Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

I'm starting to see your sides point. Did you see in Detroit this weekend a black guy shot 11 people killing 1. Not only are black people not up in arms and there is no talk of charging the guy with a hate crime...Not only that, none of the 400 people are even willing to talk to police. I thought black lives matter? I guess only if they are taken by a white man do black people even care when blacks are murdered. If its at the hands of another black, well that's alright.

And why should that black guy get any less time in jail than this guy in SC? Other than he only killed 1 person and the person he killed was probably in a rival gang. In other words, he didn't kill an innocent person. But what about the 10 people who got shot? They were innocent. And what about the 400 witnesses? They are not innocent IMO. They are accomplices to murder. If I were a cop I would never worry about the people in that neighborhood. Someone got shot and it's past dark? We will send someone out in the morning to clean up the mess.

Oh, and to flip back to my liberal position. You white racists are not only responsible for the white shooter, you are the reason why black society is the way it is. It wasn't like one day you made slavery illegal and the next you were hiring blacks, letting them live in your neighborhoods and go to your schools. It isn't like the day after slavery things were all better for black people. Black society today is the result of us treating them like 2nd class citizens. Hell, 3rd class citizens. And instead of putting jobs in the hood we put them in Mexico, China and India.

We could solve this problem in a generation if you whites would stop being such racists.

we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.

You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

and you just demonstrated the type of dishonest Race Card demagoguery i was referring to.

you post is nothing but lies, and it is completely typical of the response if we cons even attempt to slightly reference the real issues of the black community.

and thus, we have no responsibility for the issues of the black community today.

other than the results of Free Trade, as I said.

and you can fuck off you lying asshole.
In some ways I have to agree. If they won't accept some responsibility why should we?

Work with us more maybe we will try harder. Enough! And this is coming from a lib.
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....

You have a world of information at your fingertips but somehow it's better to remain foolish.
America is in trouble.
Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....

You have a world of information at your fingertips but somehow it's better to remain foolish.
America is in trouble. can't refute the truth and reality that I posted.....and didn't respond to the racist groups in the current democrat party....and then you insult me.....I also posted a study that shows lefties have less self control...thanks for confirming that....
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.
Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....

You have a world of information at your fingertips but somehow it's better to remain foolish.
America is in trouble.

Can you tell us, from what organization was the Abolitionist movement founded?

Here's a clue... it rhymes with "CHRISTIANITY".

Now that's a pretty solid clue... so knowing that, would ya like to inform the Readers of this board of the kinship between Left-think and Christianity?
Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....

You have a world of information at your fingertips but somehow it's better to remain foolish.
America is in trouble.

Can you tell us, from what organization was the Abolitionist movement founded?

Here's a clue... it rhymes with "CHRISTIANITY".

Now that's a pretty solid clue... so knowing that, would ya like to inform the Readers of this board of the kinship between Left-think and Christianity?

And were the abolitionists Republicans?
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....

You have a world of information at your fingertips but somehow it's better to remain foolish.
America is in trouble.

Can you tell us, from what organization was the Abolitionist movement founded?

Here's a clue... it rhymes with "CHRISTIANITY".

Now that's a pretty solid clue... so knowing that, would ya like to inform the Readers of this board of the kinship between Left-think and Christianity?

Kinship like "all men are created equal" and
" love thy neighbor as yourself". Yes, I agree true Christianity and abolitionists are more closely aligned with liberal principles.

Fighting a civil war to preserve states rights, (slavery), certainly was not the liberal thing to do.
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.
So the proponent of Education still struggles with the heady complexities of posting...


You can NOT make this crap up.
Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....
You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.
So the proponent of Education still struggles with the heady complexities of posting...


You can NOT make this crap up.

You can and have, very easily I might add, " made this crap up".

You should know, that IF you actually believe that, then you're quite literally DELUSIONAL.

Understand... THE RECORD IS WRITTEN HERE. It's not exactly subject to subjectivism... it is thoroughly objective... in that ITS WRITTEN FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.


Edit: It corrected the post... and now wants to deny it.

So... the record is clear, it's a liar.

Color me SHOCKED! :ack-1:

(The coolest part... is that I intentionally did not capture the post, to see if it would change it... then deny it.

I could not care less that it screwed up a post; as it does it routinely... I just wanted to test it it's honor... which it did. And it FAILED!)
Last edited:
Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.
You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

And in 2015....

Republicans still trying to save the Constitution.
Democrats still trying to keep racism and division alive.

Yeah...same as before.
You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Keep denying it Gomer.
You won't discuss it at all because it would blow up your entire premise.
Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

Were they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.

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