Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

The leader of a white supremacist group that has been linked to Dylann Roof, the suspect in the murder of nine African-Americans in a Charleston, S.C., church last week, has donated tens of thousands of dollars to Republican campaigns, including those of 2016 presidential contenders such as Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum and Rand Paul, records show.

Mr. Cruz, a Texas senator, said Sunday night that he would be returning about $8,500 in donations that he had received from the Texas donor, Earl Holt III, who lists himself as president of the Council of Conservative Citizens.
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes.

There's no such thing as a 'hate-crime'. The premise is a farce, built upon a lie, instituted by spiritless beings animated by nothing short of abject evil.
tell it to the police who arrest you when you go peacefully like we know you will little biatch and tell it to the judge when he throws your ass in jail for an extra 10 years because you are a hater. then tell it to your cellmate who's hurting you anally. tell him he's infringing finishing on your constitutional rights. and I hope he's black. instead of raping your women it'll be you he's raping lol

mmm, who's the hater now?
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
how many of those white women were virgins? How many of those white women put themselves in the situation to be drugged and screwed by black men?

ooh, that was weak...
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.

well, that would be a valid argument IF Dukakis was responsible for the policy that Horton was released under.

He wasn't.

It was put in place by Gov. Sergeant, a republican, and widened by the State Supreme Court.

But Bush put out the racist picture of the scary black man.

He appealed to Racism. Just like the GOP has been doing since 1964.

Except now it's biting you in the ass, as a combination of minorities and fair minded white folks are offended by it.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

how about the black men who walked up to the woman asked her for money and when she said she didn't have any they shot her baby dead? I think we all know we have an epidemic of black crime but for the most part it stains black on black and to be honest I don't think blacks lives matter as much. For example a black person is killed in Detroit every night. where is the manhunt for their killer? but a black man kills a Rich Greek white family and the Manhunters on

sorry, dude, you made a demand and it was met.

his point about these horrible murders not being considered for hate crime prosecutions is valid.

(btw, i agree that murder is worse than rape)

i'm on the fence about hate crimes being a valid concept, but there is no doubt that, as it is being applied now, it is being applied unfairly, and to pander to blacks and liberals.
its not your country it's our country


D E L U S I O N . . . on PARADE!
You mean it isn't our country? It's all yours?

Are you one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America?

If so then yes, its our country. If not; say if you're a person who rejects such, as does the Ideological Left, then you have no kinship with this nation.

As much as I'd like hope that this will help you understand, I know in my heart that as a person who lacks the spirit of God, thus a person whose means to reason is limited to the subjective reasoning, common to a lowly animal, that it will not.
actually stupid it is you and your side that is not open minded at all and never gets the point of the left even though our points are valid. just consider that when arguing. you are not open minded.

now after seeing that
its not your country it's our country


D E L U S I O N . . . on PARADE!
You mean it isn't our country? It's all yours?

Are you one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America?

If so then yes, its our country. If not; say if you're a person who rejects such, as does the Ideological Left, then you have no kinship with this nation.

As much as I'd like hope that this will help you understand, I know in my heart that as a person who lacks the spirit of God, thus a person whose means to reason is limited to the subjective reasoning, common to a lowly animal, that it will not.
unfortunately this is your country too not just mine and not just yours. and by the way your site is never open minded. your size is as close minded as they come. for example you can even see that there is absolutely no evidence for your God get you speak of it as a fact. Anyways I wanted to say I woke up this morning to a story of a black block party where one gunman shot into the crowd and killed a few people and none of the witnesses are speaking up. This is pathetic of the black community and why isn't that shooter going to be charged with a hate crime? So I'll give you this one. what I did was I took some time thought and empathize with your side of things and see your point. something you are probably incapable of doing
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.

well, that would be a valid argument IF Dukakis was responsible for the policy that Horton was released under.

He wasn't.

It was put in place by Gov. Sergeant, a republican, and widened by the State Supreme Court.

But Bush put out the racist picture of the scary black man.

He appealed to Racism. Just like the GOP has been doing since 1964.

Except now it's biting you in the ass, as a combination of minorities and fair minded white folks are offended by it.

he vetoed the bill that would have kept willie horton in prison.

holding him responsible for that veto is valid.

you see black criminal, and assume racism.

was there a better example with a white criminal?
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it

you fell for the race card defense.

you let out a murderer on a little vacation from prison and he goes on a rampage, and it will be held against you.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

how about the black men who walked up to the woman asked her for money and when she said she didn't have any they shot her baby dead? I think we all know we have an epidemic of black crime but for the most part it stains black on black and to be honest I don't think blacks lives matter as much. For example a black person is killed in Detroit every night. where is the manhunt for their killer? but a black man kills a Rich Greek white family and the Manhunters on

sorry, dude, you made a demand and it was met.

his point about these horrible murders not being considered for hate crime prosecutions is valid.

(btw, i agree that murder is worse than rape)

i'm on the fence about hate crimes being a valid concept, but there is no doubt that, as it is being applied now, it is being applied unfairly, and to pander to blacks and liberals.

you don't think that South Carolina guys should be charged with a hate crime? Regardless of what kind of crime he's charged with that dude needs to be put to death. But I have backed down a little on my position because this morning I hear a story about a black block party where most likely a black man shot into a crowd of people killing a few and I don't know why he should be punished any less than this guy in South Carolina. I don't care what his motivations were she needs to be locked away for life or put to death.
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it

you fell for the race card defense.

you let out a murderer on a little vacation from prison and he goes on a rampage, and it will be held against you.
like I said take Ronald Reagan for that program. this is like you guys blaming Hillary Clinton for voting for Iraq you're not blaming your boy George W Bush
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
that is true and I don't think we have an epidemic of black men raping white women in this country either. but I should point out white people make up 80 percent of the population and black people only 20 percent of the population so if black people are perpetrating one third of the rapes that's a pretty high percentage wise number

I don't and have never denied that there is a crime problem among black folks. It's just not THE problem with crime in America as some make it out to be. It's especially corrupt when used within the context of this event.
white people have to admit they still have a problem and work towards changing. The best Christians in America got the majority of Christians to change as far as civil rights go. we no longer hang black men for dating white women so some things have changed for black people but they still don't get jobs because they're black they still get profiled because of their color and apparently they get killed sometimes because of their skin color

fuck that shit.

i have been a manager is a big department. i have hired black people. any hint of racism, no, let me rephrase that,

any accusation of racism was meant from above with the message that you would be thrown to the wolves at the slightest excuse.

indeed, i saw more qualified white people be passed over for promotion because of a desire to promote blacks into management.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

how about the black men who walked up to the woman asked her for money and when she said she didn't have any they shot her baby dead? I think we all know we have an epidemic of black crime but for the most part it stains black on black and to be honest I don't think blacks lives matter as much. For example a black person is killed in Detroit every night. where is the manhunt for their killer? but a black man kills a Rich Greek white family and the Manhunters on

sorry, dude, you made a demand and it was met.

his point about these horrible murders not being considered for hate crime prosecutions is valid.

(btw, i agree that murder is worse than rape)

i'm on the fence about hate crimes being a valid concept, but there is no doubt that, as it is being applied now, it is being applied unfairly, and to pander to blacks and liberals.

you don't think that South Carolina guys should be charged with a hate crime? Regardless of what kind of crime he's charged with that dude needs to be put to death. But I have backed down a little on my position because this morning I hear a story about a black block party where most likely a black man shot into a crowd of people killing a few and I don't know why he should be punished any less than this guy in South Carolina. I don't care what his motivations were she needs to be locked away for life or put to death.

with multiple murder it is a fairly academic argument.

it becomes more important if the crime in question is, say a simple beating.

then tacking on hate crime laws can greatly add to the punishment, so that some people get far more punishment than someone else who did the exact same thing.

like i said, i'm on the fence about the concept of hate crime, but i certainly do not like the way it is being applied now.

there is too much subjective judgement in who gets charged, by people i don't trust to be subjective.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?
he is

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
The left is very good at blaming the wrong culprits....notice how they once again attack gun rights whenever some nut job uses a gun. Their desire is to eliminate the second amendment so that only the elites and criminals are armed....then the rest of us are at the mercy of big unlimited government.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
sorry but your children hear your words and that boy was taught racism. By who? Fox wife white friend America. You're all guilty
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
in fact you said something almost as racist as the shooter. Are you angry with blacks because they take jobs more qualified white she should have got? Are you saying they're taking over your jobs?

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