we go again

Another senseless massacre. Time for us to express our grief, pretend we are outraged and then proclaim.....Nothing we can do about it

The price we pay for our second amendment rights

When some nut can walk into a elementary school and gun down 21 blue eyed corn fed white babies and nothing is done about guns in this country....ANYONE WITH A WORKING BRAIN CELL KNOWS, THIS SHIT....9 BLACKS BEING KILLED IS NOTHING.

But this nation and our love of guns will rule the day, we kept silent!!

You can count on it

There will be no lasting outrage here. It is part of what makes America what it is today. We love our guns more than we love our children.........what would make anyone think nine black churchgoers will change our mind
So someone shoots some people up... who's the first person people will call? Well how about that, it's ANOTHER PERSON WITH A GUN.

The ONLY thing that stops a BAD GUY WITH A GUN, is a GOOD GUY WITH A GUN.

What part about that don't you fucking idiots get?
Once again we see a white right wing gun nut terrorist killing innocent civilians.
Wake up America.
Won't know that til they arrest and interview him.
That's the most logical conclusion. He chose a "CHURCH."

Use your head.
He chose a BLACK church.

Did he hate Christians, Blacks, or Black Christians?

Until his story comes out, FROM HIS OWN LIPS, we're just guessing.

Can I clarify what you just said........Until this confused white child comes out and admit he murdered 9 people just because, we're all just guessing at this point. After all, he's white and white people murder for valid reason, unlike the thugs and black animals......feel better?
Okay since you want to bring racism into this. How many blacks have murdered other blacks since last night?

2 zillion I would I got a question for you, how many blacks went into a white church EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER AND MURDERED A BUNCH OF WHITES? How many blacks bombed a church that killed 3 little black girls? How many blacks went into a movie theater and murdered 19 people just for the sport of it? How many blacks gunned down 21 babies in an elementary school, just because? How many blacks murdered 3 sitting presidents because they were having a bad day? How many blacks strung up innocent whites just to have fun? Shall I go on?
I guess blacks just like to kill each other, keeping it in the family. I can go there though. I do remember a black man killing a retarded man at a fast food resturant. Right after trevon attacked a white mexican. So you are saying blacks don't do mass murders? You are not only a racist, but a stupid racist to boot. Lol

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