Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

this is the Intolerance of the left race husters/baiters and how they show Respect for those killed. what a show you can proud of. More at the site.


#BlackLivesMatter Vandalism, They Keep Trying To Incite But #Charleston Isn’t Listening To Them…Update: Professional Race Agitator, Shaun King Calls It ‘Tagging’ And Laughs About It…Update: #Charleston Answers The Racebaiters…

Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet Weasel Zippers
no one is going to your site you silly twit. and what better opportunity to point out the racism from the conservative white or right then this racist white bastard who represents you steph

can you explain yourself do we have to go read an article you think is important? Who do you think you are?
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did. or the next time a black goes and shoots up a school for a movie theater like white people normally do. no I'm not defending black culture but you white people are crazy
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.

yeah but, don't accuse them of tearing our country apart. According to them it is all rightwingers/Repulicans/conservatives.
you sound like the shooter do you want to start a civil war too over this? I bet your phase 2 of his plan.

So you're saying that I sound like someone who has no kinship with the Father, who as a result does not recognize human rights, has no notion of their origins, their purpose or how they're sustained. A person who does not understand the value of humanity rests entirely in the spirit, which is of God? Thus you feel that I'm a person who would have no problem murdering innocent people, engaged in the study of the Scriptures, in their house of worship...

So, you feel that I sound like a Godless Leftist?

Oh now THAT is fascinatin'.

(Reader, the depths of delusion that these people are mired in, is a certain sign that they're soulless; a rekindling of Old Testament Evil. And they're getting more desperate and more delusional with each tick of the clock.)
you sound like the shooter do you want to start a civil war too over this? I bet your phase 2 of his plan.

So you're saying that I sound like someone who has no kinship with the Father, who as a result does not recognize human rights, has no notion of their origins, their purpose or how they're sustained. A person who does not understand the value of humanity rests entirely in the spirit, which is of God? Thus you feel that I'm a person who would have no problem murdering innocent people, engaged in the study of the Scriptures, in their house of worship...

So, you feel that I sound like a Godless Leftist?

Oh now THAT is fascinatin'.

(Reader, the depths of delusion that these people are mired in, is a certain sign that they're soulless; a rekindling of Old Testament Evil. And they're getting more desperate and more delusional with each tick of the clock.)
you said it not me
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.

yeah but, don't accuse them of tearing our country apart. According to them it is all rightwingers/Repulicans/conservatives.
its not your country it's our country
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News
Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes.

There's no such thing as a 'hate-crime'. The premise is a farce, built upon a lie, instituted by spiritless beings animated by nothing short of abject evil.

Hate crime laws are abject evil?

You are an abject ass.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
and for the record I am all for executing violent rapists and murderers.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
that is true and I don't think we have an epidemic of black men raping white women in this country either. but I should point out white people make up 80 percent of the population and black people only 20 percent of the population so if black people are perpetrating one third of the rapes that's a pretty high percentage wise number
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
how many of those white women were virgins? How many of those white women put themselves in the situation to be drugged and screwed by black men?
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

how about the black men who walked up to the woman asked her for money and when she said she didn't have any they shot her baby dead? I think we all know we have an epidemic of black crime but for the most part it stains black on black and to be honest I don't think blacks lives matter as much. For example a black person is killed in Detroit every night. where is the manhunt for their killer? but a black man kills a Rich Greek white family and the Manhunters on

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