Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

So the proponent of Education still struggles with the heady complexities of posting...


You can NOT make this crap up.

You can and have, very easily I might add, " made this crap up".

You should know, that IF you actually believe that, then you're quite literally DELUSIONAL.

Understand... THE RECORD IS WRITTEN HERE. It's not exactly subject to subjectivism... it is thoroughly objective... in that ITS WRITTEN FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.


Edit: It corrected the post... and now wants to deny it.

So... the record is clear, it's a liar.

Color me SHOCKED! :ack-1:

(The coolest part... is that I intentionally did not capture the post, to see if it would change it... then deny it.

I could not care less that it screwed up a post; as it does it routinely... I just wanted to test it it's honor... which it did. And it FAILED!)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

We're they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.

Abolitionists? LOL!

They were conserving the principles declared in the founding of the nation. Thus they were then what they are today: CONSERVATIVES! Who are people who ADVOCATE FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY... OKA: Liberal.

Now of course that is the literal meaning of the word. And you need to imply the colloquial meaning..., which comes as a result of the hijacking of the word, by the Ideological Left... who represent and otherwise advocate for the antithesis of Individual liberty.

But in your defense you do so because you lack the objectivity required to reason soundly... thus demonstrating your separation from the Spirit of God.

Which is in keeping with the Ideological Left... OKA: The means by which evil is advanced, politically.

You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

We're they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.

Abolitionists? LOL!

They were conserving the principles declared in the founding of the nation. Thus they were then what they are today: CONSERVATIVES! Who are people who ADVOCATE FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY... OKA: Liberal.

Now of course that is the literal meaning of the word. And you need to imply the colloquial meaning..., which comes as a result of the hijacking of the word, by the Ideological Left... who represent and otherwise advocate for the antithesis of Individual liberty.

But in your defense you do so because you lack the objectivity required to reason soundly... thus demonstrating your separation from the Spirit of God.

Which is in keeping with the Ideological Left... OKA: The means by which evil is advanced, politically.

You just played an entire game of twister by yourself in one post. Nice!
Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

We're they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.

Abolitionists? LOL!

They were conserving the principles declared in the founding of the nation. Thus they were then what they are today: CONSERVATIVES! Who are people who ADVOCATE FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY... OKA: Liberal.

Now of course that is the literal meaning of the word. And you need to imply the colloquial meaning..., which comes as a result of the hijacking of the word, by the Ideological Left... who represent and otherwise advocate for the antithesis of Individual liberty.

But in your defense you do so because you lack the objectivity required to reason soundly... thus demonstrating your separation from the Spirit of God.

Which is in keeping with the Ideological Left... OKA: The means by which evil is advanced, politically.

You just played an entire game of twister by yourself in one post. Nice!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And I want ya to know, that it's clear to me that you're doing the very BEST you can.) you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

We're they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.

Abolitionists? LOL!

They were conserving the principles declared in the founding of the nation. Thus they were then what they are today: CONSERVATIVES! Who are people who ADVOCATE FOR INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY... OKA: Liberal.

Now of course that is the literal meaning of the word. And you need to imply the colloquial meaning..., which comes as a result of the hijacking of the word, by the Ideological Left... who represent and otherwise advocate for the antithesis of Individual liberty.

But in your defense you do so because you lack the objectivity required to reason soundly... thus demonstrating your separation from the Spirit of God.

Which is in keeping with the Ideological Left... OKA: The means by which evil is advanced, politically.

You just played an entire game of twister by yourself in one post. Nice!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(And I want ya to know, that it's clear to me that you're doing the very BEST you can.)

Best? I didn't even have to try.
It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.

Sorry, you are wrong, at the time the Constitution was created the entire world had slavery, Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with the express purpose of limiting and then ending the slave trade with Africa, the ones selling the slaves, and then leaving the amendment process for future generations to try to end the European and african practice in the future. Try reading the history of the founding sometime......
Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Keep denying it Gomer.
You won't discuss it at all because it would blow up your entire premise.

I just explained your purpose and the concept moron. You don't want to admit it because you are trying to smear modern "conservatives" with slavery, something they wouldn't have supported back then and don't support now, and who in fact support the exact opposite....freedom and liberty for all people regardless of color. You are also trying to hide the slave holding and racist past of the democrats and the fact that the modern democrat party is still the heart and home of racism in this country.
she actually, and no i did not.

she just did not have the maturity needed to handle being middle management. and that position was a pressure cooker.

as was demonstrated by the fact that she got fired within a couple of months.

So the person you didn't want failed. Hmmmmm....

Come on guy, I've been around the block a few times and know how sleazy office politics are.

Those laws you whine about are because there are people like you out there.
which would be an effective end of the second amendment.

and this would be a bad thing, why?

btw, those gun store owners, they would certainly be political prisoners and this country would have taken a big step to teh dem dream of the us as a third world shithole.

Not at all. Every other industrialized democracy limits private gun ownership, and they are freer than we are.

As for the gun store owners, I think whenever they whine about being political prisoners, we show autopsy photos of the people their guns KILL. Especially the kids.

No one is going to mistake them for MLK.
With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check......

then the background check was inadequate.

Hey, here's the thing. Today a bunch of stores agreed to stop selling confederate flags.

How can we get a Flag banned and not guns?
It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Keep denying it Gomer.
You won't discuss it at all because it would blow up your entire premise.

I just explained your purpose and the concept moron. You don't want to admit it because you are trying to smear modern "conservatives" with slavery, something they wouldn't have supported back then and don't support now, and who in fact support the exact opposite....freedom and liberty for all people regardless of color. You are also trying to hide the slave holding and racist past of the democrats and the fact that the modern democrat party is still the heart and home of racism in this country.

Look around the threads Gomer. It isn't liberals showing support for the flag.
With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check......

then the background check was inadequate.

Hey, here's the thing. Today a bunch of stores agreed to stop selling confederate flags.

How can we get a Flag banned and not guns?

Flags don't save lives........and can' show how a background check would have stopped this shooting, other crimes or the other mass shooters....background checks cannot stop criminals, they did't stop criminals historically in Weimar Germany and they won't stop them today.

You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.

Sorry, you are wrong, at the time the Constitution was created the entire world had slavery, Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with the express purpose of limiting and then ending the slave trade with Africa, the ones selling the slaves, and then leaving the amendment process for future generations to try to end the European and african practice in the future. Try reading the history of the founding sometime......

Express purpose according to who? And of course, you've just moved your goal post. As we weren't discussing the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. But instead, the Declaration of Independence. Do try and keep up.

Its gonna be hard to argue that 'all men' included slaves when both the author of the Declaration and the nation he wrote it for were dependent on slave labor.
Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.

Sorry, you are wrong, at the time the Constitution was created the entire world had slavery, Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with the express purpose of limiting and then ending the slave trade with Africa, the ones selling the slaves, and then leaving the amendment process for future generations to try to end the European and african practice in the future. Try reading the history of the founding sometime......

Express purpose according to who? And of course, you've just moved your goal post. As we weren't discussing the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. But instead, the Declaration of Independence. Do try and keep up.

Its gonna be hard to argue that 'all men' included slaves when both the author of the Declaration and the nation he wrote it for were dependent on slave labor.

have you read the Declaration of Independence should read that first part of our founding wouldn't post dumb things if had...

and only the southern states were dependent on slave labor......even when they came democrats....
Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.

Sorry, you are wrong, at the time the Constitution was created the entire world had slavery, Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with the express purpose of limiting and then ending the slave trade with Africa, the ones selling the slaves, and then leaving the amendment process for future generations to try to end the European and african practice in the future. Try reading the history of the founding sometime......

Express purpose according to who? And of course, you've just moved your goal post. As we weren't discussing the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. But instead, the Declaration of Independence. Do try and keep up.

Its gonna be hard to argue that 'all men' included slaves when both the author of the Declaration and the nation he wrote it for were dependent on slave labor.

Sounds familiar. Hmm.... must have forgotten the founding principals of our country.....

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Slavery was here before the Europeans arrived, the Europeans and Africans brought slaves here and in our founding document we repudiated he practice....and it took us over 100 years to get rid of it and we did it by defeating the democrats and freeing the slaves....while slavery continues in Africa to this day... you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Clearly not 'all men'. As the man that wrote it owned slaves and an entire plantation. With the declaration written for a nation that itself had systematic slavery. Lead overwhelmingly by slave owners.

All of which is an incontrovertible fact. Jefferson's actions demonstrate a very different meaning to those words than you're claiming.

Sorry, you are wrong, at the time the Constitution was created the entire world had slavery, Constitution and Bill of Rights were written with the express purpose of limiting and then ending the slave trade with Africa, the ones selling the slaves, and then leaving the amendment process for future generations to try to end the European and african practice in the future. Try reading the history of the founding sometime......

Express purpose according to who? And of course, you've just moved your goal post. As we weren't discussing the Constitution or the Bill of Rights. But instead, the Declaration of Independence. Do try and keep up.

Its gonna be hard to argue that 'all men' included slaves when both the author of the Declaration and the nation he wrote it for were dependent on slave labor.

have you read the Declaration of Independence should read that first part of our founding wouldn't post dumb things if had...

and only the southern states were dependent on slave labor......even when they came democrats....

Then show me where in the Declaration of Independence it denounces slavery or calls slaves equal to all men.

You can't. As the Declaration of Independence includes no such passages. Nor does it codify such beliefs. As the writer of the Declaration was himself a slave owner. And the nation he was writing it for was dependent on slave labor. 'All men' did not include slaves. Nor was ever intended to.

So much for your 'express purpose'.
yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

In fact..if democrats hadn't fought and killed to keep slavery we would have ended it much earlier.....another reason to dislike he democrat party.
yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

In fact..if democrats hadn't fought and killed to keep slavery we would have ended it much earlier.....another reason to dislike he democrat party.

yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

In fact..if democrats hadn't fought and killed to keep slavery we would have ended it much earlier.....another reason to dislike he democrat party.

Moron, conservatives resist change and fight to keep "proud traditions". Liberals fight for change. Yes Dems fought to keep slavery. Conservative Dems. Freeing the slaves was the liberal thing to do. The Repub liberals.
That is not what exists today. Please stop. I have no more embarassment to lend you.

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