Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

we are in the 21 st century and wingnuttoso 2aguy wants to talk about the 19th century...gee I wonder why ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

we are in the 21st century and you wingnutts whine about the 19th century all the time, from slaver to indian genocide.

what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
why is some murders different than any other? they are all done out of hate

I thought we were all Equal under the Law

this is dangerous to say some people are more special than others.

I'm starting to see your sides point. Did you see in Detroit this weekend a black guy shot 11 people killing 1. Not only are black people not up in arms and there is no talk of charging the guy with a hate crime...Not only that, none of the 400 people are even willing to talk to police. I thought black lives matter? I guess only if they are taken by a white man do black people even care when blacks are murdered. If its at the hands of another black, well that's alright.

And why should that black guy get any less time in jail than this guy in SC? Other than he only killed 1 person and the person he killed was probably in a rival gang. In other words, he didn't kill an innocent person. But what about the 10 people who got shot? They were innocent. And what about the 400 witnesses? They are not innocent IMO. They are accomplices to murder. If I were a cop I would never worry about the people in that neighborhood. Someone got shot and it's past dark? We will send someone out in the morning to clean up the mess.

Oh, and to flip back to my liberal position. You white racists are not only responsible for the white shooter, you are the reason why black society is the way it is. It wasn't like one day you made slavery illegal and the next you were hiring blacks, letting them live in your neighborhoods and go to your schools. It isn't like the day after slavery things were all better for black people. Black society today is the result of us treating them like 2nd class citizens. Hell, 3rd class citizens. And instead of putting jobs in the hood we put them in Mexico, China and India.

We could solve this problem in a generation if you whites would stop being such racists.

we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.
the one thing I would disagree with you on is that white conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of Black society? are you unaware of the subject like white privilege? GOP policies are anti middle class and poor and a lot of those poor people are black ie GOP policies are racist if they hurt the majority of a certain race. But I think GOP policies hurt poor and middle class people too. To them we're all niggas. and there are plenty of rich gay and black Republicans. the only thing that matters in the GOP is money they just use wedge issues to divide us.

unless you are suggesting that the GOP is the best party for everyone? for the poor, middle class and Rich? Really? So this should be a one party country?

you are operating under the theory of disparate impact, ie that is a policy has a disproportionate impact on a certain group that that is proof it is racist.

and that is simply not true.

intent is required for racism.

Free Trade is something we agree on.

the gop is led by Free Trade ideologues.

but they are not for Free TRade because they want to hurt blacks, they are for Free Trade because, in theory, they believe it should be the best policy for everyone.

i used to be a Free TRade ideology, but time and events demonstrated to me that it was not working in the real world as theory predicted it should. i still don't know if that is an error with the very idea, of it is being poorly implemented in the real world.

regardless, this policy is NOT serving american interest at this time, and i believe it should be dropped.

now, when i was a free trader was i out to harm blacks?


my best friend who is still a free trader, is he one so as to harm blacks? no.

have i changed my position in order to benefit blacks, who would be disproportionately benefited by an increase in manufacturing employment?


the gop leadership is wedded to free trade because they believe it will benefit americans as a whole.

and many of the gop who are middle class or even lower, believe that too.

and to be fair, i know amerians who do benefit from it.

imo, you would do better to argue against the policy on it's merits, or lack of merits,

instead of trying to make it a racial issue.

because it is a bad policy, but not a racist policy.

and when you incorrectly accuse a Free TRader of being a racist, all you are doing is insulting him with a term he does not deserve.

and pissing him off.
Ernest Hollings was last a Governor in 1963...52 years ago

And he is the one who put the racist, democrat slave owner flag up.......right?
That was the racist conservative flag. Maybe you didnt get the admission by the GOP all the racists ran to their party.

No....only Strom Thurmond, and he renounced his old ways when Nixon confronted him about it.....j. william fulbright...bill clinton's good friend, ( bill clinton the violent sexual predator) was still a democrat ....dittos orvaul faubus who clinton had at his inauguration....and all the rest of the old school democrat robert byrd, the kleagle in the kkk......
Only Strom Thurmond? You idiot. The entire south went to the Reps. Are you really that stupid about history? :laugh:

The Southern Strategy Myth and the Lost Majority RedState

you can find a very similar review in the nyt, i believe.
Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet...

So it wasn't a universal background check. It was an inadequate background check that didn't cover family members or current charges.

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....

Here's the mechanics I'd use. You sell the gun used in a mass shooting, you go to jail. Period.

Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

which would be an effective end of the second amendment.

so much for libs not wanting to take your guns.

btw, those gun store owners, they would certainly be political prisoners and this country would have taken a big step to teh dem dream of the us as a third world shithole.
Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet...

So it wasn't a universal background check. It was an inadequate background check that didn't cover family members or current charges.

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....

Here's the mechanics I'd use. You sell the gun used in a mass shooting, you go to jail. Period.

Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check.......

Universal background checks would not have stopped this mass shooting or any of the others..........try to think isn't as hard as it seems to you....

There would have been no liability for the gun store...they did the background mandated by law.....
Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet...

So it wasn't a universal background check. It was an inadequate background check that didn't cover family members or current charges.

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....

Here's the mechanics I'd use. You sell the gun used in a mass shooting, you go to jail. Period.

Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check.......

Universal background checks would not have stopped this mass shooting or any of the others..........try to think isn't as hard as it seems to you....

There would have been no liability for the gun store...they did the background mandated by law.....

the shooter certainly did not fall through any loophole

current laws had been broken in order for him to have a firearm
Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet...

So it wasn't a universal background check. It was an inadequate background check that didn't cover family members or current charges.

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....

Here's the mechanics I'd use. You sell the gun used in a mass shooting, you go to jail. Period.

Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check.......

Universal background checks would not have stopped this mass shooting or any of the others..........try to think isn't as hard as it seems to you....

There would have been no liability for the gun store...they did the background mandated by law.....

the shooter certainly did not fall through any loophole

current laws had been broken in order for him to have a firearm

We don't know that yet do we? Do we have something new on this? Because he was on felony drug possession charges when he got the gun, which is against the law in S.C. for someone to get a gun on felony charges.....but if he went and actually passed a background check, that is something wrong with the federal background system.
Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet...

So it wasn't a universal background check. It was an inadequate background check that didn't cover family members or current charges.

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....

Here's the mechanics I'd use. You sell the gun used in a mass shooting, you go to jail. Period.

Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 dollars.

With what we know now...if the kid bought the gun at the gun store himself he passed a background check.....the "universal" background check would not have applied since it was a regular federal background check at the gun dealer.....that means if the dad was forced to do a background check on his own son...........really?......then he still would have passed the "universal" background check since he passed the current background check.......

Universal background checks would not have stopped this mass shooting or any of the others..........try to think isn't as hard as it seems to you....

There would have been no liability for the gun store...they did the background mandated by law.....

the shooter certainly did not fall through any loophole

current laws had been broken in order for him to have a firearm

We don't know that yet do we? Do we have something new on this? Because he was on felony drug possession charges when he got the gun, which is against the law in S.C. for someone to get a gun on felony charges.....but if he went and actually passed a background check, that is something wrong with the federal background system.

We don't know that yet do we?

yes we do

he broke the law by having a firearm

it was also against the law for him to buy or attempt to buy a firearm

being a criminal he simply chose to ignore the laws
the democrat party meant lynching, bombing and terrorism against our citizens. The democrat party continues to tell blacks their place in a democrat controlled society....
Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....


There were Democrats in the north.....

Your ridiculous attempt to turn a North/South issue into a Democrat/Republican issue does not cut it

Why do you keep trying?
We all know that it was self-proclaimed Conservatives that were anti-black back then. Nothing has changed but their party, they're still anti-black today.

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Those were conservatives

A liberal would never sink to those levels

No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

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No...what you mean to say is that a leftist/liberal would have killed far more people than the democrats ended up killing when they tried to keep their slaves and then tried to keep them from getting their Constitutional rights...considering other leftists around the world have murdered close to 100 million people, American leftists are slackers....
Abolitionists were all liberals

Abolitionsists were all Rebuplicans...and they believed in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights...which party today believes in those founding pricncipals again? That's right...the republicans...and American Conservatives.....the dems attack freedom of religion, speech and the right to keep and bear arms....

Oh while the Abolitionists did believe in the US Constitution, their literature and the SERMONS which comprised the bulk of the Abolitionist movement, spoke to the hallowed: Charter of American Principles... wherein it was declared "All men are created equal" before God... and that in point of fact 'Negro men and woman were HUMAN BEINGS... thus possessed the same rights as ANY OTHER HUMAN BEING.

Now poll the record of your opposition as it exists on this board, and see for yourself that NOT ONE of them has ever stood upon the Declaration of American Principles... and that in fact, where they have spoken to it at ALL, they have parroted the Leftist rift, that the US Declaration of Independence has no bearing on the United States... . despite such representing the very FOUNDATION which in fact DEFINES America and by logical extension, defines Americans; of which there are NO Leftists. Because Nature precludes the means for one to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis.

The President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis was a you know how hard I had to search to find out that fact. The President of the United States was a Republican. is funny that you do not see the political affiliation of the southerners who held slaves...they always just say "Southerners" the ability of the democrats to hide their racist past, and present is incredible.....
They were self-proclaimed Conservatives, just like you.

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They were fighting, and killling to "Conserve" democrats.....

I and other modern Conservatives seek to Conserve the ideas in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of a happiness for all no....try to lie to someone else....

You guys keep calling them conservatives as a lie of don't say what they were trying to conserve or what modern Conservatives are trying to again you assholes are liars trying to smear innocent people with the racism that is the heart and soul of the democrat party, in the past and in the present....

Fuck you....thanks for trying.....
Hmmm...the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan....nathan beford forrest...was a democrat...

It is really funny...look up the kkk and who founded it and all you get is 6 confederate veterans...try ferreting out their political affiliation and you get nothing....sadly for the democrats they haven't thought to scrub forrest's political affiliation.....

Nathan Bedford Forrest - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He was a pledged delegate from Tennessee to the New York Democratic national convention of 4 July 1868. He served as the first Grand Wizard(head of movement) of the Ku Klux Klan,

I am sure wikipedia will correct that...and they will also scrub jefferson davis' party affiliation......
He was one of the premier conservatives, of the time. Self-proclaimed no less.

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Jefferson davis was a democrat slave owner who wanted to conserve slavery as a democrat.....

Modern American Conservatives want to conserve the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.....we believe in a color blind society.....democrats in the past and the present do not.......the democrat party is trying to conserve racism.....the heart and soul of their party and leadership is racism.....
Hmmm...the first grand wizard of the ku klux klan....nathan beford forrest...was a democrat...

It is really funny...look up the kkk and who founded it and all you get is 6 confederate veterans...try ferreting out their political affiliation and you get nothing....sadly for the democrats they haven't thought to scrub forrest's political affiliation.....

Nathan Bedford Forrest - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He was a pledged delegate from Tennessee to the New York Democratic national convention of 4 July 1868. He served as the first Grand Wizard(head of movement) of the Ku Klux Klan,

I am sure wikipedia will correct that...and they will also scrub jefferson davis' party affiliation......
He was one of the premier conservatives, of the time. Self-proclaimed no less.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

You try to smear Modern American conservatives with the desire of democrats to conserve the past you could...because no one could get through the democrat controlled media to show how you were more...
Okay....marc.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

They were democrats trying to conserve the practice of slavery.....the newly formed Republican party were fighting to conserve the founding prinicipals of our country set down in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....

you lefty democrats are trying to trying to tie democrat slave owner desire to conserve slavery with that again and think really hard, Modern American conservatives and then newly formed Repulicans......

it is a lie but lying and emotion are all you have....
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

You all need to stop using party and use ideology. You all think it's a gotchya but it just sounds ignorant. But I suppose when you defend the indefensible you have to spin it somehow.
Do you suppose that those who fought to save slavery or put the flag up were conservatives or liberals?
Does it sound reasonable to you that conservatives would fight a civil war to free slaves while liberals would fight to keep them?
Take a fucking history class. You guys beat this ignorant drum chant over and over. A little advice. The only people who belive what you say are your fellow morons.

Okay....Hutch Starky.....tell me....

1) the groups listed below who are the heart and soul of the current democrat party...are they racist?

2) did bill clinton, the violent rapist, and his wife honor these racists.......?

3) did barak obama, and his wife sit in this openly racist church for 20 years ?

These groups are openly racist, and are supported by and supporters of, the current democrat party....did I forget any?

La Raza..hispanic racist group (for goodness sake it means "The Race")

The NAACP...except for whites who pretend to be black their policies are racist....

The Congressional Black Caucus

The Nation of Islam...

The New Black Panther Party (obama and eric holder protected them from charges of voter intimidaiton)

the Church formerly run by racist jeremiah wright...

Current racists in the democrat party...

al sharpton
jesse jackson

bill clinton (also a violent sexual predator):

Dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school racist democrat,

And awarded this racist democrat and ally of orval faubus the Presidential medal of freedom.....

and had orval faubus, the guy who used the Arkansas national guard to block the 9 black children from attending the white honored position at his inauguration as Governor of Arkansas.........

imagine a Repulican doing either one of those things or having either one of those actual racists as good friends and political mentors...

barak obama ( attended an openly black racist church for 20 years.....see if a Republican could do that and get elected to anything.......was married by the racist pator, and had his kids baptized by the racist pastor)

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