Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Where was the greatest mass shooting in history.......

South Korea......unless the mass shooter in Norway beat him...two countries with the worst mass shootings, yes shootings, in history..........Norway and South Korea....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year

what would 50% drop in the illegitimacy rate do?
Are you a dopey racist or just an ordinary dope or ordinary racist?
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
same objective subjective b******* that went on in the Trayvon Martin case Zimmerman is lucky I wasn't on that jury because I don't think see should have been able to use the Stand Your Ground law which by the way he didn't but he did. long story but he actually didn't use the Stand Your Ground law yet his attorney argued the jury all of the same arguments you would use in stand your ground so you can say subjective objective whatever you want you're an idiot


If you can have been on that jury, then so could I have been and as the record reflects time and again... You'd have been buried under the weight of your own subjective drivel.

Martin was a punk who got what he richly deserved... the evidence proved that entirely, thoroughly and finally.
you must have a lot of hate in your heart to hate hate crimes.

There's no such thing as a 'hate-crime'. The premise is a farce, built upon a lie, instituted by spiritless beings animated by nothing short of abject evil. seems there is
The Republican play book on black victims has been to dig up dirt on them and publicly smear them in the rightwng media

Why haven't they attacked the Emanuel AME victims yet?
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven , poorly thought out , thinly veiled,defense of the white supremacist offender.

Yeah but, blacks are way worse. This guy is just one compared to the brutal and violent blacks.
It's in the same thought process as the killer himself used.
Where was the greatest mass shooting in history.......

South Korea......unless the mass shooter in Norway beat him...two countries with the worst mass shootings, yes shootings, in history..........Norway and South Korea....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year

what would 50% drop in the illegitimacy rate do?
Are you a dopey racist or just an ordinary dope or ordinary racist?

illegitimacy and it's ill effects are not race based or limited.

sounds like you are the racist.
The Republican play book on black victims has been to dig up dirt on them and publicly smear them in the rightwng media

Why haven't they attacked the Emanuel AME victims yet?


you are able to see that republican actions are not matching your expectations.

the obvious answer is that your expectations are based on flawed assumptions.
Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven...
Oriented. The stats are oriented around race, not driven by them.

The stats provide the means to identify failures in Left-think. You know those things called "We told ya SO!"

Because in point of fact, we literally DID tell you that the "Great Society Legislation" would result in precisely what those stats state... that subsidies will lead to lower expectations, which lead to lower behavioral thresholds, etc.

Of course, those people in that church were not part of THAT cult... because they're God fearing people who possess the spirit of God, thus the means to reason soundly, therefore they know better.

Your purpose here is to obscure those facts... to deflect from reality and advocate for whatever delusion you're living at any given moment.
Where was the greatest mass shooting in history.......

South Korea......unless the mass shooter in Norway beat him...two countries with the worst mass shootings, yes shootings, in history..........Norway and South Korea....

Woo Bum-kon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year

they wouldn't stop one crime or one mass shooting.......all the new gun laws proposed after Sandy Hook......would have done nothing to stop the church shooting....not one thing....
There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven...
Oriented. The stats are oriented around race, not driven by them.

The stats provide the means to identify failures in Left-think. You know those things called "We told ya SO!"

Because in point of fact, we literally DID tell you that the "Great Society Legislation" would result in precisely what those stats state... that subsidies will lead to lower expectations, which lead to lower behavioral thresholds, etc.

Of course, those people in that church were not part of THAT cult... because they're God fearing people who possess the spirit of God, thus the means to reason soundly, therefore they know better.

Your purpose here is to obscure those facts... to deflect from reality and advocate for whatever delusion you're living at any given moment.

Your" facts" have no relevance to this event other than what I have already outlined. You are " oriented" around stupid racist ideas much as the shooter is.
Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven...
Oriented. The stats are oriented around race, not driven by them.

The stats provide the means to identify failures in Left-think. You know those things called "We told ya SO!"

Because in point of fact, we literally DID tell you that the "Great Society Legislation" would result in precisely what those stats state... that subsidies will lead to lower expectations, which lead to lower behavioral thresholds, etc.

Of course, those people in that church were not part of THAT cult... because they're God fearing people who possess the spirit of God, thus the means to reason soundly, therefore they know better.

Your purpose here is to obscure those facts... to deflect from reality and advocate for whatever delusion you're living at any given moment.

Your" facts" have no relevance to this event other than what I have already outlined. You are " oriented" around stupid racist ideas much as the shooter is.

The facts were not offered in relevance to 'this event'. The facts were to establish the truth, with regard to a point that white people commit MOST of the crime. The point was to note that while the majority commit the majority of the crime, as reason requires they must... the minority commit far more crime than their mere numbers. And the reason that they do so, is the same reason that the Relativist at issue committed his crime; they are separated from God, by having succumbed to the tenets of Relativism, which is the foundation of ALL facets of Left-think... from the mamby-pamby cogitations of 'peace, love and dope' common to the false spirituality of the lowly liberal, to the wicked dehumanization of the revolutionary socialist.

Noting that Blacks are disproportionately engaged in violent crime is not racist. As racism is irrational, thus devoid of reason. While reality; such as that intrinsic to those FACTS, is essential to reason.

Just as your abuse of the word 'racist' is devoid of reality and as such is recognized as a function of nothing short of DELUSION.
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven...
Oriented. The stats are oriented around race, not driven by them.

The stats provide the means to identify failures in Left-think. You know those things called "We told ya SO!"

Because in point of fact, we literally DID tell you that the "Great Society Legislation" would result in precisely what those stats state... that subsidies will lead to lower expectations, which lead to lower behavioral thresholds, etc.

Of course, those people in that church were not part of THAT cult... because they're God fearing people who possess the spirit of God, thus the means to reason soundly, therefore they know better.

Your purpose here is to obscure those facts... to deflect from reality and advocate for whatever delusion you're living at any given moment.

Your" facts" have no relevance to this event other than what I have already outlined. You are " oriented" around stupid racist ideas much as the shooter is.

The facts were not offered in relevance to 'this event'. The facts were to establish the truth, with regard to a point that white people commit MOST of the crime. The point was to note that while the majority commit the majority of the crime, as reason requires they must... the minority commit far more crime than their mere numbers. And the reason that they do so, is the same reason that the Relativist at issue committed his crime; they are separated from God, by having succumbed to the tenets of Relativism, which is the foundation of ALL facets of Left-think... from the mamby-pamby cogitations of 'peace, love and dope' common to the false spirituality of the lowly liberal, to the wicked dehumanization of the revolutionary socialist.

Noting that Blacks are disproportionately engaged in violent crime is not racist. As racism is irrational, thus devoid of reason. While reality; such as that intrinsic to those FACTS, is essential to reason.

Just as your abuse of the word 'racist' is devoid of reality and as such is recognized as a function of nothing short of DELUSION.

well said.

i dont agree with everything you said, but you are making your case very well.

the lib has nothing but the race card.
Republicans often admit or agree that the media is brainwashing the citizens of our country but they never imagined that it's them being brainwashed
There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

no one is defending the shooter.

but the libs in this thread are using this crime to smear conservatives, republicans, fox news, the south, and america.

we are defending everyone who is NOT the shooter.
in fact you said something almost as racist as the shooter. Are you angry with blacks because they take jobs more qualified white she should have got? Are you saying they're taking over your jobs?

no, i am angry over management discriminating against the most qualified people if they are white and management feels they need more blacks in management.

i am angry over libs crafting such bad law, that management thinks it has to do that or risk getting sued.

the blacks in question?

the first one got fired in a couple of months because she was not suited, as i told them

the one the finally lasted was someone who i personally trained, and was, the last time i saw here, very happy to see me and show me how her area was working. hell, i was almost her mentor. they gave her to me because other managers had problems working with her.

that you consider the fact that i had a problem with blatant anti-white discrimination to be racism on MY PART is evidence of how much you have been conditioned by a lifetime of lib Race Card propaganda.
I get the point you are trying to make now. and by the way I am sick that over the weekend a black shot into a party of black people killing 1 wounding 10 and that one black will speak out. if it was a white shooter they would all want to know who he was and they would want him to go to prison but because he was black nobody is speaking out. so apparently black lines only matter to blacks if they are taken by white people
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
Only , the VAST majority of postings on this thread, which I predicted would easily hit 2,000, is from batshit crazy Righties who either deny his guilt or deflect like crazy.

Glass house, meet many stones.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

the vast majority of posts in this thread is from libs who are trying to use this crime to smear their ideological enemies and cons who are defending those people from that lie.

no one is defending or deflecting for the shooter.

that is a lie.
do you see it as a problem that's so many white Americans believe that black men are raping their white women and taking over the country? Do you agree with that statement?
Horrible....just horrible

How many mass shootings have occurred since then?

You guys say their gun control laws keep them from happening....even in extreme gun control countries the criminals easily get guns........all through Europe...they get fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines reported by European law enforcement and in a particular article Copenhagen authorities......

I don't expect gun control laws to be 100% effective

Even at 50% effective they would save 4000 lives a year

what would 50% drop in the illegitimacy rate do?
Are you a dopey racist or just an ordinary dope or ordinary racist?

illegitimacy and it's ill effects are not race based or limited.

sounds like you are the racist.
and of course Democrats are going to use this to win over voters away from you racist pricks
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
Only , the VAST majority of postings on this thread, which I predicted would easily hit 2,000, is from batshit crazy Righties who either deny his guilt or deflect like crazy.

Glass house, meet many stones.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

the vast majority of posts in this thread is from libs who are trying to use this crime to smear their ideological enemies and cons who are defending those people from that lie.

no one is defending or deflecting for the shooter.

that is a lie.
do you see it as a problem that's so many white Americans believe that black men are raping their white women and taking over the country? Do you agree with that statement?

one 21 year old nut with old school democrat beliefs did................
It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
It has no context other than a racially driven...
Oriented. The stats are oriented around race, not driven by them.

The stats provide the means to identify failures in Left-think. You know those things called "We told ya SO!"

Because in point of fact, we literally DID tell you that the "Great Society Legislation" would result in precisely what those stats state... that subsidies will lead to lower expectations, which lead to lower behavioral thresholds, etc.

Of course, those people in that church were not part of THAT cult... because they're God fearing people who possess the spirit of God, thus the means to reason soundly, therefore they know better.

Your purpose here is to obscure those facts... to deflect from reality and advocate for whatever delusion you're living at any given moment.

Your" facts" have no relevance to this event other than what I have already outlined. You are " oriented" around stupid racist ideas much as the shooter is.

The facts were not offered in relevance to 'this event'. The facts were to establish the truth, with regard to a point that white people commit MOST of the crime. The point was to note that while the majority commit the majority of the crime, as reason requires they must... the minority commit far more crime than their mere numbers. And the reason that they do so, is the same reason that the Relativist at issue committed his crime; they are separated from God, by having succumbed to the tenets of Relativism, which is the foundation of ALL facets of Left-think... from the mamby-pamby cogitations of 'peace, love and dope' common to the false spirituality of the lowly liberal, to the wicked dehumanization of the revolutionary socialist.

Noting that Blacks are disproportionately engaged in violent crime is not racist. As racism is irrational, thus devoid of reason. While reality; such as that intrinsic to those FACTS, is essential to reason.

Just as your abuse of the word 'racist' is devoid of reality and as such is recognized as a function of nothing short of DELUSION.

well said.

i dont agree with everything you said, but you are making your case very well.

the lib has nothing but the race card.
I am doing a 180 on this. this weekend a black man shot 11 black people and not only are they not charging him with a hate crime none of the witnesses are going to test by or even talking to the police. 400 Witnesses can you believe that? I understand why Democrats are making this a political issue. if he was a known atheist Democrat black gay liberal then you can believe the Republicans would be using it too. I myself was worried he was an atheist and would give us a bad name.

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