Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

In fact..if democrats hadn't fought and killed to keep slavery we would have ended it much earlier.....another reason to dislike he democrat party.

Moron, conservatives resist change and fight to keep "proud traditions". Liberals fight for change. Yes Dems fought to keep slavery. Conservative Dems. Freeing the slaves was the liberal thing to do. The Repub liberals.
That is not what exists today. Please stop. I have no more embarassment to lend you.

Yes, Modern American Conservatives fight to keep the traditions of the Bill of Rights and the the Republicans fought for freedom back in the Civil War and we fight for freedom now....and both times we had to fight against democrats......
The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you've always been for taking down that racist symbol right?

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The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you've always been for taking down that racist symbol right?

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Lol...I am sure he has commented on how bad removong the confederate flag is....HYPOCRITE alert
The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you've always been for taking down that racist symbol right?

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I live in Illinois, I never gave it much thought, then again I am not a racist democrat so I have no love for that flag......
The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you want that flag removed too?

Yes....I posted earlier that I did. We need to take down that symbol of democrat racism, put there by democrat Governor Fritz Hollings....
The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you want that flag removed too?

Yes....I posted earlier that I did. We need to take down that symbol of democrat racism, put there by democrat Governor Fritz Hollings....
Ok. Then why are the conservative teapers in SC the ones who oppose taking it down? (And I am nit disagreeing with you about the democrat hate)
Where is the actual hard evidence pointing to the suspect's guilt?

--Have any of the living witnesses come forward to identify Roof as the gunman they saw in the church? No.

--Can the slugs and shell casings found in the church be linked back to the gun seized from Roof via ballistics evidence? Haven't seen it.

--Did they recover gunshot residue (GSR) on Roof''s hands or clothing? Haven't seen it.

--Were his fingerprints found on the gun/mags/ammo? Haven't seen it.

--Did the suspect confess? CNN claims he did, based on two anonymous LE sources. Yeah, anonymous sources, which aren't worth very much. So why don't they show us the videotaped confession? Probably because there is no confession to hear.

--What about the photo stills of the suspect allegedly outside the church and his car at the scene? Those photos could have been from a different time and location, for all we know. And even if they are real, it might be evidence he was there, but that's not evidence he committed a mass shooting.

I like this guy. I really like this guy.


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the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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The battle flag of the Republican party and the United States of America...

The battle flag of the democrat party and the Confederate States of America...the slave owning states....

So you've always been for taking down that racist symbol right?

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Besides...the democrat racism we have to deal with comes from the racist democrats in Chicago who prevent black children from getting a good education that would change their lives, by forcing them to stay in democrat controlled public schools

Bill clintons friend orval faubus stood in the school house doors in Arkansas to keep black children out...when the schools were good, and now bill clinton's friends rahm emanuel and their democrat union allies stand in the school house door to keep black children in bad schools....
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
how does that flag hurt blacks and liberals? I don't get it. Its a symbol of heritage for the south. What hurts blacks a MILLION times more is liberal policies and institutions like welfare and public schools!
liberals are so ass backwards. Instead of looking at the real reason for bad outcomes they go for the feel good "easy" so-called "solutions", which solve nothing.
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
Why not show their moral support for the cause you claim they got beaten with sticks for? It surely couldn't hurt.

I await your answer.

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how does that flag hurt blacks and liberals? I don't get it. Its a symbol of heritage for the south. What hurts blacks a MILLION times more is liberal policies and institutions like welfare and public schools!
Explain the heritage as you understand it.

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liberals are so ass backwards. Instead of looking at the real reason for bad outcomes they go for the feel good "easy" so-called "solutions", which solve nothing.
You and your ilk forever moan and complain about "race relations got worse" why not start the healing by removing that racist symbol that hurts so many millions of people? Keep it on your trucks and in your backyards if you must, but for God's sake take that wretched flag off guvment property!

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Flags don't save lives........and can' show how a background check would have stopped this shooting, other crimes or the other mass shooters....background checks cannot stop criminals, they did't stop criminals historically in Weimar Germany and they won't stop them today.

Actually, Conneticutt imposed background checks and got a 40% reduction in the crime rate. Meanwhile Missouri revoked background checks and their murder rate spiked.

We found out who this guy was within a DAY of the shooting. We found out he was a virulant racist who had been busted for drug possession and stalking.

Oddly, it just seems like the gun sellers are the guys who can't figure this out.
how does that flag hurt blacks and liberals? I don't get it. Its a symbol of heritage for the south. What hurts blacks a MILLION times more is liberal policies and institutions like welfare and public schools!

yes, because Blacks were doing so well before public schools and welfare.

Oh, no, they weren't.

Yes, it's symbol of the South. "We're racist, we're mean and we're stupid". That's what it's a symbol of.

Definitely time to take it down.
Flags don't save lives........and can' show how a background check would have stopped this shooting, other crimes or the other mass shooters....background checks cannot stop criminals, they did't stop criminals historically in Weimar Germany and they won't stop them today.

Actually, Conneticutt imposed background checks and got a 40% reduction in the crime rate. Meanwhile Missouri revoked background checks and their murder rate spiked.

We found out who this guy was within a DAY of the shooting. We found out he was a virulant racist who had been busted for drug possession and stalking.

Oddly, it just seems like the gun sellers are the guys who can't figure this out.

Sorry, that has already been shown to be wrong.....try to keep up.....and Missouri too......we found out who he was because the guy let himself be captured on the security video at the murder scene you ever engage your brain before you post....

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