Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

WCSC Police searching for suspect following downtown Charleston shooting

Story is breaking. Very little info. Its an AME church. Traditionally black church. Suspect said white male in early 20s who is still loose. News says 8 victims. Havent said if they're deceased or just wounded. Havent revealed their identity. No other details. Horrible story unfolding.
There are some serious cultural problems in the white community.
I expect leaders in their community to come forward and address this. The white community needs to think long and hard about this.
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!

No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the South Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.

Wait a minute. His enculturation is a lot more complex than that. His parents might have played some part but an environment that nurtures racism is likely more to blame. That process is possible only because the dominant white culture allows it to be. Go to any message board, proceed to their race relations forum and behold the overwhelming number of racist and bigoted rants that go on and on. Are White parents to blame or is that a sort of idiopathic racialist collectivism that provokes violence against innocent Blacks.

I think it is the latter mostly as well as some input from "parental guidance."

OTOH when you delve off into a proportional disparity about whites committing fewer gun crimes than blacks, I wonder if you are just repeating something you read or heard on Fauxx Noise. What does that 13% stat really have to do with reality when those blacks making up 11% of the US population do not commit crimes. Yet, it is universally accepted that 13%, 9total black population), not the real 2%(black criminal elements) of the population are committing the most crime.

If that strategy can work in your favor then the sins of Roof can be used in mine to lay blame at the feet of the entire white community! But I know better... your community doesn't know better in the case f blaming the entire community of blacks for what 2% of the US population does.
Now they trying to say this thug was mentally ill because he sat for an hour before murdering these people. Oh and his fucked up parents, who's son was always in trouble, buy this moron a gun for his birthday and yaw want to hate on black parents for raising thugs?
I did. I posted it a couple pages back. But since racist bigots like you cant use the search function . I will post it again.

Dumbass, I asked for the face-book posting of Roof, not that of some woman passing for black. That is old news. Are you really that dense?
Figures you can't read you racist idiot. He said he was a black man in the post.

I can read , you racist punk, I read you loud and clear: did you add those words yourself to dylan' Roof's picture? I wouldn't put it pass your punk ass. ANother thing, fatso, why didn't the following poster mention that Roof had claimed to self identify as black? But even if he did it evidently was a ruse to draw attention from his real motives or just a joke shared by those who knew him.
Just like Caitlyn Jenner repressed her female identity for years, Dylann did the same with his black identity
No mention of that here:

Well your source, "Guno", obviously didn't get the full scoop. And do basic investigative reporting, like go to his facebook.
How hard is to for you liberal morons to understand that 13% of the population commits 50% of all murders??? When you look at this from a per capita method that is nearly 5 times the white rate. This is like debating the fucking skeptics of global warming that don't have a data set of their own but make shit up! It is really funny as the shoe is on the other foot on this debate.

New York blacks commit about 80% of the murders
Chicago about the same

Every single one of the top 20 has large black populations.

I seriously doubt ignoring the issue is helping blacks lives matter very much at all. Go ahead ignore stats but you have nothing without them.
Now they trying to say this thug was mentally ill because he sat for an hour before murdering these people. Oh and his fucked up parents, who's son was always in trouble, buy this moron a gun for his birthday and yaw want to hate on black parents for raising thugs?
This guy should be criminally prosecuted if he knowingly gave a gun to a mentally defective drug using son.

He should also be civilly sued for every cent he has or will ever have.
Michael Ian Black @michaelianblack
Charleston: white dude
Aurora, CO: white dude
Boston: white dudes
Newtown : white dude

Time to start racially profiling white dudes.

8:02 AM - 18 Jun 2015

Amen....I personally am more afraid of white loner white boys under the age of 25 than of any muslim or thug running the streets.
I fear the under 25 rodeo whore in a 450 horsepower dually twittering and tweeting down the road more than anything.

It has been tampered with, probably via photoshop. For those that don’t know what they’re looking at, it’s an Error Level Analysis. It highlights areas where the jpeg compression differs. The flags on Roof’s jacket have a faint glow around them, indicating that they may have been added after the photo was taken, i.e. it’s a photoshop. There is always something off about these mass shootings.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this was yet another orchestrated plan to ban guns or incite some race war.

That picture is from his facebook account uploaded on may 21


The Opportunity For A Globo-Equalist Ruling Class False Flag Chateau Heartiste
Why? It wasn't the white community that committed this crime.

Well, technically, the white community produced the guy who did commit the crime. That is the same as saying blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 50% of all murders. That makes ALL blacks guilty by racial association. I won't stoop to that kind of state sanctioned racism ..I just threw it out there to keep things in context!
No they did not. His parents produced the guy who committed the crime.

Whites make up a majority of the population, but commit fewer gun crimes than the 13% of blacks. However, it does not make ALL blacks guilty, only those the liberals have given up on.

Please wipe the Northern Carolina blood from your shoes before making prejudicial remarks.
No the white community did. His reason for committing the murders smack of white privilege. The white culture taught him this. Whites dont have a shred of credibility when they claim Blacks have a culture problem but when a white boy does something he gets the lone wolf treatment. I know I wont allow that.

I'm predicting it's going to come out that his medication (prescribed and self prescribed) was the cause, not his culture.
Thats part of white culture. Drugs and plenty of them....self prescribed or not.

haha, drugs white culture. 99% of black youth try em, sell em, steal em.
Now they trying to say this thug was mentally ill because he sat for an hour before murdering these people. Oh and his fucked up parents, who's son was always in trouble, buy this moron a gun for his birthday and yaw want to hate on black parents for raising thugs?

black parentS? Now thats funny- you meant black mom- the "father" is out gangbanging and fucking 50 other sluts.
So who has photo-shopped this picture and added it to facebook a month ago?

Something stinks here, and it aint his hair cut.
Someone's probably already asked this, but how on earth was this guy able to reload his gun five times ?

I haven't heard yet, but was it a semi-auto and he had a bunch of clips ready to go ?
Another homegrown white terrorist

Another Facebook photo being widely circulated shows Roof wearing a jacket with an apartheid-era flag of South Africa, and another of Rhodesia, which was previously a white-ruled country before it became Zimbabwe, NPR reports.

A childhood friend with whom Roof had recently become reacquainted said Roof started railing about the Trayvon Martin case in recent weeks, complaining about black people "taking over the world" and about the need for someone to do something about it for the sake of "the white race."

More: Dylann Roof Was Planning Charleston Shooting For Six Months Roommate Says

This little white terrorist puke killed because he hated blacks - not because of their religion.
Another homegrown white terrorist

Another Facebook photo being widely circulated shows Roof wearing a jacket with an apartheid-era flag of South Africa, and another of Rhodesia, which was previously a white-ruled country before it became Zimbabwe, NPR reports.

A childhood friend with whom Roof had recently become reacquainted said Roof started railing about the Trayvon Martin case in recent weeks, complaining about black people "taking over the world" and about the need for someone to do something about it for the sake of "the white race."

More: Dylann Roof Was Planning Charleston Shooting For Six Months Roommate Says

This little white terrorist puke killed because he hated blacks - not because of their religion.

Did you just get here ?
So what do we have from this tragedy so far?

We can't blame it on race
We can't blame it on guns

Just move along people....nothing to see here

I'm not saying this idiot Roof wasn't a racist. By all accounts he looks like it.

But, I am saying blame the person behind the gun and the person behind the racism. Not every person who owns a gun, or every white person. Or is that just using too much logic for some people?

Rick (hboats)
Hell yes....we will blame the person

Meanwhile, we will do NOTHING to make sure that people just like him is impeded in their quest for the proper weapon

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