Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

1. the one white i recommended had seniority and was extremely knowledgeable about the job. the other had a degree related to the field. instead they hired someone who i told them was not suited to the job because they wanted more blacks in management. that was wrong and the fact that other wrongs exist in the world does not change that.

2. logical fallacy of appeal to ridicule.

Because your point is ridiculous.

You said that person wasn't qualified, and I'll be you spent the whole time he was there sandbagging him.
they wouldn't stop one crime or one mass shooting.......all the new gun laws proposed after Sandy Hook......would have done nothing to stop the church shooting....not one thing....

Well, they would have because they'd have tightened up background checks and private sales.

But don't let that stop you. Enjoy your little victory, guy. You gun nuts own this. Enjoy it.
why is some murders different than any other? they are all done out of hate

I thought we were all Equal under the Law

this is dangerous to say some people are more special than others.

I'm starting to see your sides point. Did you see in Detroit this weekend a black guy shot 11 people killing 1. Not only are black people not up in arms and there is no talk of charging the guy with a hate crime...Not only that, none of the 400 people are even willing to talk to police. I thought black lives matter? I guess only if they are taken by a white man do black people even care when blacks are murdered. If its at the hands of another black, well that's alright.

And why should that black guy get any less time in jail than this guy in SC? Other than he only killed 1 person and the person he killed was probably in a rival gang. In other words, he didn't kill an innocent person. But what about the 10 people who got shot? They were innocent. And what about the 400 witnesses? They are not innocent IMO. They are accomplices to murder. If I were a cop I would never worry about the people in that neighborhood. Someone got shot and it's past dark? We will send someone out in the morning to clean up the mess.

Oh, and to flip back to my liberal position. You white racists are not only responsible for the white shooter, you are the reason why black society is the way it is. It wasn't like one day you made slavery illegal and the next you were hiring blacks, letting them live in your neighborhoods and go to your schools. It isn't like the day after slavery things were all better for black people. Black society today is the result of us treating them like 2nd class citizens. Hell, 3rd class citizens. And instead of putting jobs in the hood we put them in Mexico, China and India.

We could solve this problem in a generation if you whites would stop being such racists.

we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.

You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

Ever notice that it is the just recently obama....who throw out the "N" word in converstation, and then attribute it to conservatives.....they just can't let race go can they......
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....
they wouldn't stop one crime or one mass shooting.......all the new gun laws proposed after Sandy Hook......would have done nothing to stop the church shooting....not one thing....

Well, they would have because they'd have tightened up background checks and private sales.

But don't let that stop you. Enjoy your little victory, guy. You gun nuts own this. Enjoy it.

Again moron......please explain how background checks would have stopped the church shooting....please....tell us.......since either the dad bought the gun for the kid....thereby cancelling out any background check, the current federal check or any new "universal background check".....or the kid bought the gun with his own money because his pending felony wasn't in the system yet....thereby cancelling out those same background please....tell us genius how background checks, even on private sales would have stopped this shooting....

Or any mass shooting including Santa Barbara, The 2 Fort Hood shootings, Sandy Hook, the Navy Yard, Virginia Tech, Columbine........any of them....we could also throw in the mass/rampage shootings from overseas since they have extreme gun control laws there and even their extreme gun control laws don't stop their mass shootings...

Please...explain the mechanics of how background checks...which were done....would have stopped the church shooting....
I'm starting to see your sides point. Did you see in Detroit this weekend a black guy shot 11 people killing 1. Not only are black people not up in arms and there is no talk of charging the guy with a hate crime...Not only that, none of the 400 people are even willing to talk to police. I thought black lives matter? I guess only if they are taken by a white man do black people even care when blacks are murdered. If its at the hands of another black, well that's alright.

And why should that black guy get any less time in jail than this guy in SC? Other than he only killed 1 person and the person he killed was probably in a rival gang. In other words, he didn't kill an innocent person. But what about the 10 people who got shot? They were innocent. And what about the 400 witnesses? They are not innocent IMO. They are accomplices to murder. If I were a cop I would never worry about the people in that neighborhood. Someone got shot and it's past dark? We will send someone out in the morning to clean up the mess.

Oh, and to flip back to my liberal position. You white racists are not only responsible for the white shooter, you are the reason why black society is the way it is. It wasn't like one day you made slavery illegal and the next you were hiring blacks, letting them live in your neighborhoods and go to your schools. It isn't like the day after slavery things were all better for black people. Black society today is the result of us treating them like 2nd class citizens. Hell, 3rd class citizens. And instead of putting jobs in the hood we put them in Mexico, China and India.

We could solve this problem in a generation if you whites would stop being such racists.

we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.

You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

Ever notice that it is the just recently obama....who throw out the "N" word in converstation, and then attribute it to conservatives.....they just can't let race go can they......

Context, dummy. It matters.
Well....considering a democrat put it up in the first is fitting that a Republican pulls down the symbol of democrat racism......
sure sure buddy whatever you say ...LOL the GOP has been repudiating the Dixie flag LOL sure buddy ....

Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?
The wing nuts here were for the Dixie Flag before they were against it

when people responded that with the display of the Confederate battle flag they were celebrating their history, I responded with who celebrates the history of legally owning human beings? Oh that's right, hate filled racists.
we are in the 21 st century and wingnuttoso 2aguy wants to talk about the 19th century...gee I wonder why ...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

what year and what century ?

Here you go.....

And we have another example of a famous, respected democrat racist........

Why is it flying at the Statehouse in Columbia, S.C.?

The flag was first flown over the State Capitol dome by Democratic Gov. Fritz Hollings in 1962 to mark the centennial of the start of the Civil War, but many saw it as a reaction to the civil-rights movement and school desegregation.

The Complicated Political History Of The Confederate Flag It s All Politics NPR
I'm starting to see your sides point. Did you see in Detroit this weekend a black guy shot 11 people killing 1. Not only are black people not up in arms and there is no talk of charging the guy with a hate crime...Not only that, none of the 400 people are even willing to talk to police. I thought black lives matter? I guess only if they are taken by a white man do black people even care when blacks are murdered. If its at the hands of another black, well that's alright.

And why should that black guy get any less time in jail than this guy in SC? Other than he only killed 1 person and the person he killed was probably in a rival gang. In other words, he didn't kill an innocent person. But what about the 10 people who got shot? They were innocent. And what about the 400 witnesses? They are not innocent IMO. They are accomplices to murder. If I were a cop I would never worry about the people in that neighborhood. Someone got shot and it's past dark? We will send someone out in the morning to clean up the mess.

Oh, and to flip back to my liberal position. You white racists are not only responsible for the white shooter, you are the reason why black society is the way it is. It wasn't like one day you made slavery illegal and the next you were hiring blacks, letting them live in your neighborhoods and go to your schools. It isn't like the day after slavery things were all better for black people. Black society today is the result of us treating them like 2nd class citizens. Hell, 3rd class citizens. And instead of putting jobs in the hood we put them in Mexico, China and India.

We could solve this problem in a generation if you whites would stop being such racists.

we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.

You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

Ever notice that it is the just recently obama....who throw out the "N" word in converstation, and then attribute it to conservatives.....they just can't let race go can they......
Youre confused. Ignorant white racists made up that term. They just happen to be abundant in the GOP and have always been conservatives.
Which party fought to save slavery under that flag? Which party put that flag over the capital, not just in the monument?

what year and what century ?

Here you go.....

The Complicated Political History Of The Confederate Flag It s All Politics NPR
Here you go buddy boy
Lindsey Graham: The Confederate flag is 'who we are'

And here you go....fritz hollings....another racist democrat Senator and former racist democrat Governor.....that party is the home of all racists....

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ernest Frederick "Fritz" Hollings (born January 1, 1922) served as a DemocraticUnited States Senator from South Carolina from 1966 to 2005, as well as the 106thGovernor of South Carolina (1959–1963) and the 77th Lieutenant Governor (1955–1959).
Yeah. We already pointed out the racists were predominantly Dem at the time.
we whites conservatives have nothing to do with the current state of black society.

other than the blame for Free TRade sending jobs to china, i will give you that one.

we can't even discuss any of the issues of black america without getting dogpiled.

You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

Ever notice that it is the just recently obama....who throw out the "N" word in converstation, and then attribute it to conservatives.....they just can't let race go can they......
Youre confused. Ignorant white racists made up that term. They just happen to be abundant in the GOP and have always been conservatives.

You don't realize that the GOP fought slavery, the klan and jim crow....while you guys supported all of those things......
And here you go....fritz hollings....another racist democrat Senator and former racist democrat Governor.....that party is the home of all racists....

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ernest Frederick "Fritz" Hollings (born January 1, 1922) served as a DemocraticUnited States Senator from South Carolina from 1966 to 2005, as well as the 106thGovernor of South Carolina (1959–1963) and the 77th Lieutenant Governor (1955–1959).
Yeah. We already pointed out the racists were predominantly Dem at the time.

And they still are the entire democrat party is filled with racists......see my other thread.....
You get "dogpiled"?

Maybe thats on you. I never get dogpiled when I discuss the issues of black America.

maybe it's not.

i accept primary blame for the impact of Free Trade for the gop and conservatives.

other than that, lib social policies are what is driving the dysfunction in the black community.

any discussion of this reality gets us "dogpiled" as i said.

you are part of the mob, not the target of the mob.

Ahhhh. You are one of those people who think ******* are lazy and shiftless because liberals give them free stuff in return for votes. Gotcha. You get dog piled for being a retard.

Ever notice that it is the just recently obama....who throw out the "N" word in converstation, and then attribute it to conservatives.....they just can't let race go can they......
Youre confused. Ignorant white racists made up that term. They just happen to be abundant in the GOP and have always been conservatives.

You don't realize that the GOP fought slavery, the klan and jim crow....while you guys supported all of those things......
You dont realize assumptions make you look foolish evidently. The GOP back then were the libs of today.
And here you go....fritz hollings....another racist democrat Senator and former racist democrat Governor.....that party is the home of all racists....

Ernest Hollings - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Ernest Frederick "Fritz" Hollings (born January 1, 1922) served as a DemocraticUnited States Senator from South Carolina from 1966 to 2005, as well as the 106thGovernor of South Carolina (1959–1963) and the 77th Lieutenant Governor (1955–1959).
Yeah. We already pointed out the racists were predominantly Dem at the time.

And they still are the entire democrat party is filled with racists......see my other thread.....
No I dont see your other thread. There is no way you can explain how you got it wrong.

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