Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

how does that flag hurt blacks and liberals? I don't get it. Its a symbol of heritage for the south. What hurts blacks a MILLION times more is liberal policies and institutions like welfare and public schools!

yes, because Blacks were doing so well before public schools and welfare.

Oh, no, they weren't.

Yes, it's symbol of the South. "We're racist, we're mean and we're stupid". That's what it's a symbol of.

Definitely time to take it down.

Actually the black family was in better shape before the democrat racist "Great Society" campaign to buy their votes.....and now that the public schools suck after years of democrat union control, they won't let black children escape from them.
Sorry, that has already been shown to be wrong.....try to keep up.....and Missouri too......we found out who he was because the guy let himself be captured on the security video at the murder scene you ever engage your brain before you post....

Obviously, you missed the point.
The Media found out within a day he was a racist.
They found out within a day he had been busted for stalking employees at a mall
they found out within a day that he had been busted for drug possession.

But the guy was still able to buy a gun. Not his dad buying him a gun. He walked into a gun store, and he bought a gun. Because no one bothered to find out who he was before h e killed anyone.
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


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They were there when it actually meant something...when they were being shot at and killed by democrats in the Civil War....close to 250,000 died freeing the slaves....and then after the war the Republicans were there shedding blood again to protect the newly freed slaves from the racist democrat kkk and their politial allies.....and passing the civil rights acts that protected the rights of blacks when the democrats used bombs, night sticks, fire hoses and lynching to keep blacks down...

So after all the real work is it odd that now the democrats walked across that bridge....? Considering they were the ones beating people the first time around....
Why not show their moral support for the cause you claim they got beaten with sticks for? It surely couldn't hurt.

I await your answer.

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The republican party deserved to be there, the democrat party definitely should have been there to apologize for what members of their party did to the original marchers....why more republicans didn't go...probably they are so used to being lied about their intentions that they didn't want it to detract from the event....the democrats in the media smear the actual party of Civil Rights, the republicans every chance they get...and being politicians they take the path of least resistance,when they should be calling out the democrats for the racists they are....

In fact, Tuesday, Retired Colonel Allen West did just that...he was on the Dan and Amy radio show here in Chicago and called that flag the democrat flag and brought up the racist history of the democrat party......the history of slavery, jim crow and the kkk......but republican leadership today is filled with guys too used to living in D.C.

We need more Allen Wests......
Actually the black family was in better shape before the democrat racist "Great Society" campaign to buy their votes.....and now that the public schools suck after years of democrat union control, they won't let black children escape from them.

It must be nice to live in your own Hate Radio filled universe.

You obviously haven't met any black people who grew up before the Great Society.
Sorry, that has already been shown to be wrong.....try to keep up.....and Missouri too......we found out who he was because the guy let himself be captured on the security video at the murder scene you ever engage your brain before you post....

Obviously, you missed the point.
The Media found out within a day he was a racist.
They found out within a day he had been busted for stalking employees at a mall
they found out within a day that he had been busted for drug possession.

But the guy was still able to buy a gun. Not his dad buying him a gun. He walked into a gun store, and he bought a gun. Because no one bothered to find out who he was before h e killed anyone.

And he went through the background check to get it....and if you had "universal" background checks he would have gone through that as well and if you had gun registration it wouldn't have mattered because he didn't care if he broke that law...and if you had magazine limits, it didn't matter because he used a pistol and reloaded repeatedly...and no one rushed him to stop not one of the new extreme gun laws you preach at us about would have stopped this mass shooting....not one......not universal background checks, gun registration, or magazine limits..........

the thing that worked...they arrested him and will now lock him up for life...hopefully they will execute him.....
Actually the black family was in better shape before the democrat racist "Great Society" campaign to buy their votes.....and now that the public schools suck after years of democrat union control, they won't let black children escape from them.

It must be nice to live in your own Hate Radio filled universe.

You obviously haven't met any black people who grew up before the Great Society.

I here about their lives and their murders every day here in Chicago.........thanks to a city controlled by democrats for generations......

Nice picture of a democrat racist...a bit much but it captures the spirit of the modern democrat party......
liberals are so ass backwards. Instead of looking at the real reason for bad outcomes they go for the feel good "easy" so-called "solutions", which solve nothing.
You and your ilk forever moan and complain about "race relations got worse" why not start the healing by removing that racist symbol that hurts so many millions of people? Keep it on your trucks and in your backyards if you must, but for God's sake take that wretched flag off guvment property!

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I agree...and the democrat party should dissolve itself and start with something is also a living symbol of racism, slavery, lynching, poll taxes, literacy tests, the kkk, and jim crow........if the flag must be removed, then the democrat party that fought and killed under that flag to preserve slavery must also be removed from polite, civil society.

Don't you agree?
And he went through the background check to get it....and if you had "universal" background checks he would have gone through that as well and if you had gun registration it wouldn't have mattered because he didn't care if he broke that law...and if you had magazine limits, it didn't matter because he used a pistol and reloaded repeatedly...and no one rushed him to stop not one of the new extreme gun laws you preach at us about would have stopped this mass shooting....not one......not universal background checks, gun registration, or magazine limits..........

the thing that worked...they arrested him and will now lock him up for life...hopefully they will execute him.....

You logic is circular. You are saying background checks don't work because the NRA has made sure that they don't have access to all the information they need.

It shouldn't be on the government to make sure that every criminal and crazy person is listed, it should be on the gun industry to make sure they aren't selling to nuts.

Point being, before a company hires someone, they do a background check. They find out about your finances, they find out about your previous jobs, they find out about your criminal record. They call a couple of you friends and find out what kind of guy you are.

Had ANY of these things been done with Roof, red flags would have been raised.
“This is the beginning of communism,” said Robert Lampley, who was standing in the blazing sun in front of the South Carolina State House shortly after the legislature voted overwhelmingly to debate the current placement of the Confederate battle flag. “The South is the last bastion of liberty and independence. I know we’re going to lose eventually.”

The South is Republican because of voters who think like the man above....
"The drumbeat of "take our country back" became the clarion call for white, conservative Republican candidates trying to procure the Republican nomination for president in 2012, including the Mormon, Mitt Romney. And exactly whom were these gladiators of politics trying to wrest their country back from; a foreigner, a communist, a socialist, or worse, a terrorist? Why, no. The country was and is in danger from that duly elected, twice now, black president rumored to be a Muslim and of course not American. The idiocy of those claims do not deserve recounting or even addressing."
how does that flag hurt blacks and liberals? I don't get it. Its a symbol of heritage for the south. What hurts blacks a MILLION times more is liberal policies and institutions like welfare and public schools!

yes, because Blacks were doing so well before public schools and welfare.

Oh, no, they weren't.

Yes, it's symbol of the South. "We're racist, we're mean and we're stupid". That's what it's a symbol of.

Definitely time to take it down.

Actually the black family was in better shape before the democrat racist "Great Society" campaign to buy their votes.....and now that the public schools suck after years of democrat union control, they won't let black children escape from them.

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"The drumbeat of "take our country back" became the clarion call for white, conservative Republican candidates trying to procure the Republican nomination for president in 2012, including the Mormon, Mitt Romney. And exactly whom were these gladiators of politics trying to wrest their country back from; a foreigner, a communist, a socialist, or worse, a terrorist? Why, no. The country was and is in danger from that duly elected, twice now, black president rumored to be a Muslim and of course not American. The idiocy of those claims do not deserve recounting or even addressing."

From the other party dipshit, the ones who won the last Presidential election....just like the democrats say they want to take the country back from the republicans when the republicans win.....

Nice picture of a democrat racist...a bit much but it captures the spirit of the modern democrat party......
the Confederate cause was white supremacy same as today's GOP.....that is why folks like you are desperate to disenfranchise Blacks...

We don't want to disenfranchise blacks......I know that is the democrat talking point to keep their 95% black voting rate for racist democrats......but you only get away with spreading that lie because of your democrats in the media repeating it......

If you nuts had to deal with a fair and objective media trying to hold both parties to account, you wouldn't be able to do anything.........
Those victims families show all you liberals what true Christianity is.
I'm not a believer but God bless all of them
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


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Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

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Ernest Hollings was last a Governor in 1963...52 years ago

And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
Then how come the only ones that have been defending the racist symbol are Republicans and conservatives?

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Ernest Hollings was last a Governor in 1963...52 years ago

And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one.

Ernest Hollings was last a Governor in 1963...52 years ago

And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one. was a battle flag of South Carolina.....the governors of South Carolina before and during the Civil War were all democrats.......all of them...when the military units of that state fought to keep slavery...

I Don't think any republicans fought under that flag....

List of Governors of South Carolina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They were all proud self-proclaimed Conservatives.

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Nice picture of a democrat racist...a bit much but it captures the spirit of the modern democrat party......
the Confederate cause was white supremacy same as today's GOP.....that is why folks like you are desperate to disenfranchise Blacks...

We don't want to disenfranchise blacks......I know that is the democrat talking point to keep their 95% black voting rate for racist democrats......but you only get away with spreading that lie because of your democrats in the media repeating it......

If you nuts had to deal with a fair and objective media trying to hold both parties to account, you wouldn't be able to do anything.........
Of course you want to disenfranchise Blacks/Mexicans/Asians etc. The problem is that we are made of sterner stuff than you can muster without coming right out and declaring your desire that this be a country for whites only. You cant hold Blacks back if you tried. You can only slow the progress. As that realization dawns on you, your shrill screams of white supremacy get louder and louder.
It's all just your opinion. A lunatic opinion at that.
Take a class, educate yourself. Step away from the internet and take a class or two at your local community college. It will do wonders for your personal growth.


You're using the word "education" even as you seek to deflect from incontrovertible facts, which are listed for your consideration?


Incontrovertable to you and your admittedly slower brother.
The subject at hand ,that was convieniently moved to modern liberal "racists", was the ideology of the actors during the CW. Let's tackle one subject at a time and stick to the subject at hand.

the ideology of the actors during the CW. you can lie......

the democrats in the south were fighting and killing to "Conserve" the institution of slavery.......the Republicans at the time were fighting to defend and "Conserve" the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which guarantee "liberty" for all people......

Keep trying to change "conserve" to smear current Conseratives you lying piece of shit.....

Actually... Abolition was centered upon the "Charter of American Principle"... OKA: The Declaration of Independence.

And that is because it established the principles that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL... that we get our rights from GOD... and that because of that NO MAN IS SUPERIOR OR INFERIOR TO ANOTHER, BEFORE GOD, thus it follows that NO MAN is in a position to 'own' another.

Now if you want to stay busy for the rest of your life... spend your time looking for a Leftist that adheres to the Charter of American Principle.

Were they liberal or conservative?
Simple question.
He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

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