Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Nope. Not without blowing up his entire premise. It's funny that they think anyone buys their crap. There aren't even any cons dumb enough to jump to their defense.

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

We, the Americans: OKA: Conservatives, AKA: Abolitionists... oppose Islam, which TODAY is enslaving human beings all over the world.

And this as the Ideological Left PROTESTS FOR THE RIGHT of Islam to institute Sharia Law right here IN THE US.

But hey... such IS after all, the nature of evil.

You didn't answer either.

Well that's Relativism... for ya! It's D E L U S I O N A L ! ! !

We're the abolistionists liberal or conservative and why ?

ONCE AGAIN... Let's Review:

He did answer the question... He said that the Abolitionists sought to conserve respect for the principles set forth in the Charter of American Principles, wherein the self-evident truth that God endows all men with inalienable rights... that all men are equal before God, thus NO MAN is superior to another man, therefore no man is in a position to rightfully own another... .

Thus, Abolitionists were, are and will always BE Conservative.

Then why are conservatives defending the flag of slavers?
Yes, that's when your ilk likes blacks to be, simple, meek, mild and forgiving. Whenever we've had enough of the abuse and stand our ground, we suddenly are a danger to society, e.g. Malcolm X.


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Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How bout YOU point out why it matters in the United States in 2015....

All you idiots are run by your emotions.

Pro tip: Most Americans don't give a flying fuck about shit from 1 to 4 lifetimes ago. You can continue to dwell in the past while the rest of the country moves forward.
That's what I thought bigot.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Why do you put up with the democrats then......if you are actually black, why would you give 95% of your votes to a party that held your ancestors as slaves, used the klan and jim crow to keep you from voting, and when the Republicans finally helped you get that right, they changed their tactics and offered you addiction to government in return for votes.....?
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How bout YOU point out why it matters in the United States in 2015....

All you idiots are run by your emotions.

Pro tip: Most Americans don't give a flying fuck about shit from 1 to 4 lifetimes ago. You can continue to dwell in the past while the rest of the country moves forward.
That's what I thought bigot.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Not falling for your pitiful race baiting.
When are you going to be honest?

You know it was all self-proclaimed Conservatives that dry did those things.

Come clean or forget it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
You've cemented your appearance as a complete dumbfuck with this post. Fuck history you just wanna be an angry black woman trapped in a man's body.

Derp derp
Point out the error liar.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
How bout YOU point out why it matters in the United States in 2015....

All you idiots are run by your emotions.

Pro tip: Most Americans don't give a flying fuck about shit from 1 to 4 lifetimes ago. You can continue to dwell in the past while the rest of the country moves forward.
That's what I thought bigot.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Not falling for your pitiful race baiting.
Atta boy.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Late in the evening of the shooting, the cops had a description:

Charleston P.D. on Twitter Suspect in shooting on Calhoun St is a w m approx 21 slender small build wearing a grey sweat shirt blue jeans timberland boots clean shaven
Suspect in shooting on Calhoun St is a w/m approx 21 slender small build wearing a grey sweat shirt blue jeans timberland boots clean shaven

When the issue was raised as to how the cops already knew his age before any ID had been made, people pointed out that the cops probably got his car's license plate number from the church parking lot video to make the ID. But now they are saying the car had phony plates:

Radio 911 audio Bowl haircut led police to Charleston killer - Post and Courier
The South Carolina plates on the car Roof was driving turned out to be stolen from a 1995 Mazda out of Little River Inlet, according to radio communications.

So the question is raised again: how did they already know he was 21 before anybody IDed him(his father and uncle IDed him to cops the next morning, after the surveillance video stills had been released to the media)?
If you get a chance, watch Senator Tim Scott's Speech in the Senate on Wednesday re: the Charleston shootings. Very powerful.
he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.
Doing "The Charleston"

The Wingnustanis
blame "us" on the "Left"
its Obama's fault, too,
Flag thing ginned up by the "Left"
create racial divisiveness
in Southern paradise
racism in America
an insignificant problem
(if it exists at all)
brouhaha is all a big con
to smear "the cheesy grits" set
destroy our nation's peaceful, harmonious
post-racial society
Hell, it's not like "that flag"
was ever used to inflame
racial hatreds against "those people"
except when necessary
to protect the white race
the right never flaunted it
big librul lie a Leftist plot
that is why today
the right is going nuclear
doing the neutron dance

he's pretty stupid even by rabid rightwingnut standards

2aguy claims Rush Limbaugh is defending a democratic party symbol remarkably recalcitrant mouth breathing poltroon.....

Rusty is also auditioning to go up against Alex Jones and Glenn Beck in the Pay-For Hate Talk market once he has become too much of a liability for the Koch Brothers to keep bankrolling his terrestrial radio program.

that would be one of those things the rightwingnuts enjoy repeating. they pretend that they're still the party of lincoln when anyone normal and not a compulsive liar knows that all of the white supremacist kkk types ran away from the democratic party after the civil rights act.

the red color of all of the south proves that.... no matter how many times they tell the same goebbels lie.

You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

The democrat party is composed of all the racists in the country from la raza, the nation of islam to bill clinton, the violent rapist and his wife , to obama and his wife who attended a racist church for 20 years.........

the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....
the same folks who scream that Democrats are coddling the Negro with "free shit" are also screaming that the preferred party of someone like the Right wing neo confederate goofy gun nut who slaughtered 9 Blacks is the Democratic party...I bet that beats all you all ever saw...

fringe racist white hate groups have no love for the gop.

and why should they?

the gop has been pro-civil rights the whole way back, and up to present day.
If the GOP is so pro civil-rights then why were they practically absent for that recent commemorate march in Selma?


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

tell it to gwbush.
You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

Seriously, guy, what fucking deranged ass home School did you learn this at?

Okay, here's what REALLY happened. The Blacks started voting majority for the Democrats in 1932, the first time teh Republicans really fucked up the economy. But a good Republican could stil get a decent amount of the black vote. Eisenhower got 36% of the African American vote in 1956. Richard Nixon got 30% in 1960.

Then your boy Barry Goldwater came along and he got a whopping 6% of the black vote because he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Yes, some decent republicans supported it, but Barry did the damage.

Now, if the GOP had learned from that, they wouldn't be in the state they are now. Instead, they doubled down, starting with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of trying to pick up the disaffected whites who left the Democrats after LBJ supported Civil rights.

That continued with Reagan's "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" and Bush-41's "Willie Horton" ads. The GOP made a decision to play on white fears instead of making a sincere effort to get the black vote, and in that time period (1968-1988), the GOP only broke into the double digits with black vote once, with Reagan getting a whopping 11% in 1984. But since minority voters were only 15% of the electorate, it didn't matter.

Today they are about 30% of the electorate, but the damage has been done.

but you retards really think, "Hey, we want you guys to have freedom, so we are eliminating affirmative action and welfare so you can be extra-free!!!!"

No one is buying that.
Guys....does it ever occur to you that convincing each other of bumperstick slogans ...[sic]



And yet you agreeing with yourself or other conservatives don't really do much in liberal, moderate or independent circles. Conservatives have increasingly chosen the echo chamber over substantial engagement with people who don't think like they do.

we try. but you libs use the race card to shut down all debate, all the time.
the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....
First Black President ...Democrat
First Black Attorney General Democrat
First Black Female attorney General Democrat
In Congress all but two Black officials are Democrats
Percent of Black who vote the 90 s

Have you been drinking heavily?
GOP bwanas claiming they are not racist that the Democrats are...smell like desperation...Southern Strategy Willy Horton Lee Atwater you all
Cheesy grits grifters acting ugly

A predominately black church in North Carolina was intentionally set ablaze, authorities said. Charlotte fire officials are looking into whether Wednesday morning's arson at Briar Creek Baptist Church was a hate crime, NBC station WCNC reported. Al ... (NBC)
You don't realize that nixon pushed the civil rights act and that the Republicans supported the civil rights acts and desegregated the schools...the lie of the parties switching positions on race is just that .....a lie.....the democrats changed tactics....instead of trying to keep blacks from voting through poll taxes, literacy tests, lynchings and other violence, they realized that blacks would actually get the vote...and so moved to ensure they voted for their former slave masters....they bought their votes with government hand outs.....lbj initiated the Great Society to achieve that outcome.........

Seriously, guy, what fucking deranged ass home School did you learn this at?

Okay, here's what REALLY happened. The Blacks started voting majority for the Democrats in 1932, the first time teh Republicans really fucked up the economy. But a good Republican could stil get a decent amount of the black vote. Eisenhower got 36% of the African American vote in 1956. Richard Nixon got 30% in 1960.

Then your boy Barry Goldwater came along and he got a whopping 6% of the black vote because he opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Yes, some decent republicans supported it, but Barry did the damage.

Now, if the GOP had learned from that, they wouldn't be in the state they are now. Instead, they doubled down, starting with Nixon's "Southern Strategy" of trying to pick up the disaffected whites who left the Democrats after LBJ supported Civil rights.

That continued with Reagan's "Young Bucks" and "Welfare Queens" and Bush-41's "Willie Horton" ads. The GOP made a decision to play on white fears instead of making a sincere effort to get the black vote, and in that time period (1968-1988), the GOP only broke into the double digits with black vote once, with Reagan getting a whopping 11% in 1984. But since minority voters were only 15% of the electorate, it didn't matter.

Today they are about 30% of the electorate, but the damage has been done.

but you retards really think, "Hey, we want you guys to have freedom, so we are eliminating affirmative action and welfare so you can be extra-free!!!!"

No one is buying that.

the southern strategy is a myth. there was no pandering to racist in the south.

when called to support the myth, you libs end up talking about code words and rhetoric.

reagan mention welfare queens once or twice.

releasing a murderer serving life so that they can be ready when they are released back into society and he rapes and assaults an innocent couple for hours, is a completely valid issue. that you play the race card on that, shows how you libs use false accusations of racism as demagoguery.

plenty of republicans have tried to get more minority votes. but you libs are to good at demagoguery and race baiting.
the democrats are the racist party, and people need to realize that.....
First Black President ...Democrat
First Black Attorney General Democrat
First Black Female attorney General Democrat
In Congress all but two Black officials are Democrats
Percent of Black who vote the 90 s

Have you been drinking heavily?

remember what democrats had to say about the first black sec of state?

or what about the second black supreme court justice?

or the first black joint chief of staff?
GOP bwanas claiming they are not racist that the Democrats are...smell like desperation...Southern Strategy Willy Horton Lee Atwater you all

you want to tell me what the gop supposedly did to "attract" southern whites?

or post more stupid memes?

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