Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Now they trying to say this thug was mentally ill because he sat for an hour before murdering these people. Oh and his fucked up parents, who's son was always in trouble, buy this moron a gun for his birthday and yaw want to hate on black parents for raising thugs?
This guy should be criminally prosecuted if he knowingly gave a gun to a mentally defective drug using son.

He should also be civilly sued for every cent he has or will ever have.
Let the bullshit commence. There are thousands of mentally defective drug users with guns that don't do what this monkey did. Find another excuse.
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
The sky isnt blue and the sun doesnt set in the west or rise in the east. We get it. Youre in denial.
How come a Black person cannot commit a so called "hate crime" against a White person? that's what Eric Holder said and he was President Obama's mouthpiece for years.

I remember in college in the nineties a black person taught me that black people can't be racist because you have to have the power to be racist

You got it mixed up or he was stupid. Blacks as a group cannot practice racism. Everyone can be racist.
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So what caused this to happen?


It was Faux Newz! It was the confederate flag!!! It was gunz!!! It wuz bullitz!! Gun showz! Rightwingnutz!!!! Teapurrrz!!!


It was the dude that pulled the trigger.
no other civilized nation has such a crazy gun culture as the United States does. there may have been a time when America appeared to be God's favorite country but I don't think that's true anymore this country is really f***** up and going downhill fast
the Supreme Court struck down the vast majority of the 1965 Voting Rights Act because it did not apply to all 50 states. So how can a "hate crime" be Constitutional?
No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
The sky isnt blue and the sun doesnt set in the west or rise in the east. We get it. Youre in denial.
How come a Black person cannot commit a so called "hate crime" against a White person? that's what Eric Holder said and he was President Obama's mouthpiece for years.

I remember in college in the nineties a black person taught me that black people can't be racist because you have to have the power to be racist

You got it mixed it or he was stupid. Blacks as a group cannot practice racism. Everyone can be racist.

it was the nineties I was either smoking pot or tripping on acid give me a break
This is reportedly where the little racist white terrorist puke lived.


Cynthia Roldan on Twitter A man inside DylannRoof s home declined to speak adding we should get off his property before he called deputies. http oolwWHdelc
That is not his house

I believe you are correct. I've been researching it and came to that same conclusion. Thanks.
did he go visit racist websites? maybe the owners of those web sites should be held accountable
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.

Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.

Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
So what caused this to happen?


It was Faux Newz! It was the confederate flag!!! It was gunz!!! It wuz bullitz!! Gun showz! Rightwingnutz!!!! Teapurrrz!!!


It was the dude that pulled the trigger.
White culture and expectation of privilege. Did you catch his reason?
No such thing as "White privilege." Hard work will lift you up. Crying about my circumstance or birth race will get you no place.
did he go visit racist websites? maybe the owners of those web sites should be held accountable
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.
let's say a guy gets mad at another driver and shoots him. that's not a hate crime and that murder might get a 20 year sentence. but if the person is a known racist and goes out and kills a black person the circumstances are different. that person should get more years in jail because it's a hate crime.

in this situation it doesn't matter because hate crime or not this guy is going to get life in prison for the death penalty he will never see freedom again. Hate crimes are most important when determining whether the killer should get 20 years or more. do you understand this? Do you understand why we have hate crime laws? Because not all murders are equal
Well, we don't really know that "hands up don't shoot" was really a farce for sure. But that has no bearing on this case at all. Are you implying that all Blacks lie; especially those who obviously are conservative church goers? How dare you!
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

Not all Americans were expanding westward. The industrial corridor, where the jobs were, turned into a new battleground between Whites and blacks who competed for those jobs in the North. The KKK membership soared in both the North and the South .
Blacks were terrorized and killed for any reason or whim that suited whites for deades.
So what caused this to happen?


It was Faux Newz! It was the confederate flag!!! It was gunz!!! It wuz bullitz!! Gun showz! Rightwingnutz!!!! Teapurrrz!!!


It was the dude that pulled the trigger.
White culture and expectation of privilege. Did you catch his reason?
No such thing as "White privilege." Hard work will lift you up. Crying about my circumstance or birth race will get you no place.
you must be in complete denial to suggest white privilege doesn't exist.

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