Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.
This guy deserves the death penalty for multiple homicides. But not a so called "hate crime."
Well at least you understand not all crimes are created equal. When it is determined the crime was the result of " hate bigotry or racism" the punishment will be greater, which is the purpose of hate crime laws.

Maybe hate crime laws will prevent hate crimes.

Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.
Law is not designed to prevent crime. Law assigns punishment for those who engage in crime. Subjectivism rationalizes that the crime was justified or worse because of whatever the subjective need requires it.

Hate is irrational... Just as homosexuality is irrational. There is no means to reason with the irrational... Because they lack the means to reason soundly. Therefore, one cannot legislate away the need for one to act upon their unsound reasoning.

That is why it was foolish to lift the sodomy laws and why it is foolish to disarm the innocent in the face of irrational violence.
before I read the rest of your post are you saying that the death penalty is not meant to be a deterrent? I know it's not a deterrent but I didn't know that its intention wasn't to be one.
Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.
This guy deserves the death penalty for multiple homicides. But not a so called "hate crime."
Well at least you understand not all crimes are created equal. When it is determined the crime was the result of " hate bigotry or racism" the punishment will be greater, which is the purpose of hate crime laws.

Maybe hate crime laws will prevent hate crimes.

Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.
Law is not designed to prevent crime. Law assigns punishment for those who engage in crime. Subjectivism rationalizes that the crime was justified or worse because of whatever the subjective need requires it.

Hate is irrational... Just as homosexuality is irrational. There is no means to reason with the irrational... Because they lack the means to reason soundly. Therefore, one cannot legislate away the need for one to act upon their unsound reasoning.

That is why it was foolish to lift the sodomy laws and why it is foolish to disarm the innocent in the face of irrational violence.
you are irrational
Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.

Are you being serious?

Crimes of passion such as you describe are not typically prep planned... Or premeditated. A rush of emotion crippling the means to reason, establishing an irrational state initiate a violent attack which results in death. Such an act is hardly equitable with an individual who plots to strip another of their life for the sake of satisfying a perverse sexual craving... Resulting in the slow; agonizing death of the victim, which ends in their evisceration and their organs consumed by the Leftist who simply Identifies as a homosexual homicidal cannibal.

That you can't understand the distinction in how the two starkly distinct circumstances deserve starkly distinct punishment, the former a regrettable circumstance where emotion over powers reason creating catastrophic destruction of the victim and the perpetrator and the latter the result of a perversely deluded mind of a merciless predator.
So you do see the difference? Then we agree. Not all murders are equal.. Jeff Dahmer was a hate crime. He clearly hated blacks gays and himself. Hell the world.

And in that... You demonstrate the irrational nature of the entire concept of the 'Hate-crime'.

Dahmer was not committing a hate crime... He was a sexual deviant, whose deviancy was not satisfied by mere sexual gratification. His deviancy was such that he needed to consume his would-be 'lover'.

His own need supersededed every other consideration.

Thus he was driven to destroy the lives of others in order to fulfill his own needs.

His crimes were such that he had forfeited his every right. There was no longer any potential to trust him, in any capacity... Because he had violated every point of trust endowed to him by the Father... He must be returned to the final judgment of Father.

Therein rest the reasoning behind execution...
listen monkey. in the past homophobes like you and racist like your party would just get a slap on the wrist for picking on blacks and gays. we have hate crimes to give you extra punishment for your evilness. also your ignorance is no excuse anymore
at least we all know the biggets the Conservatives the racist all know about hate crimes now. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Pic at a gay or a black because they're gay or black go to jail for longer than if you picked on someone for a random reason. you've been warned
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot
listen monkey. in the past homophobes like you and racist like your party would just get a slap on the wrist for picking on blacks and gays. we have hate crimes to give you extra punishment for your evilness. also your ignorance is no excuse anymore

So you need there to be subjective inference in law... as some form of vigilantism?


Now Reader, recall that this discussion began with my pointing out that 'Hate-Crime' was a function of Relativism, and as a result was subjective, thus could never serve justice.

Only to end with the would-be "Contributor" confessing that "hate-crime" in law serves to set EXTRA-Punishment for crimes which in no way differ from any other crime... except they happened to those of a politically correct nature; OKA: Subjectivism and the failure to serve justice.

With that said, the concession to which I am responding is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Now Reader, do you SEE how easy this is?

Remember, the key to defeating Leftists in debate rest upon two key fundamental points:

1- Find a Leftist

2- Get them to speak.)
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
it's obvious who hates hate crimes. Haters
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes. me thing ye protest too much. trying to protect your freedom to hate? Remember your freedom ends where it in fringe is on mine
at least we all know the biggets the Conservatives the racist all know about hate crimes now. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Pic at a gay or a black because they're gay or black go to jail for longer than if you picked on someone for a random reason. you've been warned

Hate-crime law is invalid law, which fails the service of justice. No Free Sovereign is obligated to recognize such a law and those who prosecute by such are subject to be held to account for their failure to bear the trust set to them, by the people in whose trust their power rests.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
it's obvious who hates hate crimes. Haters
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes.

There's no such thing as a 'hate-crime'. The premise is a farce, built upon a lie, instituted by spiritless beings animated by nothing short of abject evil.
at least we all know the biggets the Conservatives the racist all know about hate crimes now. Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Pic at a gay or a black because they're gay or black go to jail for longer than if you picked on someone for a random reason. you've been warned

Hate-crime law is invalid law, which fails the service of justice. No Free Sovereign is obligated to recognize such a law and those who prosecute by such are subject to be held to account for their failure to bear the trust set to them, by the people in whose trust their power rests.
you sound like the shooter do you want to start a civil war too over this? I bet your phase 2 of his plan.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
it's obvious who hates hate crimes. Haters
where is my brain is a hoot.
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes.

There's no such thing as a 'hate-crime'. The premise is a farce, built upon a lie, instituted by spiritless beings animated by nothing short of abject evil.
tell it to the police who arrest you when you go peacefully like we know you will little biatch and tell it to the judge when he throws your ass in jail for an extra 10 years because you are a hater. then tell it to your cellmate who's hurting you anally. tell him he's infringing finishing on your constitutional rights. and I hope he's black. instead of raping your women it'll be you he's raping lol
this is the Intolerance of the left race husters/baiters and how they show Respect for those killed. what a show you can proud of. More at the site.


#BlackLivesMatter Vandalism, They Keep Trying To Incite But #Charleston Isn’t Listening To Them…Update: Professional Race Agitator, Shaun King Calls It ‘Tagging’ And Laughs About It…Update: #Charleston Answers The Racebaiters…

Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.

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