Breaking: Charleston SC, white male shoots 8 people at Souths oldest black church

what does he know about Republican politics he was only the lowly Chair of the RNC...oh wait....

I know nothing I see nothing

not true because if a group of white guys beat up a black guy that could be a hate crime just like if a bunch of black guys beat up a white guy because he's white that's a hate crime - also

Well, Crime is by its nature, hateful... That's why we call it crime and not "Rufus didn't pay for those shoes'.

It's a crime because Rufus stole property from Mr. Penney, who was selling those shoes to feed his family and the families of those he hired to sell his goods. When one steals the property of others they are disrespecting that persons humanity; he is showing that he has no regard for the rights of Mr.Penney; rights which were a gift to Mr. Penney, from God. Thus Rufus was demonstrating a disrespect for; or an offense against, or a sin against God; OKA: Hate.

So, there's no reason to reframe the issue as "Hateful", when the word Crime already does that.

Now, with that said; and as I pointed out above and as I have pointed out hundreds of times throughout this board, Hate Crimes are SUBJECTIVE... and it is a RARE day when a "Hate" crime is set against a black person for a crime against a white person, or where a Hate-crime is declared where a homosexual person murders a straight person. And where subjectivism enters the law, the law fails to serve justice.

Simple stuff... Law only works where it remains OBJECTIVE.
It is objective. If there is evidence that objectively proves that the crime was motivated by hatred of a particular race, it is a hate crime. For example, a man goes into a bkack church and announces that he going to shoot all the black folks there cause they be raping the white women and, later, when he us arrested, he says he did it to start a race war, that would be be objective proof of a hate crime. Get it?
I asked him why some murderers get the death penalty and some get life. Clearly some murders are worse than others. Why? I suspect the motivation.

If I kill my wife for cheating on me its not the same as Jeffrey Dahmer.

And Jeff didn't even get the death penalty.

Are you being serious?

Crimes of passion such as you describe are not typically prep planned... Or premeditated. A rush of emotion crippling the means to reason, establishing an irrational state initiate a violent attack which results in death. Such an act is hardly equitable with an individual who plots to strip another of their life for the sake of satisfying a perverse sexual craving... Resulting in the slow; agonizing death of the victim, which ends in their evisceration and their organs consumed by the Leftist who simply Identifies as a homosexual homicidal cannibal.

That you can't understand the distinction in how the two starkly distinct circumstances deserve starkly distinct punishment, the former a regrettable circumstance where emotion over powers reason creating catastrophic destruction of the victim and the perpetrator and the latter the result of a perversely deluded mind of a merciless predator.
So you do see the difference? Then we agree. Not all murders are equal.. Jeff Dahmer was a hate crime. He clearly hated blacks gays and himself. Hell the world.

And in that... You demonstrate the irrational nature of the entire concept of the 'Hate-crime'.

Dahmer was not committing a hate crime... He was a sexual deviant, whose deviancy was not satisfied by mere sexual gratification. His deviancy was such that he needed to consume his would-be 'lover'.

His own need supersededed every other consideration.

Thus he was driven to destroy the lives of others in order to fulfill his own needs.

His crimes were such that he had forfeited his every right. There was no longer any potential to trust him, in any capacity... Because he had violated every point of trust endowed to him by the Father... He must be returned to the final judgment of Father.

Therein rest the reasoning behind execution...
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.
Here's a problem with hate crimes though. Let's say a black bites off more than they can chew with me and while giving them the beat down I say the N word. That's not a hate crime.

Of course it's not a hate crime... But all you need to be so charged is a Relativist prosecutor and all you need to do at that point is to get a jury of Relativist to Reason Objectively.

At the end of which you're in for the long stretch.
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.

by dark and nefarious groups you are avoiding telling the truth....the groups that use that flag are democrats, usually the kkk, and the national socialists...left wing racists....right?
The democrats are the racists.....moron.....tell me these facts and the truth and reality are wrong....

Here is reality...your beliefs about "the Negro" makes the killer a fellow traveler to conservatives...he is on your side....There is a reason the Flag of Slave mongers flies over the S Carolina Govt buildings...its called Republican racism...

In 2013, one of its national board members and tea party activist Roan Garcia-Quintana was forced to step down as a volunteer for South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley’s re-election campaign after his affiliation with the Council of Conservative Citizens was revealed.

Read more here: Missouri group named in manifesto possibly penned by accused Charleston shooter The Kansas City Star The Kansas City Star

It's not Democrats or liberals arguing that the flag is harmless and should stay at the statehouse either. It's the cons defending the flag even when made aware of it's dark and nefarious use by hate and supremacist groups.
That you consider that flag to represent something does not require others to recognize your representation.

Just as no one had to accept you as a canine just because you identify as a canine.

Your delusions are strictly relevant to you and you alone. You're entitled to them.... Right up to the point that you need others to accept them.

At that point you're screwed.

Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian

June 18 ·

I'm so relieved to discover that the Charleston Shooter is both White® and an American™. Otherwise, he'd be one of those scary Thugs™ or, worse, a Terrorist™. Instead, he’s just an isolated example of an unbalanced loner. Ah, I'll sleep better tonight!

Otherwise, he'd be one of those scary Thugs™ or, worse, a Terrorist™. Instead, he’s just an isolated example of an unbalanced loner

Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....and the Isolated loner....he doesn't have the support network of a muslim that would be more accurate........
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
Nikki Haley

Why doesn't she use here real name: Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley. is she ashamed of it ?
we went off topic to discuss obama's statement.

obama made a comment about mass violence.

it was being discussed as the paraphrase of mass murder.

joe changed to wording to a very different word, shooting instead of murder, in order to make his point.

i was just pointing out that he felt he had to.

and that he tried to slide that little adjustment past us dishonestly.

odd you couldn't grasp that fact.

you being so smart and all.

so, do you have anything to actually say about that?

lol, rhetorical question, i know the answer is no.

guy, nobody does "mass violence" without a gun. You are a complete retard. I know it's a tough week for Southern Retards, as one of your own just got caught doing something really stupid.

sure they do.

fires, cars, hell knives can all be used for mass violence.

it was really stupid of you to not know that.

you called me retarded when you are the one being retarded.

this guy was not one of my own.

it is retarded of you to say that.


You are retarded. The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS in America compared to other advanced nations. You are off in the weeds with some nonsense about fire and knives. Try tho stay on point.
Considering he is a thug, but usually that is reserved for violent criminals of the common type while "mass shooter" more accruately describes him....
We know why he did it. Exactly why. The terrorist Dylann Roof hated and feared African Americans, and that's why he murdered nine people in Charleston, South Carolina. He wanted to "start a civil war" for "the sake of the white race." Let's dispense with the banalities of Nikki Haley, who offered "we’ll never understand what motivates" such actions.
Nikki Haley

Why doesn't she use here real name: Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley. is she ashamed of it ?

Kind of long for a bumper sticker asshole....speaking of a racist, nationalist comment......
we went off topic to discuss obama's statement.

obama made a comment about mass violence.

it was being discussed as the paraphrase of mass murder.

joe changed to wording to a very different word, shooting instead of murder, in order to make his point.

i was just pointing out that he felt he had to.

and that he tried to slide that little adjustment past us dishonestly.

odd you couldn't grasp that fact.

you being so smart and all.

so, do you have anything to actually say about that?

lol, rhetorical question, i know the answer is no.

guy, nobody does "mass violence" without a gun. You are a complete retard. I know it's a tough week for Southern Retards, as one of your own just got caught doing something really stupid.

sure they do.

fires, cars, hell knives can all be used for mass violence.

it was really stupid of you to not know that.

you called me retarded when you are the one being retarded.

this guy was not one of my own.

it is retarded of you to say that.


You are retarded. The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS in America compared to other advanced nations. You are off in the weeds with some nonsense about fire and knives. Try tho stay on point.

The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS

Why do mass killings only matter if it is with and bombs and planes killed far more people in and around the world.......
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.

WTF is wrong with you?!?! As time goes on your posts become more cryptic and repetetive.
It's all over this and other threads.

simply referring to the high level of black on white crime, relative to white on black crime is not a defense of this guy.

Why is it relevant at all then?

i would have to see the example you are thinking of. probably in response to something some lib said about whites being so violent.


If you can't follow the conversation and context of the thread, you probably shouldn't post as much as you do without reading the thread.
we went off topic to discuss obama's statement.

obama made a comment about mass violence.

it was being discussed as the paraphrase of mass murder.

joe changed to wording to a very different word, shooting instead of murder, in order to make his point.

i was just pointing out that he felt he had to.

and that he tried to slide that little adjustment past us dishonestly.

odd you couldn't grasp that fact.

you being so smart and all.

so, do you have anything to actually say about that?

lol, rhetorical question, i know the answer is no.

guy, nobody does "mass violence" without a gun. You are a complete retard. I know it's a tough week for Southern Retards, as one of your own just got caught doing something really stupid.

sure they do.

fires, cars, hell knives can all be used for mass violence.

it was really stupid of you to not know that.

you called me retarded when you are the one being retarded.

this guy was not one of my own.

it is retarded of you to say that.


You are retarded. The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS in America compared to other advanced nations. You are off in the weeds with some nonsense about fire and knives. Try tho stay on point.

The entire context of the argument was Obama comparing the frequency of mass SHOOTINGS

Why do mass killings only matter if it is with and bombs and planes killed far more people in and around the world.......

That wasn't the discussion.
Context matters.
You can't rebut the pres with something completely unrelated to the point he made.
That would be, well.......retarded.
This morning the killing of whites by Blacks was being used to deflect....its all over these threads

this thread has wondered all over the place.

no one is defending this guy or his actions.

if you think they are, link to show it.

otherwise, you are the one who is reading in stuff that is not there.

it is part of your closed mind.

these people disagree with you, they must be evul.

WTF is wrong with you?!?! As time goes on your posts become more cryptic and repetetive.
It's all over this and other threads.

simply referring to the high level of black on white crime, relative to white on black crime is not a defense of this guy.

Why is it relevant at all then?

link me to a post you thought was in defense, and i will read it for you and explain it to you.

Dude, take a break. You just ran in a freakin' circle.
The example was black on white crime. You said it wasn't a defense. I asked why it was relevant. Now you're back to asking what I was referring to.
Context, context, context. Do try and keep up.
Mitt Romney: take down that confederate flag.

Romney Take down the Confederate flag 2016 GOP field Leave it to South Carolina - Marc Caputo and Ali Breland - POLITICO

"Mitt Romney showed his enduring influence on the Republican presidential field on Saturday when he weighed in on the national debate over the Confederate battle flag, calling bluntly for South Carolina to remove it from the state capitol in the wake of the shootings in Charleston.

“Take down the #ConfederateFlag at the SC Capitol,” the 2012 Republican nominee tweeted. “To many, it is a symbol of racial hatred. Remove it now to honor #Charleston victims.”"

Cue Righties willing to line up and say "Mitt whoooo???" in 5.... 4..... 3..... 2..... 1.....

Mitt was probably asked to make a statement on behalf of the Repubs because no one in office or a candidate can speak to it without backlash from their base. Makes sense since it came out after criticism of Repub responses.
Dude, take a break. You just ran in a freakin' circle.
The example was black on white crime. You said it wasn't a defense. I asked why it was relevant. Now you're back to asking what I was referring to.
Context, context, context. Do try and keep up.

They call it the "Gish Gallop"...endless bringing up stuff to deflect from original issue then going back then deflecting ....

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