Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?

Your opinion.
Even if that were true it's still you boys defending the continued use of the flag even as I said you are aware of it's other meaning and uses. Why do you suppose liberals are calling for it to come down and cons defending its use?
Dude, take a break. You just ran in a freakin' circle.
The example was black on white crime. You said it wasn't a defense. I asked why it was relevant. Now you're back to asking what I was referring to.
Context, context, context. Do try and keep up.

They call it the "Gish Gallop"...endless bringing up stuff to deflect from original issue then going back then deflecting ....

I call it retarded. It accomplishes nothing but to make the user of that tactic appear retarded.
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?

Your opinion.
Even if that were true it's still you boys defending the continued use of the flag even as I said you are aware of it's other meaning and uses. Why do you suppose liberals are calling for it to come down and cons defending its use?

the left is doing it to smear republicans, conservatives are doing to support freedom of speech and state's rights to control their own issues.......
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?

Your opinion.
Even if that were true it's still you boys defending the continued use of the flag even as I said you are aware of it's other meaning and uses. Why do you suppose liberals are calling for it to come down and cons defending its use?

the left is doing it to smear republicans, conservatives are doing to support freedom of speech and state's rights to control their own issues.......

Wow! Umm......ok.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.

And here is the video of that murderous bastard's bond hearing:

Amazingly, and stupidly, the judge called the perp's family "victims" as well.

I was unaware that he murdered anyone in his family.

What a crock of shit.
Dylann Roof was practicing a very American form of "gunboat Narcissism"....the Lone Cowboy Messiah stepping up at High Noon to confront evil with "the Gun"...ultra symbol of "Freedom"...Jesus what a nightmarish pathology ...and to think there are millions infected....
Dylann Roof was practicing a very American form of "gunboat Narcissism"....the Lone Cowboy Messiah stepping up at High Noon to confront evil with "the Gun"...ultra symbol of "Freedom"...Jesus what a nightmarish pathology ...and to think there are millions infected....

Yes, the ones being told by $$$making cottage industry gurus that the "negero" and the "dustiihbuhht" are taking over and will eradicate all those Righties Whites..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... burp...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Dylann Roof was practicing a very American form of "gunboat Narcissism"....the Lone Cowboy Messiah stepping up at High Noon to confront evil with "the Gun"...ultra symbol of "Freedom"...Jesus what a nightmarish pathology ...and to think there are millions infected....

Yes, the ones being told by $$$making cottage industry gurus that the "negero" and the "dustiihbuhht" are taking over and will eradicate all those Righties Whites..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... burp...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Its a Caligula class sodomization of Minds I tell you ...cogito coitus city....
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?

Your opinion.
Even if that were true it's still you boys defending the continued use of the flag even as I said you are aware of it's other meaning and uses. Why do you suppose liberals are calling for it to come down and cons defending its use?

the left is doing it to smear republicans, conservatives are doing to support freedom of speech and state's rights to control their own issues.......

Yes ,yes. Cons are once again just the hapless victims of the ever present and all powerful liberal smear machine. If only Obama would let you have a different opinion, you might not look bad then.
Dylann Roof was practicing a very American form of "gunboat Narcissism"....the Lone Cowboy Messiah stepping up at High Noon to confront evil with "the Gun"...ultra symbol of "Freedom"...Jesus what a nightmarish pathology ...and to think there are millions infected....

Yes, the ones being told by $$$making cottage industry gurus that the "negero" and the "dustiihbuhht" are taking over and will eradicate all those Righties Whites..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... burp...... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............
Its a Caligula class sodomization of Minds I tell you ...cogito coitus city....

Oh, damn, dat hoits, dat hoits!!
Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?

Your opinion.
Even if that were true it's still you boys defending the continued use of the flag even as I said you are aware of it's other meaning and uses. Why do you suppose liberals are calling for it to come down and cons defending its use?

the left is doing it to smear republicans, conservatives are doing to support freedom of speech and state's rights to control their own issues.......

Yes ,yes. Cons are once again just the hapless victims of the ever present and all powerful liberal smear machine. If only Obama would let you have a different opinion, you might not look bad then.

Yes, it's just amazing how our President, in the eyes of inbred Rightie turdballs, goes from powerless and ineffective - to all powerful, demonic and tyrannical.

Funny that.
we went off topic to discuss obama's statement.

obama made a comment about mass violence.

it was being discussed as the paraphrase of mass murder.

joe changed to wording to a very different word, shooting instead of murder, in order to make his point.

i was just pointing out that he felt he had to.

and that he tried to slide that little adjustment past us dishonestly.

odd you couldn't grasp that fact.

you being so smart and all.

so, do you have anything to actually say about that?

lol, rhetorical question, i know the answer is no.

guy, nobody does "mass violence" without a gun. You are a complete retard. I know it's a tough week for Southern Retards, as one of your own just got caught doing something really stupid.

sure they do.

fires, cars, hell knives can all be used for mass violence.

it was really stupid of you to not know that.

you called me retarded when you are the one being retarded.

this guy was not one of my own.

it is retarded of you to say that.


You are retarded. The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS in America compared to other advanced nations. You are off in the weeds with some nonsense about fire and knives. Try tho stay on point.



The Desperation is PALPABLE!
Yes ,yes. Cons are once again just the hapless victims of the ever present and all powerful liberal smear machine. If only Obama would let you have a different opinion, you might not look bad then.

You've truly perfected "Desperate"... now, see if you can sharpen up Pathetic, because you dam' near perfected THAT with the above drivel.
1. Most people? so what percentage are on it for not "a short period"?

1b your disagreement with republican economic policy has nothing to do with whether or not reagan was race baiting as you falsely claimed. off topic.

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain

80% of welfare recipiant are on welfare for 5 years or less. 63% are on for less than 2 years.

The race-baiting image of the "Welfare Queen" is meant to appeal to racist images that have little reflection in reality.

2. what? do you imagine that event organizers do historical background checks with 200 mile radius checks for any negative events that might hurt some pc hacks feelings?

Reagan specifically picked that location because he knew exactly what it meant to the people he was trying to motivate.

3. he vetoed a bill that led to a murderer raping and assaulting people for hours. criticizing that is completely reasonable. that you can defend it does not mean that the criticism was not valid nor that it was racist. that dukakis changed it after people got hurt, does not change his early actions.

He didn't "criticize it'> He distorted the issue by telling outright lies and creating a dishonest image of who "Willie" Horton was. (Hint. He never called himself "Willie".)
1. Most people? so what percentage are on it for not "a short period"?

1b your disagreement with republican economic policy has nothing to do with whether or not reagan was race baiting as you falsely claimed. off topic.

Welfare Statistics Statistic Brain

80% of welfare recipiant are on welfare for 5 years or less. 63% are on for less than 2 years.

The race-baiting image of the "Welfare Queen" is meant to appeal to racist images that have little reflection in reality.

Denial of "Welfare Queens" is delusion of the first order. It's not even a debatable point.

IN FACT: Welfare is a staple of the inner city minorities... to argue otherwise is absolutely absurd. Given the GENERATIONS of Blacks which the left has CRIPPLED through such subsidies... .

Your argument is LUDICROUS... bearing NO kinship with reality.

(Reader, it seems that the Left is now spiraling headlong into irretrievable delusion... every day we now see them denying greater depths of reality... from the pretense of marriage by those who are wholly unsuitable for such, to the demand that we must accept those who 'identify' as that which they are otherwise CLEARLY NOT.

Rest assured that we are witnessing an incredible pall of mass delusion passing over millions of individuals who are truly losing their grip upon any sense of reality.)
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It's amateur hour at the MSM! Another phony second-hand account:

Dylann Roof tried to kill himself during attack victim apos s son says - LA Times
...suspected gunman Dylann Roof tried to kill himself, according to the son of one of the victims.
"He pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger, but it went 'click,'" because the chamber was empty, said Kevin Singleton, the son of 59-year-old Myra Thompson. “His plan was never to leave that church,” Singleton said. Singleton said he and his family were told the story by Polly Sheppard, 69, one of two adult survivors of the massacre that left nine people dead.

Of course, when the mag on a semi-automatic handgun has run out of bullets, the slide moves backwards and is locked into place. This also locks the trigger--it can't be moved at all until you load another mag and slam the bolt home. A semi-automatic does NOT go "click" when it runs out of bullets.

Confederate flag, handgun, and ..... he's (gasp!) MANSPREADING!

I have never seen a more chilling image!

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