Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

It took 6 months of planning to walk into a church full of unarmed people and start shooting? Then he's not only a terrorist, he's a moron.
It is remarkable that the state of South Carolina is flying the Confederate Flag as they mourn the massacre of innocent black churchgoers
One has nothing to do with the other, that's why.

The US flag flew over slavery in this country for 86 years, the confederate flag for only 4.

Which is more racist?
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One has nothing to do with the other, that's why.

The rebel flag is a symbol of the subjugation of blacks

To fly that flag while you pretend to be outraged over the racist killings of innocent blacks is offensive
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No it's not. It's a symbol of the 13 original colonies. The north had slaves just like the south. The flag didn't exist until the beginning of the war. If it would represent racism and slavery, it would have that as part of the flag. Instead, it represents the 13 original colonies refusal to join the union. Thus the civil war. People like you are prime examples of why I hate the liberal school system. They indoctrinate, not educate.

The US flag flew over a country full of slaves for 86 years, the confederate flag for only 4. Do the math.
This is reportedly where the little racist white terrorist puke lived.


Cynthia Roldan on Twitter A man inside DylannRoof s home declined to speak adding we should get off his property before he called deputies. http oolwWHdelc
I'm curious, did you guys post pics of the house of the guy that shot up that army base? That muslim convert? Just curious.
It is remarkable that the state of South Carolina is flying the Confederate Flag as they mourn the massacre of innocent black churchgoers

You know what they are if they don't lower that confederate flag to half mast? They are Bahs-turds if they don't
It is remarkable that the state of South Carolina is flying the Confederate Flag as they mourn the massacre of innocent black churchgoers

You know what they are if they don't lower that confederate flag to half mast? They are Bahs-turds if they don't

That flag will fly high and proud

To remind blacks of their proper place
I didnt say anything about race. I said he was white.
White what?
white monkey?
More racial slurs, just exposing your ignorance here.
He is a homo sapien. And he is of peach skin. White is like the color of paper. His skin is not the color of paper. I think the proper pigmentation who be light peach.
Hes a monkey like you. Homo Sapiens are humans. No he is white just like Black people are called Black even though they range from light tan to blue Black. White identifies his culture not his bleached out pinkish skin tone.
As rachel dolezal said, race is is culture, and he identifies as black. There is no such thing as biologically black or white.
Your 100% WRONG.

The flag can not be taken down without a 2/3 vote of the state senate. It has no pulley and thus can not be lowered to half mast. It is padlocked to the pole. It flies not over the state house, they took it down from there in 2000, but at a Confederate memorial on the state house grounds. Is it distasteful? Perhaps. I'm not fond of it, in my opinion it belongs in a museum. But they didn't ask me.

I'll tell you this though, I've not heard any of the locals fretting over a flag flying an hour+ up the road... seems they've got bigger things on their minds.

South Carolina State Legislator Blames Church Massacre on Fox News

Rutherford appeared on "The Lead" with Jake Tapper Thursday afternoon and blamed the shooting on the fact that South Carolina flies the confederate flag by its state house, does not have a hate crimes law, and of course the "coded language" broadcast on Fox News.

Amen! I heard him live on Jake Tapper and I totally agree!
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But from the photo of that guys house, I doubt cable is available out there, so he wasn't watching FNC.

Got anything else to blame it on, other than the actual guy who pulled the trigger? Maybe his lawnmower? The flowers in his yard? His cat? Yes it was his fuckng cat. That's what did it.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.

Where are all the white leaders? Rush Limbaugh? Sean Hannity? David Duke? Why haven't they condemned this?

Do any of them show up screaming racism when a black on white crime occurs? If so, you'd have a point, as it stands............

I fail to see how you can justify the leaders in the white community failing to address the violence present in the white community.

Eventhrough it is bad,,,It is 1/5th that of the black community per capita. Certainly, we should address it and work to make it even lower.

Of course, at the same time you won't say shit about black violence.
There seems to be an above average number of stupid post on this thread.
You'd never say that on a thread where a black person committed a crime.
The race of the suspect does not make the comments here any less stupid.
I think we should investigate how this person grew up and who made him into the races that he was if it turns out his friends and his family are racist maybe they should be held accountable at least in civil court
I will believe it when he comes out and publicly states it. I remember "hands up don't shoot" farce.

Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

The flag can not be taken down without a 2/3 vote of the state senate. It has no pulley and thus can not be lowered to half mast. It is padlocked to the pole. It flies not over the state house, they took it down from there in 2000, but at a Confederate memorial on the state house grounds. Is it distasteful? Perhaps. I'm not fond of it, in my opinion it belongs in a museum. But they didn't ask me.

I'll tell you this though, I've not heard any of the locals fretting over a flag flying an hour+ up the road... seems they've got bigger things on their minds.

So what do they do when the US flag is lowered to half mast? Does the state flag fly above it?
South Carolina State Legislator Blames Church Massacre on Fox News

Rutherford appeared on "The Lead" with Jake Tapper Thursday afternoon and blamed the shooting on the fact that South Carolina flies the confederate flag by its state house, does not have a hate crimes law, and of course the "coded language" broadcast on Fox News.

Amen! I heard him live on Jake Tapper and I totally agree!

Yes yes, we know if up to pukes like you and this state legislator had your way, the only media available would be what you deemed acceptable, and anything else, like FOX, would be banned.

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