Breaking.....Clown Car Becomes Clown Bus


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Thanks for the toddler view. Children say the darndest things! Meanwhile, granny overthehillary is circling the drain. A Republican turd would look better.
It's actually a train......More specifically, a "gravy train"...Populated by a bunch of phony assholes who's only reason for being on board is to promote contributions that they'll undoubtedly figure out a way to siphon off to their cronies, and they ALL realize that they have absolutely no chance whatsoever of ever becoming elected POTUS....But WTF,.why NOT get rich
scamming people..??..Isn't that the republican way...???
It's actually a train......More specifically, a "gravy train"...Populated by a bunch of phony assholes who's only reason for being on board is to promote contributions that they'll undoubtedly figure out a way to siphon off to their cronies, and they ALL realize that they have absolutely no chance whatsoever of ever becoming elected POTUS....But WTF,.why NOT get rich
scamming people..??..Isn't that the republican way...???
If it's a gravy train PIAPS is the conductor.
Wow, a whole thread for a lousy drawing? At least we've established that your cognitive skills max out at the pict-o-graphic level.

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