Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
that is true and I don't think we have an epidemic of black men raping white women in this country either. but I should point out white people make up 80 percent of the population and black people only 20 percent of the population so if black people are perpetrating one third of the rapes that's a pretty high percentage wise number

I don't and have never denied that there is a crime problem among black folks. It's just not THE problem with crime in America as some make it out to be. It's especially corrupt when used within the context of this event.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?
Rape isn't murder try again

Rape is worse than murder... .

If you were a sound human being, possessing the spirit of God, you'd know that.

It should be noted that in none of the above cases and no where in the first 35 cases, was there found a single mention of any consideration of 'hate-crime' being considered.

This in contrast to the scam of the falsely alleged Rape of a black stripper, by Duke University frat boys.

From day ONE of that 2006 Al Sharpton scam, the prosecutor was demanding Hate-crime status... .

But hey... if ya need murder, that's not a problem:

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

Black males murder five year old white girl in Milwaukee. No national outrage

3 Black Men Murder innocent pregnant white woman in cold blood!

and I don't believe I God exist. I think that's all made up. But don't worry I would never kill anyone because they believed in God
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
that is true and I don't think we have an epidemic of black men raping white women in this country either. but I should point out white people make up 80 percent of the population and black people only 20 percent of the population so if black people are perpetrating one third of the rapes that's a pretty high percentage wise number

I don't and have never denied that there is a crime problem among black folks. It's just not THE problem with crime in America as some make it out to be. It's especially corrupt when used within the context of this event.
white people have to admit they still have a problem and work towards changing. The best Christians in America got the majority of Christians to change as far as civil rights go. we no longer hang black men for dating white women so some things have changed for black people but they still don't get jobs because they're black they still get profiled because of their color and apparently they get killed sometimes because of their skin color
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.
that is true and I don't think we have an epidemic of black men raping white women in this country either. but I should point out white people make up 80 percent of the population and black people only 20 percent of the population so if black people are perpetrating one third of the rapes that's a pretty high percentage wise number

I don't and have never denied that there is a crime problem among black folks. It's just not THE problem with crime in America as some make it out to be. It's especially corrupt when used within the context of this event.
you are right. the people in that church we're not societies problem. They were potentially the solution and that a whole killed them. Sorry I mean murdered them
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?
its not your country it's our country


D E L U S I O N . . . on PARADE!
You mean it isn't our country? It's all yours?

Are you one who recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to the principles that define America?

If so then yes, its our country. If not; say if you're a person who rejects such, as does the Ideological Left, then you have no kinship with this nation.

As much as I'd like hope that this will help you understand, I know in my heart that as a person who lacks the spirit of God, thus a person whose means to reason is limited to the subjective reasoning, common to a lowly animal, that it will not.
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
I'm all ears the next time a black person does something as horrible as this white racist did...

Wisconsin teens drugged, gang raped 15-year-old girl and posted video of assault on Facebook: police

Wisc. teens gang raped girl and put video on Facebook cops - NY Daily News

Teen Girls Kidnapped, Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs

Teen Girls Kidnapped Raped By Gang Of 9 Racist Thugs Mr. Conservative is the top website for news political cartoons breaking news republican election news conservative facts and commentary on political elections

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn: Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old

As Ferguson Gets Ready To Burn Six Black Teens Gang Rape 16-Year-Old Downtrend

Now that's the first three of 202,400 hits culled in .037 seconds

How many do ya need?

There will never be enough to change the truth.
2/3 of rapes in America are perpetrated by whites. That means those stories occur twice as much among whites.

Huh... and this despite whites making up nearly 4/5ths of the population 78%.

While only representing 14% > 1/7th of the population blacks represent a 1/3 (33.3%) of all rapes... 50% of all murder and so on.

FBI Table 43
I cannot argue with you on that but what does that have to do with those lovely black people being murdered by that white racist devil? and why do you seem to be defending him in the public court of opinion? Are you his lawyer?

It has nothing to do with it... which follows given that it was not meant to so much as relate to it...

But I understand why you'd want to strip the comment of its context... as the context is where the truth rests.

The individual who murdered those innocent people was not a racist, per se... it was a Relativist. Which is to say an individual lacking the spirit of the father, the rough equivalent of an animal; evil personified.
why is some murders different than any other? they are all done out of hate

I thought we were all Equal under the Law

this is dangerous to say some people are more special than others.

Confederate flag, handgun, and ..... he's (gasp!) MANSPREADING!

I have never seen a more chilling image!
Obviously very important to you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
What part of " they easily get fully automatic rifles, handgrenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades means they have tough gun control laws....their extreme laws do nothing to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals...that is the point isn't stop criminals...and they don't.....moron...

They don't easily get them. that's why these incidents are RARE.

Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

Gun violence and crime is so bad in Marseille that the French want soldier sent in to restore peace and order....

and then you had the attack in France at the Jewish school by another guy with a fully automatic rifle...

and the attacks with fully automatic rifles in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark......

You really are dumb....
I would gladly take France's homicide rate over our own

Your examples of single cases where criminals get guns pales in comparison to the 300 million guns available to criminals in the US

agreed. france's homicide rate is better than ours.

why do you think that is?
So is Germany's and the Benelux countries, Switzerland, Austria, former Czech Republics.... and the nordic Countries...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Lee Atwater Southern Strategy any questions .............

Yeah...never happened "The Truth about the Southern Strategy." and your lies will be revealed...this is a new the past you could smear republicans, and your democrat minions in the press would repeat the lie over and over and over again....and no one who knew the truth could be have the internet with access to the search "The Truth about the Southern Strategy" and you will find the truth...nixon fought for civil rights and won the new south, the new middle class, young, anti racist southerners...while the democrats kept winning the racist south......they actually have the voting records showing which states were won.....nixon won the new south...the old racist south kept going to the know....bill clintons good friend and political mentor j. william fulbright...and actual, real segregationist of the old school of racism...who clinton dedicated a statue to.........

don't forget democrat senator and klan member robert "sheets" byrd...called "sheets" by ted kennedy (remember Mary Jo) because byrd was a klan kleagle...a recruiter for the klan......
If you are going to be assinine enough to proclaim that there never was a Southern State Strategy, then all I can do is to laugh at you a lot. Really.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

it is growing increasingly not credible that you are unaware of the research challenging the southern strategy.

if you are really ignorant, you need to get yourself up to speed, if only to not just clutter up threads with ignorant nonsense.

oh, wait...
Since it was clearly enumerated in Nixon's 1968 and 1972 campaigns, then the only people who would seek to challenge it would be racist revisionists. And they aren't worth spit. They are cut from the same cloth as Holocaust deniers.

Enjoy your racism, little man.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

you claim it was clearly enumerated in nixon's 68 and 72 campaigns, but you do not give any support for that.

saying it over and over again. that is a lib's idea of debating.

oh and the race card, mustn't forget that.

Oh, the evidence is all over the place, including Nixon campaign records, recordings and books. Don't be a total idiot. Google is your friend...

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
What part of " they easily get fully automatic rifles, handgrenades, pistols and rocket propelled grenades means they have tough gun control laws....their extreme laws do nothing to keep these weapons out of the hands of criminals...that is the point isn't stop criminals...and they don't.....moron...

They don't easily get them. that's why these incidents are RARE.

Moron...the terrorists in the attack on Charlie a country with extreme gun control, 3 terrorists, 2 on goverment terrorist watch lists and one a convicted felon crossed into belgium and bought fully automatic rifles, 30 round magazines, hand grenades, pistols and a rocket propelled grenade, crossed back from belgium with all those weapons and conducted the attack....

That same week, in Marseille, gunmen with fully automatic rifles...again.....shot up the Marseille neighbor hood just before the French Prime minsiter went there to give a speech on crime.....

Gun violence and crime is so bad in Marseille that the French want soldier sent in to restore peace and order....

and then you had the attack in France at the Jewish school by another guy with a fully automatic rifle...

and the attacks with fully automatic rifles in Belgium, Sweden and Denmark......

You really are dumb....
I would gladly take France's homicide rate over our own

Your examples of single cases where criminals get guns pales in comparison to the 300 million guns available to criminals in the US

agreed. france's homicide rate is better than ours.

why do you think that is?

I'll bite. BLACKS?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.
This guy deserves the death penalty for multiple homicides. But not a so called "hate crime."
Well at least you understand not all crimes are created equal. When it is determined the crime was the result of " hate bigotry or racism" the punishment will be greater, which is the purpose of hate crime laws.

Maybe hate crime laws will prevent hate crimes.

Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.
Law is not designed to prevent crime. Law assigns punishment for those who engage in crime. Subjectivism rationalizes that the crime was justified or worse because of whatever the subjective need requires it.

Hate is irrational... Just as homosexuality is irrational. There is no means to reason with the irrational... Because they lack the means to reason soundly. Therefore, one cannot legislate away the need for one to act upon their unsound reasoning.

That is why it was foolish to lift the sodomy laws and why it is foolish to disarm the innocent in the face of irrational violence.
you are irrational
Very. ODS, Stage IV, incurable.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Amazing this is 192 pages long about a WHITE PERSON...The left just likes to BITCH, Bitch, and bitch some more...But, I with real data get put in the badlands for posting threads of mass murder of whites at twice the raw number every year.

I hate you liberals. SHit like you do aint helping heal shit.
Only , the VAST majority of postings on this thread, which I predicted would easily hit 2,000, is from batshit crazy Righties who either deny his guilt or deflect like crazy.

Glass house, meet many stones.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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