Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.
Those victims families show all you liberals what true Christianity is.
I'm not a believer but God bless all of them
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


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Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

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You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Those victims families show all you liberals what true Christianity is.
I'm not a believer but God bless all of them
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one.

That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

That was a democrat flag put up by democrat governor Fritz can lie and lie all day long...but the truth is coming out about the real racists...the democrats......
I guess this is where I need a link from you to prove it was a democratic symbol and not a racist one. was a battle flag of South Carolina.....the governors of South Carolina before and during the Civil War were all democrats.......all of them...when the military units of that state fought to keep slavery...

I Don't think any republicans fought under that flag....

List of Governors of South Carolina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
They were all proud self-proclaimed Conservatives.

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I know you guys are trying to smear the word Conservative with slavery but conserve is a word that means

1. to prevent injury, decay, waste, or loss of:

The racist democrats in the south were trying to conserve "prevent the loss of" the practice of slavery........the Republicans at the time were trying to Conserve the founding principals of our country that all men were created equal with certain inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....That helped create our nation in 1776, over 100 years before yes, the Republicans were trying to conserve the founding prinicpals by freeing the slaves....

you assholes are trying to make a verb into a noun to smear your enemies with something they didn't do.........

The people who fought under the racist democrat flag were democrats....and keep lying and smearing good people to preserve your political power.........the internet is making it impossible for you to keep it up......
They were conservative then as soon you and your ilk are conservative today.

Noun, verb and/or whatever.

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he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.
That poster is a damn fool. The village idiot. A putz. A palooka. A clown. Basically, your average far rightwing radical reactionary Republican.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Actually the black family was in better shape before the democrat racist "Great Society" campaign to buy their votes.....and now that the public schools suck after years of democrat union control, they won't let black children escape from them.

It must be nice to live in your own Hate Radio filled universe.

You obviously haven't met any black people who grew up before the Great Society.

hate radio was air america. hate tv is bill maher, jon stewart etc.. and cnn msnbc etc etc.. huff post
he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.
That poster is a damn fool. The village idiot. A putz. A palooka. A clown. Basically, your average far rightwing radical reactionary Republican.

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Many in Nation Tired of Explaining Things to Idiots - The New Yorker

a majority said that trying to make idiots understand why a flag that symbolizes bigotry and hatred has no business flying over a state capitol only makes the person attempting to explain this want to put his or her fist through a wall.
Those victims families show all you liberals what true Christianity is.
I'm not a believer but God bless all of them
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How bout YOU point out why it matters in the United States in 2015....

All you idiots are run by your emotions.

Pro tip: Most Americans don't give a flying fuck about shit from 1 to 4 lifetimes ago. You can continue to dwell in the past while the rest of the country moves forward.
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How bout YOU point out why it matters in the United States in 2015....

All you idiots are run by your emotions.

Pro tip: Most Americans don't give a flying fuck about shit from 1 to 4 lifetimes ago. You can continue to dwell in the past while the rest of the country moves forward.
Whining over the destruction of a loser flag from the 1800's is not exactly moving on.
He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

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Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

We, the Americans: OKA: Conservatives, AKA: Abolitionists... oppose Islam, which TODAY is enslaving human beings all over the world.

And this as the Ideological Left PROTESTS FOR THE RIGHT of Islam to institute Sharia Law right here IN THE US.

But hey... such IS after all, the nature of evil.

You didn't answer either.

Well that's Relativism... for ya! It's D E L U S I O N A L ! ! !
he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.
That poster is a damn fool. The village idiot. A putz. A palooka. A clown. Basically, your average far rightwing radical reactionary Republican.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk



The Mid-18th Century called and they're PISSED that you're dragging up a thoroughly discredited, fabricated, utterly baseless deflection.
He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

We, the Americans: OKA: Conservatives, AKA: Abolitionists... oppose Islam, which TODAY is enslaving human beings all over the world.

And this as the Ideological Left PROTESTS FOR THE RIGHT of Islam to institute Sharia Law right here IN THE US.

But hey... such IS after all, the nature of evil.

You didn't answer either.

Well that's Relativism... for ya! It's D E L U S I O N A L ! ! !

We're the abolistionists liberal or conservative and why ?
he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

All Rush Limbaugh asked is what in the FUCK the Confederate Flag has to do with the murder of 9 Christians who were sitting in their house of worship studying the scriptures... .

The answer to which is NADA, Zilch, Zero, Zip... .

The problem is that Beck got down there ahead of Sharpton, shut down the Democrat Spring operation by focusing the issue upon the Christian faith, gutting Sharpton's appeal to hate and his mission to get the Charleston riots going.
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He can't answer that question, not honestly at least.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

We, the Americans: OKA: Conservatives, AKA: Abolitionists... oppose Islam, which TODAY is enslaving human beings all over the world.

And this as the Ideological Left PROTESTS FOR THE RIGHT of Islam to institute Sharia Law right here IN THE US.

But hey... such IS after all, the nature of evil.

You didn't answer either.

Well that's Relativism... for ya! It's D E L U S I O N A L ! ! !

We're the abolistionists liberal or conservative and why ?

ONCE AGAIN... Let's Review:

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.
what color where these Christians


What COLOR WERE THEY? Your concern was the color of their skin; which is to ask: "What RACE WERE THEY?"



Now Reader, the term 'Racist'...

That is rooted in "Race", Right?

So for someone to BE a Racist, they'd first need to look at people through the prism of Race, Right?

And that would-be "contributor"... Now they're only concern is what? It's Race, Right?


So given that the would-be 'contributor' is only focused on Race, then by definition, it appears that what we have here... is a fuckin' RACIST!

Now clown, was THAT what you were going for? Or did you want to spend some more time speaking to the color of the skin of those murdered by a person who stated the same goals as those developed at Columbia University... from where obama graduated, and initiated by mass-murdering cop killers Bill Ayers and his wife Bernardine Rae Dohrn, close personal friends and political allies of obama?
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