Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

1. no he did not. and intergenerational welfare and welfare fraud are/were valid issue. which you did not address because you were playing the race card. see how that works?

There's no point in addressing a lie. Most people on welfare are only on it for a short time. The welfare queen is exactly that, a myth.

In fact, the real problem is that thanks to Reagan and the GOP's 30 year war on the working class, we have people who have jobs, but still need welfare to put food on the table. That's all manner of fucked up, and if you wingnuts thought about it, you'd actually be worried that people are more loyal to the government than the free market.

1b and no he did not. he started his campaign a couple of miles from where some guys were killed decades before. that you would try to spin that into proof, just shows how little real evidence you have.

He shouldn't have been 100 MILES of that location.

2. yep. dukakis changed it to allow murderers out, and vetoed a bill from a republican state congress to stop that practice. the hours long assault and rape of that couple was completely on dukakis and his policies, and was a completely valid issue.

No, he didn't. The MA Supreme Court did because the law AS WRITTEN didn't exclude murderers from the program. Dukakis vetoed it - rightfully- because it revoked furloughs for all criminals convicted of homicide, even ones who were going to be paroled. That defeated the purpose of the furlough program which was to reintegrate convicts into society before their release.

Eventually, he did sign a reform that excluded murderers like Horton who were never going to be paroled.
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.
He is not representative....but he is a product of the rightwing hate groups that flourish

thank you for admitting that he is not representative of the south.

i would appreciate your help explaining that to your bigoted friends who are claiming he is.

rightwing hate groups don't flourish. they limp along, barely surviving. at best.
What part of " they easily get fully automatic rifles, handgrenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades means they have tough gun control laws....their extreme laws do nothing to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals...that is the point isn't stop criminals...and they don't.....moron...

They don't easily get them. that's why these incidents are RARE.

Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

Gun violence and crime is so bad in Marseille that the French want soldier sent in to restore peace and order....

and then you had the attack in France at the Jewish school by another guy with a fully automatic rifle...

and the attacks with fully automatic rifles in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark......

You really are dumb....
I would gladly take France's homicide rate over our own

Your examples of single cases where criminals get guns pales in comparison to the 300 million guns available to criminals in the US
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.
He is not representative....but he is a product of the rightwing hate groups that flourish

thank you for admitting that he is not representative of the south.

i would appreciate your help explaining that to your bigoted friends who are claiming he is.

rightwing hate groups don't flourish. they limp along, barely surviving. at best.
Why did you edit what I posted?
david duke didn't rise. he was a flash in the pan based on hiding his past. once it came out he was disgraced.

do you know what his support was in that presidential election he ran? look it up, it will make you feel better.

sharp rise in hate groups?

a big increase is a trivial number is nothing to be impressed with.

what has really changed is that libs have grown increasingly intolerant of viewpoints that don't agree with theirs.

thus, you no longer just disagree with them, you have to be a bad person, and be marginalized.

you have become bigots.

Why do you work so hard to argue a losing point? It seems to be your thing. Consensus if forming to remove the flag. It would be political suicide to oppose it given the circumstances.

you continually put up these reasons for your position.

when i destroy them, instead of responding, you revert to fallacy of argument by assertion.

with some fallacy of ad populum thrown in for good measure.

the flag is a harmless symbol of regional pride. it has been seen that way for generations.

Do you not see the consensus forming against you? That is not a fallacy. The flag is all but gone.

The flag should be gone...although it is a free speech issue and an issue for South Carolina, the flag is a symbol of democrat racism and needs to be taken down.....

it was a symbol of democratic racism, a long time ago.

now it is a harmless symbol of southern pride.

taking it down would be a celebration of bigotry, from the left or the democrats against the now not racist south.
"now not racist South".


Don't try stand-up comedy. Stick with your Day job...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
1. no he did not. and intergenerational welfare and welfare fraud are/were valid issue. which you did not address because you were playing the race card. see how that works?

There's no point in addressing a lie. Most people on welfare are only on it for a short time. The welfare queen is exactly that, a myth.

In fact, the real problem is that thanks to Reagan and the GOP's 30 year war on the working class, we have people who have jobs, but still need welfare to put food on the table. That's all manner of fucked up, and if you wingnuts thought about it, you'd actually be worried that people are more loyal to the government than the free market.

1b and no he did not. he started his campaign a couple of miles from where some guys were killed decades before. that you would try to spin that into proof, just shows how little real evidence you have.

He shouldn't have been 100 MILES of that location.

2. yep. dukakis changed it to allow murderers out, and vetoed a bill from a republican state congress to stop that practice. the hours long assault and rape of that couple was completely on dukakis and his policies, and was a completely valid issue.

No, he didn't. The MA Supreme Court did because the law AS WRITTEN didn't exclude murderers from the program. Dukakis vetoed it - rightfully- because it revoked furloughs for all criminals convicted of homicide, even ones who were going to be paroled. That defeated the purpose of the furlough program which was to reintegrate convicts into society before their release.

Eventually, he did sign a reform that excluded murderers like Horton who were never going to be paroled.

1. Most people? so what percentage are on it for not "a short period"?

1b your disagreement with republican economic policy has nothing to do with whether or not reagan was race baiting as you falsely claimed. off topic.

2. what? do you imagine that event organizers do historical background checks with 200 mile radius checks for any negative events that might hurt some pc hacks feelings?

that you are presenting this as proof that reagan was racist, shows how weak your claim is.

if the gop was a tenth as racist as you claim, there would be no problem linking to racist policies and actions.

3. he vetoed a bill that led to a murderer raping and assaulting people for hours. criticizing that is completely reasonable. that you can defend it does not mean that the criticism was not valid nor that it was racist. that dukakis changed it after people got hurt, does not change his early actions.
sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.

this one shooter grew up in the south,a nd apparently no one told him, "Hey, that's crazy talk" when he started talking smack about shooting black people.

pretty common for people close to a shooter to not really believe that that shooter is really going to do it.

this one shooter is not representative of the america south, and only a bigot would claim otherwise.

He is very close to old school democrats though...he steps on the American flag and burns it....the left does this...they love stepping on the American flag and fought for their right to burn it....he is a left wing socialist.....
He is one of your conservative racist acolytes...

I am not the racist...I am an American Conservative who votes for Republicans....

The democrats are the racists...known by the company they keep...they elected a racist as President...obama sat in a racist church for 20 years, he had the racist pastor, jeremiah wright marry him and michelle, and the racist pastor baptized their daughters....

The democrat party is composed of racist political raza, a openly racist hispanic group..the name means "The Race".....the racist naacp, the southern poverty law center, the congressional Black caucus, and is the home of the nation of openly racist organization, and al sharpton, a known racist agitator who has caused the deaths of innocent people, has been to the White House many, many times, and remember the racist jesse jackson is also a democrat...

The white racists...bill clinton...the violent sexual predator, dedicated a statue to his good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright, an old school segregationist, and he even had a place of honor for vile racist orval faubus, the guy who put the national guard blocking the school house doors to the black children, a place of honor at his inauguration as governor..

The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....
And with this posting, you completely expose yourself for what you are.


Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
American conservatives are right wing racist bigots and frightened little ninnies....

sorry, you libs have demonstrated that you are the bigots here.

this one shooter is not representative of the American south and only a bigot would claim otherwise.
He is not representative....but he is a product of the rightwing hate groups that flourish

thank you for admitting that he is not representative of the south.

i would appreciate your help explaining that to your bigoted friends who are claiming he is.

rightwing hate groups don't flourish. they limp along, barely surviving. at best.
Why did you edit what I posted?

i did not, at least not on purpose.

did i miss something?
Why do you work so hard to argue a losing point? It seems to be your thing. Consensus if forming to remove the flag. It would be political suicide to oppose it given the circumstances.

you continually put up these reasons for your position.

when i destroy them, instead of responding, you revert to fallacy of argument by assertion.

with some fallacy of ad populum thrown in for good measure.

the flag is a harmless symbol of regional pride. it has been seen that way for generations.

Do you not see the consensus forming against you? That is not a fallacy. The flag is all but gone.

The flag should be gone...although it is a free speech issue and an issue for South Carolina, the flag is a symbol of democrat racism and needs to be taken down.....

it was a symbol of democratic racism, a long time ago.

now it is a harmless symbol of southern pride.

taking it down would be a celebration of bigotry, from the left or the democrats against the now not racist south.
"now not racist South".


Don't try stand-up comedy. Stick with your Day job...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

and once again nothing of value from staat.
seems you were unable to do that. would you like to try now?

i don't think it is possible to earn your respect. i think your mind is closed.

I do not respect either your command or facts nor your reasoning and logic a wing nut...

i was not asking about me.

i asked about the world in general, and your inability to respect anyone or anything different from you.

you have dodged this now three times i believe.

i will accept that as an admission that you cannot do it.

close minded intolerant bigot, normal for a modern lib.

anytime you want to actually answer my question, feel free.
link, who is defending his homicides?
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.

WTF is wrong with you?!?! As time goes on your posts become more cryptic and repetetive.
It's all over this and other threads.

simply referring to the high level of black on white crime, relative to white on black crime is not a defense of this guy.

Why is it relevant at all then?

link me to a post you thought was in defense, and i will read it for you and explain it to you.
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

it is growing increasingly not credible that you are unaware of the research challenging the southern strategy.

if you are really ignorant, you need to get yourself up to speed, if only to not just clutter up threads with ignorant nonsense.

oh, wait...
Yes it does. Tax cuts for all Americans creates more jobs and brings in

wait if tax cuts for millionaires create jobs why did the economy crater and lose jobs huh chump why...they got the tax cuts and put the money off shore in tax havens ...we were losing 800 k jobs a month under Racial Inferior 43


Because the economy is made up of people and there are slumps...and then recoveries...and under Reagan, when he came in during a slump, his tax cuts created a job creating boom.....that lasted through the first Bush...who had his own slump....and kept increasing during the first years of clinton...who then killed off the Reagan boom by raising taxes on took his eight years to kill off the Reagan boom and as he left office, we were in his slump.......
No. The cuts didn't work and by mid 1982, Reagan was panicking. He then signed SIX tax increases into law. Your kneepads are getting dirty from overuse.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

it is growing increasingly not credible that you are unaware of the research challenging the southern strategy.

if you are really ignorant, you need to get yourself up to speed, if only to not just clutter up threads with ignorant nonsense.

oh, wait...
Since it was clearly enumerated in Nixon's 1968 and 1972 campaigns, then the only people who would seek to challenge it would be racist revisionists. And they aren't worth spit. They are cut from the same cloth as Holocaust deniers.

Enjoy your racism, little man.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Mitt Romney: take down that confederate flag.

Romney Take down the Confederate flag 2016 GOP field Leave it to South Carolina - Marc Caputo and Ali Breland - POLITICO

"Mitt Romney showed his enduring influence on the Republican presidential field on Saturday when he weighed in on the national debate over the Confederate battle flag, calling bluntly for South Carolina to remove it from the state capitol in the wake of the shootings in Charleston.

“Take down the #ConfederateFlag at the SC Capitol,” the 2012 Republican nominee tweeted. “To many, it is a symbol of racial hatred. Remove it now to honor #Charleston victims.”"

Cue Righties willing to line up and say "Mitt whoooo???" in 5.... 4..... 3..... 2..... 1.....
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
He posted there is no Southern Strategy about a dozen times

That must make it true
The racist murderer from Charleston, SC is totally unrepentant. Niki Haley is calling for the death penalty. Good for her.

From victims families forgiveness for accused Charleston gunman Dylann Roof - The Washington Post

More evidence also emerged that Roof, a high school dropout with a criminal record that began this year, may have been motivated by racial hatred. Law enforcement officials said he had confessed, and that during the confession, expressed strong anti-black views. Officials characterized him as unrepentant and unashamed.

Roof told officers that he wanted word of his actions to spread, said the officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

Yet Roof also acknowledged to authorities that he had briefly reconsidered his plan during the time he spent watching the Bible study group after entering the church, two people briefed on the investigation said.

Roof said he “almost didn’t go through with it because they were so nice to him,” one of the people said, before he concluded that “I had to complete my mission.”

As he methodically fired and reloaded several times, the person said, Roof called out: “You all are taking over our country. Y’all want something to pray about? I’ll give you something to pray about.”

An affidavit filed by Charleston police detective Richard Burckhardt said the time that Roof spent with parishioners before opening fire amounted to about an hour.

The document does not state what, if anything, occurred in the moments before the shooting. But it says all victims were hit multiple times.

Before leaving the church, the affidavit states, Roof stood over someone “and uttered a racially inflammatory statement to the witness.”

South Carolina’s governor on Friday urged prosecutors to seek the death penalty for the shootings. “We will absolutely want him to have the death penalty,” Gov. Nikki Haley told NBC’s “Today” show.

Yepp, this had EVERYTHING to do with race. At this point in time, only a complete moron would say it did not.
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......

Here you go idiot

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy Mediaite

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