Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

It's been almost a week. Has Roof even been formally charged yet? How did he plead? What is the name of his defense lawyer?

Roof has had an Extradition Hearing in Shelby and a Bond Hearing in Charleston. But still nothing about his Arraignment Hearing, where he is formally charged with his crimes. It is inconceivable to me that they would allow Roof NOT to have a lawyer, to avoid any future controversy about lack of legal counsel.

You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

Were they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.
He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

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Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.
yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

In fact..if democrats hadn't fought and killed to keep slavery we would have ended it much earlier.....another reason to dislike he democrat party.
We had to put down a bunch of self-proclaimed Conservatives who waved the Confederate battle flag in order to get to a point where we could end slavery. Still had and have to fight the remaining racist policies and institutions it left behind.

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the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
Why not show their moral support for the cause you claim they got beaten with sticks for? It surely couldn't hurt.

I await your answer.

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The republican party deserved to be there, the democrat party definitely should have been there to apologize for what members of their party did to the original marchers....why more republicans didn't go...probably they are so used to being lied about their intentions that they didn't want it to detract from the event....the democrats in the media smear the actual party of Civil Rights, the republicans every chance they get...and being politicians they take the path of least resistance,when they should be calling out the democrats for the racists they are....

In fact, Tuesday, Retired Colonel Allen West did just that...he was on the Dan and Amy radio show here in Chicago and called that flag the democrat flag and brought up the racist history of the democrat party......the history of slavery, jim crow and the kkk......but republican leadership today is filled with guys too used to living in D.C.

We need more Allen Wests......
So you admit that the Republicans royally messed up by not attending the recent commemorate march in Selma for the 50th anniversary of that horrible event that took place there. However, you lacked the honesty in your ASSumption that it was due to their fear of the media why almost none of the entire GOP didn't attend. When in fact, the more honest assumption would be that they opted out of attending in order to placate their mostly racist rightwing and self-proclaimed conservative base.

You've proven to be the definition of dishonesty throughout this entire thread.

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"The drumbeat of "take our country back" became the clarion call for white, conservative Republican candidates trying to procure the Republican nomination for president in 2012, including the Mormon, Mitt Romney. And exactly whom were these gladiators of politics trying to wrest their country back from; a foreigner, a communist, a socialist, or worse, a terrorist? Why, no. The country was and is in danger from that duly elected, twice now, black president rumored to be a Muslim and of course not American. The idiocy of those claims do not deserve recounting or even addressing."
The only good thing about this is that it will go down in history as a stain on the self-proclaimed Conservative Republican party.

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yes..."all men" is pretty easy to understand.....of course you nuts can't even read the 2nd Amen,net without lying about it....

And your tell. Most posters have one. Yours is random accusations of lying. We're not even discussing the 2nd amendment......yet you start babbling about 'lies' about it. You're running, desperately trying to change the topic.

If your argument had merit, you wouldn't have to flee.

The entire world at the time was dependent on slave labor....our founding document created a country where all men were believed to be created equal........and because of the legacy of slavery from Africa and Europe it took us 100 years to end slavery...we also had to shoot a bunch of democrats when they wanted to keep blacks as slaves....

Our founding fathers didn't include slaves in that conception of liberty, freedom and equality. You can pretend otherwise. But all the slavery contradicts your assumption.

You can't get around that.
fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
Why not show their moral support for the cause you claim they got beaten with sticks for? It surely couldn't hurt.

I await your answer.

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The republican party deserved to be there, the democrat party definitely should have been there to apologize for what members of their party did to the original marchers....why more republicans didn't go...probably they are so used to being lied about their intentions that they didn't want it to detract from the event....the democrats in the media smear the actual party of Civil Rights, the republicans every chance they get...and being politicians they take the path of least resistance,when they should be calling out the democrats for the racists they are....

In fact, Tuesday, Retired Colonel Allen West did just that...he was on the Dan and Amy radio show here in Chicago and called that flag the democrat flag and brought up the racist history of the democrat party......the history of slavery, jim crow and the kkk......but republican leadership today is filled with guys too used to living in D.C.

We need more Allen Wests......
So you admit that the Republicans royally messed up by not attending the recent commemorate march in Selma for the 50th anniversary of that horrible event that took place there. However, you lacked the honesty in your ASSumption that it was due to their fear of the media why almost none of the entire GOP didn't attend. When in fact, the more honest assumption would be that they opted out of attending in order to placate their mostly racist rightwing and self-proclaimed conservative base.

You've proven to be the definition of dishonesty throughout this entire thread.

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All this conservative posturing on race is meaningless jibberjabber. As they aren't making any significant inroads with minorities. The only people they are convincing....are themselves.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
Why not show their moral support for the cause you claim they got beaten with sticks for? It surely couldn't hurt.

I await your answer.

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The republican party deserved to be there, the democrat party definitely should have been there to apologize for what members of their party did to the original marchers....why more republicans didn't go...probably they are so used to being lied about their intentions that they didn't want it to detract from the event....the democrats in the media smear the actual party of Civil Rights, the republicans every chance they get...and being politicians they take the path of least resistance,when they should be calling out the democrats for the racists they are....

In fact, Tuesday, Retired Colonel Allen West did just that...he was on the Dan and Amy radio show here in Chicago and called that flag the democrat flag and brought up the racist history of the democrat party......the history of slavery, jim crow and the kkk......but republican leadership today is filled with guys too used to living in D.C.

We need more Allen Wests......
So you admit that the Republicans royally messed up by not attending the recent commemorate march in Selma for the 50th anniversary of that horrible event that took place there. However, you lacked the honesty in your ASSumption that it was due to their fear of the media why almost none of the entire GOP didn't attend. When in fact, the more honest assumption would be that they opted out of attending in order to placate their mostly racist rightwing and self-proclaimed conservative base.

You've proven to be the definition of dishonesty throughout this entire thread.

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All this conservative posturing on race is meaningless jibberjabber. As they aren't making any significant inroads with minorities. The only people they are convincing....are themselves.

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And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one.

And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one. was a battle flag of South Carolina.....the governors of South Carolina before and during the Civil War were all democrats.......all of them...when the military units of that state fought to keep slavery...

I Don't think any republicans fought under that flag....

List of Governors of South Carolina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They were all proud self-proclaimed Conservatives.

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I know you guys are trying to smear the word Conservative with slavery but conserve is a word that means

1. to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of:

The racist democrats in the south were trying to conserve "prevent the loss of" the practice of slavery........the Republicans at the time were trying to Conserve the founding principals of our country that all men were created equal with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....That helped create our nation in 1776, over 100 years before yes, the Republicans were trying to conserve the founding prinicpals by freeing the slaves....

you assholes are trying to make a verb into a noun to smear your enemies with something they didn't do.........

The people who fought under the racist democrat flag were democrats....and keep lying and smearing good people to preserve your political power.........the internet is making it impossible for you to keep it up......
All this conservative posturing on race is meaningless jibberjabber. As they aren't making any significant inroads with minorities.
When liberals present minorities with their "vote for us and we'll give you free stuff" schtick, what do you expect?

And look at the cities where that has been the guiding practice of minority communities, Chicago, Detroit, D.C., Baltimore, Los Angeles......and the destruction the racism of the democrats has created......
He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

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Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

We, the Americans: OKA: Conservatives, AKA: Abolitionists... oppose Islam, which TODAY is enslaving human beings all over the world.

And this as the Ideological Left PROTESTS FOR THE RIGHT of Islam to institute Sharia Law right here IN THE US.

But hey... such IS after all, the nature of evil.
All this conservative posturing on race is meaningless jibberjabber. As they aren't making any significant inroads with minorities.
When liberals present minorities with their "vote for us and we'll give you free stuff" schtick, what do you expect?

With the 'vote for us and we'll give you free stuff' shtick being another line that conservatives tell themselves.

Guys....does it ever occur to you that convincing each other of bumperstick slogans that you made up has no relevance to the outside world? Its not fellow conservatives you have to convince. Its the liberals, moderates and independents. You know....the majority.

And overwhelmingly, they're not buying your bullshit.
All this conservative posturing on race is meaningless jibberjabber. As they aren't making any significant inroads with minorities.
When liberals present minorities with their "vote for us and we'll give you free stuff" schtick, what do you expect?

And look at the cities where that has been the guiding practice of minority communities, Chicago, Detroit, D.C., Baltimore, Los Angeles......and the destruction the racism of the democrats has created......
One State Mississippi another state Kansas ....'Nuff said..........
When liberals present minorities with their "vote for us and we'll give you free stuff" schtick, what do you expect?
when the 1 percent tells fools like you to bend over and assume the position you say "thank you sir and may I have another one
Says the mindless partisan bigot, happy in his role as the useful idiot.

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