Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?
he is

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
The left is very good at blaming the wrong culprits....notice how they once again attack gun rights whenever some nut job uses a gun. Their desire is to eliminate the second amendment so that only the elites and criminals are armed....then the rest of us are at the mercy of big unlimited government.
you are wrong. no one wants to get rid of the Second Amendment. But as a stupid brainwashed ignorant American you don't know that. you also don't know how the rest of the world looks at us and shake their heads at our gun culture
3. you seem to be conflating the idea of a possibly unfairly spun attack ad with racism. which is it?

No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it

you fell for the race card defense.

you let out a murderer on a little vacation from prison and he goes on a rampage, and it will be held against you.
like I said take Ronald Reagan for that program. this is like you guys blaming Hillary Clinton for voting for Iraq you're not blaming your boy George W Bush

the point in raising this ad now was to slam the gop for supposedly being racist.

joe sees the harshness of the attack as evidence of racism, not a desire to slam dukakis and win the election.

gore first brought up the prisoner furlough program to slam dukakis for. but being soft on crime is not a strong attack in a democratic primary.

focusing on one horrible example was a fine idea.

that is not racist. the fact the murderer in question was black is not proof of racism.

slamming hillary instead of bush has many reasons, not the least of which is that hillary is actually running for something.

it is certainly not racist.

it is primarily partisan.

as was the attack ad.

the defense was the Race Card.

and you fell for it.
No, I'm not conflating it at all. THey happen to be connected. Willie Horton was a big scary black man who as goign to rape your wife if Dukakis got elected. That was the message.

Lots of dumb people fell or it.

willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it

you fell for the race card defense.

you let out a murderer on a little vacation from prison and he goes on a rampage, and it will be held against you.
like I said take Ronald Reagan for that program. this is like you guys blaming Hillary Clinton for voting for Iraq you're not blaming your boy George W Bush

the point in raising this ad now was to slam the gop for supposedly being racist.

joe sees the harshness of the attack as evidence of racism, not a desire to slam dukakis and win the election.

gore first brought up the prisoner furlough program to slam dukakis for. but being soft on crime is not a strong attack in a democratic primary.

focusing on one horrible example was a fine idea.

that is not racist. the fact the murderer in question was black is not proof of racism.

slamming hillary instead of bush has many reasons, not the least of which is that hillary is actually running for something.

it is certainly not racist.

it is primarily partisan.

as was the attack ad.

the defense was the Race Card.

and you fell for it.
if you throw out all the labels and just think about it you will see that it is the Republicans were stirring up the races. for example I have no doubt in my mind that Fox News had something to do with Gabby Gifford getting shot and the doctor tell her the abortion doctor killed two with all their rhetoric about and
Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
in fact you said something almost as racist as the shooter. Are you angry with blacks because they take jobs more qualified white she should have got? Are you saying they're taking over your jobs?

no, i am angry over management discriminating against the most qualified people if they are white and management feels they need more blacks in management.

i am angry over libs crafting such bad law, that management thinks it has to do that or risk getting sued.

the blacks in question?

the first one got fired in a couple of months because she was not suited, as i told them

the one the finally lasted was someone who i personally trained, and was, the last time i saw here, very happy to see me and show me how her area was working. hell, i was almost her mentor. they gave her to me because other managers had problems working with her.

that you consider the fact that i had a problem with blatant anti-white discrimination to be racism on MY PART is evidence of how much you have been conditioned by a lifetime of lib Race Card propaganda.
willie horton did rape a man's wife, for hours. dukakis is the one that vetoed the bill that would have kept him in prison.

the issue of early prison release is a valid one.

it was an attack ad.

was it harsh but fair, or unfairly critical?

irrelevant to whether it was racist.

but you assume any perceived harshness is a result of racism instead of a desire to attack dukakis.

what do you base that assumption on?

was there a better example to bash dukakis with that was a white prisoner left out that the campaign was aware of and they choose the lesser black violence to use in the ad?

the message was that libs are soft on crime.

a lot of people believed it, because it was, and is true.

the defense was the Race Card.

and a lot of dumb people fell for that.
lol you dumb s*** that Willie Horton story? Do you know that Berlo program was started by Ronald Reagan? And yet Ronald Reagan's handlers were able to put that s*** on Dukakis and you fell for it

you fell for the race card defense.

you let out a murderer on a little vacation from prison and he goes on a rampage, and it will be held against you.
like I said take Ronald Reagan for that program. this is like you guys blaming Hillary Clinton for voting for Iraq you're not blaming your boy George W Bush

the point in raising this ad now was to slam the gop for supposedly being racist.

joe sees the harshness of the attack as evidence of racism, not a desire to slam dukakis and win the election.

gore first brought up the prisoner furlough program to slam dukakis for. but being soft on crime is not a strong attack in a democratic primary.

focusing on one horrible example was a fine idea.

that is not racist. the fact the murderer in question was black is not proof of racism.

slamming hillary instead of bush has many reasons, not the least of which is that hillary is actually running for something.

it is certainly not racist.

it is primarily partisan.

as was the attack ad.

the defense was the Race Card.

and you fell for it.
if you throw out all the labels and just think about it you will see that it is the Republicans were stirring up the races. for example I have no doubt in my mind that Fox News had something to do with Gabby Gifford getting shot and the doctor tell her the abortion doctor killed two with all their rhetoric about and

ddi john mccain run a racist campaign against obama, and if so how?

Confederate flag, handgun, and ..... he's (gasp!) MANSPREADING!

I have never seen a more chilling image!
Obviously very important to you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

staat, as always a fount of insight and wisdom.

thanks for visiting this thread staat, without you it lacks sooooooooooo much.
What part of " they easily get fully automatic rifles, handgrenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades means they have tough gun control laws....their extreme laws do nothing to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals...that is the point isn't stop criminals...and they don't.....moron...

They don't easily get them. that's why these incidents are RARE.

Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

Gun violence and crime is so bad in Marseille that the French want soldier sent in to restore peace and order....

and then you had the attack in France at the Jewish school by another guy with a fully automatic rifle...

and the attacks with fully automatic rifles in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark......

You really are dumb....
I would gladly take France's homicide rate over our own

Your examples of single cases where criminals get guns pales in comparison to the 300 million guns available to criminals in the US

agreed. france's homicide rate is better than ours.

why do you think that is?
So is Germany's and the Benelux countries, Switzerland, Austria, former Czech Republics.... and the nordic Countries...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

wow. thanks for sharing that shocking news.

funny how you didn't respond to my question.
Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

it is growing increasingly not credible that you are unaware of the research challenging the southern strategy.

if you are really ignorant, you need to get yourself up to speed, if only to not just clutter up threads with ignorant nonsense.

oh, wait...
Since it was clearly enumerated in Nixon's 1968 and 1972 campaigns, then the only people who would seek to challenge it would be racist revisionists. And they aren't worth spit. They are cut from the same cloth as Holocaust deniers.

Enjoy your racism, little man.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

you claim it was clearly enumerated in nixon's 68 and 72 campaigns, but you do not give any support for that.

saying it over and over again. that is a lib's idea of debating.

oh and the race card, mustn't forget that.

Oh, the evidence is all over the place, including Nixon campaign records, recordings and books. Don't be a total idiot. Google is your friend...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

i've researched it.

all if find is claims of code words.

it is a myth.
he vetoed the bill that would have kept willie horton in prison.

holding him responsible for that veto is valid.

you see black criminal, and assume racism.

was there a better example with a white criminal?

No, he vetoed a bill that would have gutted the worthwhile furlough program AFTER Horton did his thing. He did sign good reforms of the program.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
Only , the VAST majority of postings on this thread, which I predicted would easily hit 2,000, is from batshit crazy Righties who either deny his guilt or deflect like crazy.

Glass house, meet many stones.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

the vast majority of posts in this thread is from libs who are trying to use this crime to smear their ideological enemies and cons who are defending those people from that lie.

no one is defending or deflecting for the shooter.

that is a lie.
he vetoed the bill that would have kept willie horton in prison.

holding him responsible for that veto is valid.

you see black criminal, and assume racism.

was there a better example with a white criminal?

No, he vetoed a bill that would have gutted the worthwhile furlough program AFTER Horton did his thing. He did sign good reforms of the program.
Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
sorry but your children hear your words and that boy was taught racism. By who? Fox wife white friend America. You're all guilty


you ever watch fox? or you just listen to what you lib friends tell you?
he vetoed the bill that would have kept willie horton in prison.

holding him responsible for that veto is valid.

you see black criminal, and assume racism.

was there a better example with a white criminal?

No, he vetoed a bill that would have gutted the worthwhile furlough program AFTER Horton did his thing. He did sign good reforms of the program.

he vetoed the bill in 76, willie's furlough and the rape/assault was in 86.

you have been lied to.and you fell for it, because it was what you wanted to hear.
no, i am angry over management discriminating against the most qualified people if they are white and management feels they need more blacks in management.

i am angry over libs crafting such bad law, that management thinks it has to do that or risk getting sued.

the blacks in question?

the first one got fired in a couple of months because she was not suited, as i told them

Your argument would have validity if management made decisions based on "qualification". Frankly, that hasn't been my experience in 23 years or working in the private sector. People get promoted based on things that have nothing to do with "qualification".

the one the finally lasted was someone who i personally trained, and was, the last time i saw here, very happy to see me and show me how her area was working. hell, i was almost her mentor. they gave her to me because other managers had problems working with her.

that you consider the fact that i had a problem with blatant anti-white discrimination to be racism on MY PART is evidence of how much you have been conditioned by a lifetime of lib Race Card propaganda.

Yes, poor white people, always being put upon.
he vetoed the bill in 76, willie's furlough and the rape/assault was in 86.

you have been lied to.and you fell for it, because it was what you wanted to hear.

I think you are a little confused. The bill he vetoed would have revoked ALL furloughs, which was a terrible idea.

there was also an intervening Republican governor in there who didn't change things, either.
no, i am angry over management discriminating against the most qualified people if they are white and management feels they need more blacks in management.

i am angry over libs crafting such bad law, that management thinks it has to do that or risk getting sued.

the blacks in question?

the first one got fired in a couple of months because she was not suited, as i told them

Your argument would have validity if management made decisions based on "qualification". Frankly, that hasn't been my experience in 23 years or working in the private sector. People get promoted based on things that have nothing to do with "qualification".

the one the finally lasted was someone who i personally trained, and was, the last time i saw here, very happy to see me and show me how her area was working. hell, i was almost her mentor. they gave her to me because other managers had problems working with her.

that you consider the fact that i had a problem with blatant anti-white discrimination to be racism on MY PART is evidence of how much you have been conditioned by a lifetime of lib Race Card propaganda.

Yes, poor white people, always being put upon.

1. the one white i recommended had seniority and was extremely knowledgeable about the job. the other had a degree related to the field. instead they hired someone who i told them was not suited to the job because they wanted more blacks in management. that was wrong and the fact that other wrongs exist in the world does not change that.

2. logical fallacy of appeal to ridicule.
he vetoed the bill in 76, willie's furlough and the rape/assault was in 86.

you have been lied to.and you fell for it, because it was what you wanted to hear.

I think you are a little confused. The bill he vetoed would have revoked ALL furloughs, which was a terrible idea.

there was also an intervening Republican governor in there who didn't change things, either.

no, i'm seeing just first degree murderers being banned. at least in teh 76 bill.

and yes. intervening republican.

standard partisan attack ad. focus on the blame you can attach to your opponent.

do you deny that conservatives are harsher on criminals than liberals?
Where was the greatest mass shooting in history.......

South Korea......unless the mass shooter in Norway beat him...two countries with the worst mass shootings, yes shootings, in history..........Norway and South Korea....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year
Where was the greatest mass shooting in history.......

South Korea......unless the mass shooter in Norway beat him...two countries with the worst mass shootings, yes shootings, in history..........Norway and South Korea....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year

what would 50% drop in the illegitimacy rate do?

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