Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

What part of " they easily get fully automatic rifles, handgrenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades means they have tough gun control laws....their extreme laws do nothing to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals...that is the point isn't stop criminals...and they don't.....moron...

They don't easily get them. that's why these incidents are RARE.

Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

Gun violence and crime is so bad in Marseille that the French want soldier sent in to restore peace and order....

and then you had the attack in France at the Jewish school by another guy with a fully automatic rifle...

and the attacks with fully automatic rifles in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark......

You really are dumb....
Look up the truth....don't lie....

Reagans job boom and the republicans regaining control of the budget kept reagans job boom through clintons time in office....and he killed it with tax about putting the presidents in actual sequence...that will show that the increases in job growth were before the democrats were in office and were destroyed by them......

carter....good job growth because nixon was in office before him. then he killed it with his economic policis and his weak, weak foreign policy

Reagan job growth-- after carter cratered the economy, remember those days of carter......? Reagan cut taxes and stimulated the economy..and that lasted throught clinton..until clinton killed it with his tax increases....

Bush hurt by his tax increases after he pledged not to raise taxes...remember that, but the reagan job boom kept going into the clinton era

clinton....raised taxes, attacked business and finally killed the Reagan boom....the job growth in his time...came from Reagan's tax cuts...but as the luckiest, violent sexual predator, clinton benfited from Reagan' boom. Those aren't his job number, those are cuts don't work over night, they take time to effect business growth....

Bush 2 had to deal with clinton killing Reagan's job growth with his tax increases...and 9/11 clinton's effect was happening just before he left office...remember...

You guys can lie all day long...but the internet is here now...and those of us with a brain can call you on it where before the democrats in the media would just perpetuate the lie......
You are struggling...when you are explaining as you are really apologizing ......and you need to apologize dude you are one of the most dogmatic mindless conservative shuffling...

of course not. it was harmless fluff.

boss hog was indeed a joke.

the confederate flag? just a harmless prop showing that the duke boys were "good ole boys".

the car? a 1969 dodge charger? that was fine.

daisy duke? i took her very seriously.

of course, i was very young.

my point, as i have clearly stated over and over again, the fact that the nation wide american community accepted the portrayal of the flag as harmless, disproves the current lib claim that it is, and has always been a symbol of treason and slavery and racism and hatred.

in the 1980s it was harmless.

what has changed since the 1980s?

The rise of people like David Duke.

The story of the Klu Klux Klan in pictures racism civil rights and murder - Flashbak

The sharp rise in hate groups in the last 25 years.

Hate and Extremism Southern Poverty Law Center

Where have you been watching reruns of the Duke boys?

david duke didn't rise. he was a flash in the pan based on hiding his past. once it came out he was disgraced.

do you know what his support was in that presidential election he ran? look it up, it will make you feel better.

sharp rise in hate groups?

a big increase is a trivial number is nothing to be impressed with.

what has really changed is that libs have grown increasingly intolerant of viewpoints that don't agree with theirs.

thus, you no longer just disagree with them, you have to be a bad person, and be marginalized.

you have become bigots.

Why do you work so hard to argue a losing point? It seems to be your thing. Consensus if forming to remove the flag. It would be political suicide to oppose it given the circumstances.

you continually put up these reasons for your position.

when i destroy them, instead of responding, you revert to fallacy of argument by assertion.

with some fallacy of ad populum thrown in for good measure.

the flag is a harmless symbol of regional pride. it has been seen that way for generations.

Do you not see the consensus forming against you? That is not a fallacy. The flag is all but gone.
Mass delusion invoking hysteria is not valid consensus. Thus why Roe is on its way out.
not true because if a group of white guys beat up a black guy that could be a hate crime just like if a bunch of black guys beat up a white guy because he's white that's a hate crime - also

Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.
This guy deserves the death penalty for multiple homicides. But not a so called "hate crime."
Well at least you understand not all crimes are created equal. When it is determined the crime was the result of " hate bigotry or racism" the punishment will be greater, which is the purpose of hate crime laws.

Maybe hate crime laws will prevent hate crimes.

Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.
Law is not designed to prevent crime. Law assigns punishment for those who engage in crime. Subjectivism rationalizes that the crime was justified or worse because of whatever the subjective need requires it.

Hate is irrational... Just as homosexuality is irrational. There is no means to reason with the irrational... Because they lack the means to reason soundly. Therefore, one cannot legislate away the need for one to act upon their unsound reasoning.

That is why it was foolish to lift the sodomy laws and why it is foolish to disarm the innocent in the face of irrational violence.
Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

And how often does that sort of thing happen.

Hey, guy, I'll take a list of Mass shooting in france (very few) and compare them to mass shootings in the US any day.

Now, yeah, if you intentionally antagonize 1.6 billion people, eventually they are going to figure out a way to get you.

But the thing about your boy Roof is that he wasn't terribly organized, but he was able to get a gun anyway and carry out his mayhem.
Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

And how often does that sort of thing happen.

Hey, guy, I'll take a list of Mass shooting in france (very few) and compare them to mass shootings in the US any day.

Now, yeah, if you intentionally antagonize 1.6 billion people, eventually they are going to figure out a way to get you.

But the thing about your boy Roof is that he wasn't terribly organized, but he was able to get a gun anyway and carry out his mayhem.

Again...different cultures and different cultural levels of violence...joe...they get fully automatic rifles, grenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades countries with extreme gun control...their gun control laws do not stop them from getting those weapons when they want them....their culture is different than our inner city criminal culture.......but that is changing.....they are importing immigrants from countries that are far more violent than the people of Europe...and their violent crime rates are going to spike.......

And the killer was an anti American lefty......who was an old school democrat racist....
we went off topic to discuss obama's statement.

obama made a comment about mass violence.

it was being discussed as the paraphrase of mass murder.

joe changed to wording to a very different word, shooting instead of murder, in order to make his point.

i was just pointing out that he felt he had to.

and that he tried to slide that little adjustment past us dishonestly.

odd you couldn't grasp that fact.

you being so smart and all.

so, do you have anything to actually say about that?

lol, rhetorical question, i know the answer is no.

guy, nobody does "mass violence" without a gun. You are a complete retard. I know it's a tough week for Southern Retards, as one of your own just got caught doing something really stupid.

sure they do.

fires, cars, hell knives can all be used for mass violence.

it was really stupid of you to not know that.

you called me retarded when you are the one being retarded.

this guy was not one of my own.

it is retarded of you to say that.

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

so let's look at this incident in Marseille

No victims have been reported in the outbreak of violence on an estate of tower blocks called La Castellane, in the north of the city, known as a drug trafficking hotspot.

But in an interview with regional daily La Provence just ahead of his visit, Valls said crime in the city had tumbled, pointing to a 30-percent drop in armed robberies over two years and a 20-percent fall in physical violence against people.

Marseille has been a Mediterranean trading hub since antiquity and has long had a reputation as a hotbed of crime.

Drugs-related crime is also not new, with the city's central role in the international heroin trade famously portrayed in the 1971 film "The French Connection".

That trade was controlled by powerful international syndicates and the heroin passing through Marseille was largely destined for other markets.

So it was the INTERIOR MINISTER, not the PRIME MINISTER, and the violence was so bad that apparently NO ONE WAS KILLED!

Police fired at Kalashnikov shots reported on Marseille estate - France - RFI
Again...different cultures and different cultural levels of violence...joe...they get fully automatic rifles, grenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades countries with extreme gun control...their gun control laws do not stop them from getting those weapons when they want them....their culture is different than our inner city criminal culture.......but that is changing.....they are importing immigrants from countries that are far more violent than the people of Europe...and their violent crime rates are going to spike.......

Why do you keep babbling the same thing over and over again without addressing the point that-


I do like how you are trying to blame crime on minorities, though. I'm sure Darryl Roof made you proud this week. gore brought up willie horton first in an interview.....

Al Gore did not mention Willie Horton by name, much less splash a big picture of him on all our TV screens like Bush did.

true, he referenced the policy of releasing violent criminals out of prison for little vacations.

willie horton, on his little vacation viciously assaulted and raped a couple.

that's a pretty good example of the policy that gore brought to the nations attention.

do you support letting violent thugs out of prison on little vacations?
The most they will say is that Blacks are killing whites a defense for the 9 homicides...

link, who is defending his homicides?
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.

WTF is wrong with you?!?! As time goes on your posts become more cryptic and repetetive.
It's all over this and other threads.

simply referring to the high level of black on white crime, relative to white on black crime is not a defense of this guy.

Why is it relevant at all then?
eagan mentioned welfare queens like once.

and concerns about inter generational welfare and welfare fraud were/are valid issues.

He mentioned them a LOT. He did take the word "young bucks" out of his speeches because that was too racist. Not to mention he kicked off his campaign in MS where the civil rights workers were killed back in the 1960's.

willie horton? brought up by gore first, and was a completely valid issue.

a couple was raped and assaulted for hours by a vicious thug because of dukakis lib policy and actions.

Al Gore didn't mention Willie Horton by name, and he didn't use the race-baiting Bush did on the topic.

The thing was, the Furlough Program that Horton got out under was started by Dukakis' republican predecessor, and Dukakis is the one who changed it.

Which didn't stop Bush from using 'Look, Scary Black Man" commercials.

like i said. "dog whistle" is code for "we can't find any racism, but we NEED to find racism to justify our constant use of the Race Card and race baiting"

Right. Because there isn't any racism in the Right Wing today...


1. no he did not. and intergenerational welfare and welfare fraud are/were valid issue. which you did not address because you were playing the race card. see how that works?

1b and no he did not. he started his campaign a couple of miles from where some guys were killed decades before. that you would try to spin that into proof, just shows how little real evidence you have.

if the gop was one tenth as racist as you libs claim, you wouldn't have to make shit up.

2. yep. dukakis changed it to allow murderers out, and vetoed a bill from a republican state congress to stop that practice. the hours long assault and rape of that couple was completely on dukakis and his policies, and was a completely valid issue.

3. the gop platform/agenda has been pro-civil rights since it's beginning. two guys with billboards does not out weight generations of policy.

wow. you just proved that there is at least one racist anti-obama person on the internet.

good job.
you do not recall the use of "Food stamp" President in reference to Obama by mayor players in the conservative movement...short memory problems eh...

More people are on food stamps under obama....that is the truth...only you guys used it as a smear to silence people talking about his economic policies.....that is not a racist issue, that is an obama doesn't know how to create jobs issue...

But you and your democrat allies in the media used the cry of "racism" to silence that discussion...just like "golf" is racist and any number of words.....remember that?
Obama is willing to raise the minimum wage to get them off food stamps

Why aren't republicans?
link, who is defending his homicides?
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.

WTF is wrong with you?!?! As time goes on your posts become more cryptic and repetetive.
It's all over this and other threads.

simply referring to the high level of black on white crime, relative to white on black crime is not a defense of this guy.

Why is it relevant at all then?

i would have to see the example you are thinking of. probably in response to something some lib said about whites being so violent.


wow. you just proved that there is at least one racist anti-obama person on the internet.

good job.
you do not recall the use of "Food stamp" President in reference to Obama by mayor players in the conservative movement...short memory problems eh...

More people are on food stamps under obama....that is the truth...only you guys used it as a smear to silence people talking about his economic policies.....that is not a racist issue, that is an obama doesn't know how to create jobs issue...

But you and your democrat allies in the media used the cry of "racism" to silence that discussion...just like "golf" is racist and any number of words.....remember that?
Obama is willing to raise the minimum wage to get them off food stamps

Why aren't republicans?

so you agree that the food stamp president was a reference to the real issue of high numbers of people on food stamps?

good, so please help us explain that to your fellow traveler tryone.
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.

this one shooter grew up in the south,a nd apparently no one told him, "Hey, that's crazy talk" when he started talking smack about shooting black people.

pretty common for people close to a shooter to not really believe that that shooter is really going to do it.

this one shooter is not representative of the america south, and only a bigot would claim otherwise.
He is a true believer in white supremacy...

exactly. completely out of touch with the vast majority of the south.

you ever been in the south?
So...he brought it up first....

And willie horton was an actual result of dukakis parole policies for violent criminals....he did get released on good behavior, did not return to the prison and tortured the man and raped the woman..when he should never have been released...but instead of actually dealing with the prison policies of assholes screamed "racism" and you minions in the press refused to discuss anything else......must be nice to have the press on your can lie at will and never worry about having people call you on it....

Uh, no. again, you are showing your complete ignorance of what happened.

First, Al Gore did not mention Willie horton by name. he brought up the issue in a debate, Dukakis answered it and that was kind of it.

Second- The policy of furloughing criminals was initiated under Dukakis' republican predecesor, and it was actually a good idea. Acclimating prisoners who were about to be released to the outside so they didn't re-offend five minutes after getting out. The courts - not Dukakis - ruled that these furloughs should be expanded to prisoner like Horton who shouldn't qualify for them.

Democratic Presidential candidate Michael Dukakis was the governor of Massachusetts at the time of Horton's release, and while he did not start the furlough program, he had supported it as a method of criminal rehabilitation. The state inmate furlough program, originally signed into law by Republican Governor Francis W. Sargent in 1972, excluded convicted first-degree murderers. However, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that this right extended to first-degree murderers, because the law specifically did not exclude them.[6] The Massachusetts legislature quickly passed a bill prohibiting furloughs for such inmates. However, in 1976, Dukakis vetoed this bill arguing it would "cut the heart out of efforts at inmate rehabilitation."[7] The program remained in effect through the intervening term of governor Edward J. King and was abolished during Dukakis' final term of office on April 28, 1988. This abolition occurred only after the Lawrence Eagle-Tribunehad run 175 stories about the furlough program and won a Pulitzer Prize.[8]

Frankly, it wasn't a matter of the Press being on Dukakis' side, because Bush got away with this bullshit.

because of dukakis's veto, willie horton was left out of prison to rape and assault for hours an innocent couple.

it was his call and criticizing him for it was completely valid.

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