Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.

Does anyone doubt that it could have been a colored person running into a room of whites yelling every epithet in the book and Liekhota would say "that's not a hate crime?"
Epithets are not indicative of hate crimes dummy. See I called you an epithet and didnt mention race.

Racial epiteths are jungle monkey
When did whites live in the jungle? Oh yeah thats right the story of Tarazan was based on a real monkey.
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.
If your too stupid to figure out that "hand's up don't shoot" never happened then I suppose you believe O.J. was innocent? All I am saying is the track record of the liberal media is one of a rush to judgement and painting these incidents as purely racial motivated. Remember Andrew Zimmerman was a "White-Hispanic?" The guy was a nut job. Also, does the media report on Black on White crime in the same manner? Nope. I'm sick of the race card and how it's played in this country. Regardless of his motives he is a lunatic maniac.

If you are stupid enough to accept everything the right tells you probably believe Casebolt was innocent. All I am saying is that that the word "liberal" is dispensed far too often by people who don't have a clue as to what it means. Some editorials in the media are liberal and others in the same media are more conservative.

Your attempt to compare this hateful murderous incursion into a religious sanctuary with black thuggery is ludicrous. Black thugs don't walk into white churches and kill people. At least not yet.. Neither have I heard of them blowing up white churches or setting them on fire. Unfortunately, there is something uniquely "white" about that. White Christians would likely agree with me!
I do not identify as "right" or "left." I think "racism" is dispensed far too often in the media. Do not confuse "realism" with "racism."

Racism exists because people believe in race and tend to congregate around people who look like themselves. In America, slavery had a huge impact on social roles assigned to people based on skin color and physiognomy. Some, not all, so-called "white people" felt that freed slaves, mexicans, asians and anyone who didn't look like them were taking something away from white people if they started to assimilate. The news media can and often does manipulate public opinion depending on which political faction is most against black progress at the time or who pays the most.
They were building a nation and did not feel that anyone was "taking" something from them.They were too busy expanding westward and holding their own against nature and disease. Look at the history of freed Blacks in America. Right to vote and own property. The Whites that came from Europe were the peasant downtrodden class and came to the New World for freedom. Because of what was going on with the African slave trade by both Europeans and Arab Muslims they viewed Africans as an inferior people. Just the truth of the matter when it comes to history.

Not all Americans were expanding westward. The industrial corridor, where the jobs were, turned into a new battleground between Whites and blacks who competed for those jobs in the North. The KKK membership soared in both the North and the South .
Blacks were terrorized and killed for any reason or whim that suited whites for deades.
KKK membership in North was fueled by an anti Catholic backlash to immigration. Hence National Origins Act and Quota Acts of 1920's. Blacks were not even on the radar.
did he go visit racist websites? maybe the owners of those web sites should be held accountable
You mean like MSNBC or the
how come if an Arab did what he did you call him a terrorist and if a black person did it you would call him a murderer but the media is calling you white guy mentally ill?
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
This is not a hate crime

It goes beyond is outright terrorism

Root killed twice as many people as the terrorists at the Boston Marathon bombing
Just saw the coverage on three networks: CNN, Fox and MSNBC. Was flipping around while Maddow's show was on. CNN and Fox both showed the full face shots of the suspected shooter. On Maddow's show his face was blurred out.

Anyone know why on her show he was blurred? Thought it was weird. You can get back to your fight now.
Sounds like another troubled youth with a bad haircut needing medication for depression.......and not getting the help he needs.

Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Both of them are crazy-assed Crackers.
Lanza is crazy in the true sense of the word. I'm not so sure about Roof. If what I've heard is true he has shown clear thinking even though the thinking was evil.
Perhaps......but he's still disturbed.
There's a lot of these people on the streets.
Given the right conditions......they crack.
They have pics of him wearing white supremacist patches, I just think he's evil but I guess time will tell.
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.
Let me write you a personal check.
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.
did you ever hear the story of the blacks who moved back to Africa and when they got there they threw their passports in the ocean and in one night ran back down to the ocean looking for their passports wanting to go home.
Sounds like another troubled youth with a bad haircut needing medication for depression.......and not getting the help he needs.

Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Yeah....this guy looks crazy too.

Look at that fucked up haircut.
He'e playing a character,it's not real life.
Jim Carrey is nuts.
Not that kind of nuts.
No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.
Let me write you a personal check.
I dont take food stamps.
This guy is a nut jobber...but it is not a hate crime. No such thing. He is a common criminal. Black or White. An Arab launching an attack against a nation-state is a terrorist.

No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.

Sorry...all the actual slaves are deserve nothing......
No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.
did you ever hear the story of the blacks who moved back to Africa and when they got there they threw their passports in the ocean and in one night ran back down to the ocean looking for their passports wanting to go home.
I think so.
Somewhere there is a counsellor or shrink saying "I was wondering when he was going to go off."
The difference is you can see the crazy in in Adam Lanza's eyes. The look in Roofs eyes is lucid demon possessed pure evil. As for shrinks, yeah they are afraid of labeling people, patient confidentially and law suits. We don't need gun control we need better mental health options.

Both of them are crazy-assed Crackers.
Lanza is crazy in the true sense of the word. I'm not so sure about Roof. If what I've heard is true he has shown clear thinking even though the thinking was evil.
Perhaps......but he's still disturbed.
There's a lot of these people on the streets.
Given the right conditions......they crack.
They have pics of him wearing white supremacist patches, I just think he's evil but I guess time will tell.
He was wearing the former South African flag and Rhodesian flag. I noticed that first time pic's were posted this morning. Still not a "hate crime" because such a thing is unconstitutional.
No, it's clearly a HATE CRIME!!!!! Recent reports from his friends are making that perfectly clear. He was even railing about Trayvon Martin.
There is no such thing as a hate crime. Only criminal behavior.
I'm surprised the way we treat black people that black people don't walk into all-white public places and waste a bunch of us every once in awhile. I wonder how you would feel if a black person walked in to an all white place in the exactly what this guy did would you feel exactly the same way?
How are Black people treated in the greatest nation on earth with the most opportunity? Perhaps we need to find those Black people who would turn back time and not come to America as slaves because they would rather live in Africa right now with famine, disease, poverty, and political instability?
As soon as whites with some power turn over reparations I'd be on the first thing smoking to Africa.

Sorry...all the actual slaves are deserve nothing......
I said "some whites with power". Its not up trailer park trash such as yourself.

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