BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

With two days to go until election day, let's recap Trump's suitability for the office of President of the United States:

No major newspaper endorses Trump.

For only the 3rd time in its history, the Atlantic Monthly, started in 1858, endorsed Lincoln, no one else until they anti-endorsed Goldwater in '64. Now Trump is anti-endorsed.

The Harvard Republican Club was founded in 1888 and has endorsed a Republican in every presidential election. Until now. 128 years, if you're counting.

Penn State College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Princeton College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Rutgers Republican Club won't endorse Trump.

Trump is a proven failed businessman, with many failed business ventures; Trump Taj Mahal Casino, Trump Plaza Casino, Trump Marina Casino, Trump Airlines, Trump Network (a vitamin-hawking pyramid scheme), Trump talk radio (Trumped!), Trump New Media (a video-on-demand company), Trump Vodka, Trump Ice (bottled water company), Trump Football (New Jersey Generals), Trump Steaks, Trump Travel Agency (GoTrump), Trump Mortgage Company, Trump Magazine, Trump bike race (Tour de Trump), Trump on the Ocean (failed restaurant & catering business), Trump: The Game, Trump University, and most recently Trump Tower in Toronto.

With those failed businesses, Trump is able to leverage the tax loopholes that were designed and inserted by his counterparts, and in doing so always shifts the risk to the public. Meanwhile his contractors, stockholders, and employees received pennies on the dollar. Trump wins, everyone else loses.

Trump's foundation has been exposed as a slush fund.

Not ONE Fortune 100 company endorses Trump. Nor do the CEO's.

Christianity Today denounced Donald Trump stating "He’s the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool."

Trump has repeatedly denigrated Mexicans, women, people of color, handicapped people, veterans, veterans with PTSD, Gold Star families, people of other faiths, in reality, anyone who is not Christian, male and white.

No living president endorses Trump.

The last Republican presidential nominee won't endorse Trump.

Trump has now been revealed as a serial sexual predator owning some sense of "entitlement" due to his wealth and status.

Trump's ties with Vladimir Putin and the Russian cyber-hacking incidents (to include state voting machines on election day) are borderline espionage and only now are the details being revealed. (Google: Malcolm Nance)

Former CIA and NSA head, Michael Hayden won't endorse Trump. Hayden was one of 50 officials from past Republican administrations who signed a letter labeling Donald Trump "a risk to America's national security and well-being."

Barbara Res, who worked 18 years for Donald Trump and served as executive vice president and senior vice president of his company, said her longtime boss is "dangerously unsuited in every meaningful way to serve as president of the United States."

Trump's ghost writer, Tony Schwartz, said that he “genuinely believes that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Trump's faithful minority are expecting a landslide victory, and if Trump doesn't win, they have been told, TOLD that the election was rigged. Many have stated that they will start the armed revolution, with liberals and minorities in the cross hairs. Kentucky governor, Matt Bevin, even stated "Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room." By the way, the NRA endorses Trump.

I guess we can thank Trump for helping to expose the angry, misinformed, intentionally disinformed, gullible people in our society. We all know who to avoid now.

Liberal media GAVE Trump a billion dollars worth of air time. Anyone with a brain can see the scam. Anyone with a brain and any sense of financial and national preservation will refuse to be YET ANOTHER Trump mark. Liberal media, my ass.
Dear TyroneSlothrop I thought BUSH Sr endorsed Trump.

Cruz endorses him as a Constitutionalist because at least the Supreme Court appts. are justification.

This is a battle of corporate media vs. Constitutional law enforcement.

Sure it's David against the Goliath monopoly but the battle to find truth in the midst of darkness has always been an uphill battle. What's new.

The real leaders who would make better Presidents have to wait for this front line surge to fight itself out. None of them can beat the media and corporate party games in the way that Trump took on.

Like Normandy and when the troops in front get crushed but open up the way for later troops to surge in. Someone had to be the one in front to get smashed.

But it opens the door for the others who won't have to fight that fight.

They know they'll have it easier next time.

Same with the minority leaders after Obama and Clinton who won't have to play dirty politics to be the first. In the future we can play fair, not the trashy corrupt games we see now.


George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton - POLITICO
Thank you Lakhota
Trump is braver than I thought!

Are you able to answer my post asking if you agree not to take action even though classified content was found in emails the investigating authorities confirmed should not have been transmitted by private server.

Do you have professionally researched material you can post on that?

Your statement it wasn't clearly classified is false because it was confirmed by authorities as classified content that should not have been on private servers.

Is that all you have?
Can you please reply, Thanks!

Last I heard, the various departments were still debating on what they consider classified and what should be retroactively classified or declassified. In other words - it's a hazy clusterfuck among government agencies.

Hillary Clinton says none of her emails had classification headers

"Classified material has a header which says ‘top-secret, secret, confidential.’ Nothing, and I will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header."
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 in the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum


Clinton is correct that the FBI did not find any such labels in her emails.

Hillary Clinton on classified info in her emails
She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...

Well, it is obvious that most Republicans are as good liars as Trump. If any foundation is crooked, it would have to be Trump's. He hasn't put any money into it but sure uses what other people put in for "charity" to pay his bills. Crooked Trump.

Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Don't you fools ever get tired of being lied to?
With two days to go until election day, let's recap Trump's suitability for the office of President of the United States:

No major newspaper endorses Trump.

For only the 3rd time in its history, the Atlantic Monthly, started in 1858, endorsed Lincoln, no one else until they anti-endorsed Goldwater in '64. Now Trump is anti-endorsed.

The Harvard Republican Club was founded in 1888 and has endorsed a Republican in every presidential election. Until now. 128 years, if you're counting.

Penn State College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Princeton College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Rutgers Republican Club won't endorse Trump.

Trump is a proven failed businessman, with many failed business ventures; Trump Taj Mahal Casino, Trump Plaza Casino, Trump Marina Casino, Trump Airlines, Trump Network (a vitamin-hawking pyramid scheme), Trump talk radio (Trumped!), Trump New Media (a video-on-demand company), Trump Vodka, Trump Ice (bottled water company), Trump Football (New Jersey Generals), Trump Steaks, Trump Travel Agency (GoTrump), Trump Mortgage Company, Trump Magazine, Trump bike race (Tour de Trump), Trump on the Ocean (failed restaurant & catering business), Trump: The Game, Trump University, and most recently Trump Tower in Toronto.

With those failed businesses, Trump is able to leverage the tax loopholes that were designed and inserted by his counterparts, and in doing so always shifts the risk to the public. Meanwhile his contractors, stockholders, and employees received pennies on the dollar. Trump wins, everyone else loses.

Trump's foundation has been exposed as a slush fund.

Not ONE Fortune 100 company endorses Trump. Nor do the CEO's.

Christianity Today denounced Donald Trump stating "He’s the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool."

Trump has repeatedly denigrated Mexicans, women, people of color, handicapped people, veterans, veterans with PTSD, Gold Star families, people of other faiths, in reality, anyone who is not Christian, male and white.

No living president endorses Trump.

The last Republican presidential nominee won't endorse Trump.

Trump has now been revealed as a serial sexual predator owning some sense of "entitlement" due to his wealth and status.

Trump's ties with Vladimir Putin and the Russian cyber-hacking incidents (to include state voting machines on election day) are borderline espionage and only now are the details being revealed. (Google: Malcolm Nance)

Former CIA and NSA head, Michael Hayden won't endorse Trump. Hayden was one of 50 officials from past Republican administrations who signed a letter labeling Donald Trump "a risk to America's national security and well-being."

Barbara Res, who worked 18 years for Donald Trump and served as executive vice president and senior vice president of his company, said her longtime boss is "dangerously unsuited in every meaningful way to serve as president of the United States."

Trump's ghost writer, Tony Schwartz, said that he “genuinely believes that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Trump's faithful minority are expecting a landslide victory, and if Trump doesn't win, they have been told, TOLD that the election was rigged. Many have stated that they will start the armed revolution, with liberals and minorities in the cross hairs. Kentucky governor, Matt Bevin, even stated "Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room." By the way, the NRA endorses Trump.

I guess we can thank Trump for helping to expose the angry, misinformed, intentionally disinformed, gullible people in our society. We all know who to avoid now.

Liberal media GAVE Trump a billion dollars worth of air time. Anyone with a brain can see the scam. Anyone with a brain and any sense of financial and national preservation will refuse to be YET ANOTHER Trump mark. Liberal media, my ass.
Dear TyroneSlothrop I thought BUSH Sr endorsed Trump.

Cruz endorses him as a Constitutionalist because at least the Supreme Court appts. are justification.

This is a battle of corporate media vs. Constitutional law enforcement.

Sure it's David against the Goliath monopoly but the battle to find truth in the midst of darkness has always been an uphill battle. What's new.

The real leaders who would make better Presidents have to wait for this front line surge to fight itself out. None of them can beat the media and corporate party games in the way that Trump took on.

Like Normandy and when the troops in front get crushed but open up the way for later troops to surge in. Someone had to be the one in front to get smashed.

But it opens the door for the others who won't have to fight that fight.

They know they'll have it easier next time.

Same with the minority leaders after Obama and Clinton who won't have to play dirty politics to be the first. In the future we can play fair, not the trashy corrupt games we see now.


George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton - POLITICO
Thank you Lakhota
Trump is braver than I thought!

Are you able to answer my post asking if you agree not to take action even though classified content was found in emails the investigating authorities confirmed should not have been transmitted by private server.

Do you have professionally researched material you can post on that?

Your statement it wasn't clearly classified is false because it was confirmed by authorities as classified content that should not have been on private servers.

Is that all you have?
Can you please reply, Thanks!

Last I heard, the various departments were still debating on what they consider classified and what should be retroactively classified or declassified. In other words - it's a hazy clusterfuck among government agencies.

Hillary Clinton says none of her emails had classification headers

"Classified material has a header which says ‘top-secret, secret, confidential.’ Nothing, and I will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header."
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 in the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum


Clinton is correct that the FBI did not find any such labels in her emails.

Hillary Clinton on classified info in her emails

A haha facts don't work on people who live to hate.
Well, it is obvious that most Republicans are as good liars as Trump. If any foundation is crooked, it would have to be Trump's. He hasn't put any money into it but sure uses what other people put in for "charity" to pay his bills. Crooked Trump.

Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Don't you fools ever get tired of being lied to? assholes are voting hilary......that is funny....

Vote Trump....Save America...
Does anyone, at this point, believe what Comey has to say on this subject? The man has completely discredited himself.
Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Don't you fools ever get tired of being lied to? assholes are voting hilary......that is funny....

Vote Trump....Save America...
Fuck Trump....Save America...
With two days to go until election day, let's recap Trump's suitability for the office of President of the United States:

No major newspaper endorses Trump.

For only the 3rd time in its history, the Atlantic Monthly, started in 1858, endorsed Lincoln, no one else until they anti-endorsed Goldwater in '64. Now Trump is anti-endorsed.

The Harvard Republican Club was founded in 1888 and has endorsed a Republican in every presidential election. Until now. 128 years, if you're counting.

Penn State College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Princeton College Republicans won't endorse Trump.

Rutgers Republican Club won't endorse Trump.

Trump is a proven failed businessman, with many failed business ventures; Trump Taj Mahal Casino, Trump Plaza Casino, Trump Marina Casino, Trump Airlines, Trump Network (a vitamin-hawking pyramid scheme), Trump talk radio (Trumped!), Trump New Media (a video-on-demand company), Trump Vodka, Trump Ice (bottled water company), Trump Football (New Jersey Generals), Trump Steaks, Trump Travel Agency (GoTrump), Trump Mortgage Company, Trump Magazine, Trump bike race (Tour de Trump), Trump on the Ocean (failed restaurant & catering business), Trump: The Game, Trump University, and most recently Trump Tower in Toronto.

With those failed businesses, Trump is able to leverage the tax loopholes that were designed and inserted by his counterparts, and in doing so always shifts the risk to the public. Meanwhile his contractors, stockholders, and employees received pennies on the dollar. Trump wins, everyone else loses.

Trump's foundation has been exposed as a slush fund.

Not ONE Fortune 100 company endorses Trump. Nor do the CEO's.

Christianity Today denounced Donald Trump stating "He’s the very embodiment of what the Bible calls a fool."

Trump has repeatedly denigrated Mexicans, women, people of color, handicapped people, veterans, veterans with PTSD, Gold Star families, people of other faiths, in reality, anyone who is not Christian, male and white.

No living president endorses Trump.

The last Republican presidential nominee won't endorse Trump.

Trump has now been revealed as a serial sexual predator owning some sense of "entitlement" due to his wealth and status.

Trump's ties with Vladimir Putin and the Russian cyber-hacking incidents (to include state voting machines on election day) are borderline espionage and only now are the details being revealed. (Google: Malcolm Nance)

Former CIA and NSA head, Michael Hayden won't endorse Trump. Hayden was one of 50 officials from past Republican administrations who signed a letter labeling Donald Trump "a risk to America's national security and well-being."

Barbara Res, who worked 18 years for Donald Trump and served as executive vice president and senior vice president of his company, said her longtime boss is "dangerously unsuited in every meaningful way to serve as president of the United States."

Trump's ghost writer, Tony Schwartz, said that he “genuinely believes that if Trump wins and gets the nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization.”

Trump's faithful minority are expecting a landslide victory, and if Trump doesn't win, they have been told, TOLD that the election was rigged. Many have stated that they will start the armed revolution, with liberals and minorities in the cross hairs. Kentucky governor, Matt Bevin, even stated "Whose blood will be shed? It may be that of those in this room." By the way, the NRA endorses Trump.

I guess we can thank Trump for helping to expose the angry, misinformed, intentionally disinformed, gullible people in our society. We all know who to avoid now.

Liberal media GAVE Trump a billion dollars worth of air time. Anyone with a brain can see the scam. Anyone with a brain and any sense of financial and national preservation will refuse to be YET ANOTHER Trump mark. Liberal media, my ass.
Dear TyroneSlothrop I thought BUSH Sr endorsed Trump.

Cruz endorses him as a Constitutionalist because at least the Supreme Court appts. are justification.

This is a battle of corporate media vs. Constitutional law enforcement.

Sure it's David against the Goliath monopoly but the battle to find truth in the midst of darkness has always been an uphill battle. What's new.

The real leaders who would make better Presidents have to wait for this front line surge to fight itself out. None of them can beat the media and corporate party games in the way that Trump took on.

Like Normandy and when the troops in front get crushed but open up the way for later troops to surge in. Someone had to be the one in front to get smashed.

But it opens the door for the others who won't have to fight that fight.

They know they'll have it easier next time.

Same with the minority leaders after Obama and Clinton who won't have to play dirty politics to be the first. In the future we can play fair, not the trashy corrupt games we see now.


George H.W. Bush to vote for Hillary Clinton - POLITICO
Thank you Lakhota
Trump is braver than I thought!

Are you able to answer my post asking if you agree not to take action even though classified content was found in emails the investigating authorities confirmed should not have been transmitted by private server.

Do you have professionally researched material you can post on that?

Your statement it wasn't clearly classified is false because it was confirmed by authorities as classified content that should not have been on private servers.

Is that all you have?
Can you please reply, Thanks!

Last I heard, the various departments were still debating on what they consider classified and what should be retroactively classified or declassified. In other words - it's a hazy clusterfuck among government agencies.

Hillary Clinton says none of her emails had classification headers

"Classified material has a header which says ‘top-secret, secret, confidential.’ Nothing, and I will repeat this and this is verified in the report by the Department of Justice, none of the emails sent or received by me had such a header."
Hillary Clinton on Wednesday, September 7th, 2016 in the NBC Commander-In-Chief Forum


Clinton is correct that the FBI did not find any such labels in her emails.

Hillary Clinton on classified info in her emails

A haha facts don't work on people who live it hate.

Posts an idiot who supports the party of racism, rape and crime.....and the Queen of the Borg....

Vote Trump....Save America...
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Don't you fools ever get tired of being lied to? assholes are voting hilary......that is funny....

Vote Trump....Save America...
Fuck Trump....Save America... can't even spell vote correctly...let me fix for your dumb ass.....

Vote Trump...Save America
The only way this election can get more ridiculous, is if HiLIARy drops dead from her mysterious ailments, and her potbellied pig, Kaine, runs around in circles like a dog chasing it's tail, followed by that annoying old Socialist clown, Bernie, waving his finger and moving his hands and arms around like a symphony conductor having a seizure, followed by POCAHONTAS Warren being as obnoxious as usual, beating a powwow drum.

So in other words, she did all the illegal shit we thought she did, but we are still not going to recommend charges.

When someone isn't found guilty or even charged that usually means they didn't do any illegal shit not to mention all the illegal shit you think she did.
How STUPID are you?

He is all the waaaaay stupid........

Vote Trump, Save America....

So in other words, she did all the illegal shit we thought she did, but we are still not going to recommend charges.

When someone isn't found guilty or even charged that usually means they didn't do any illegal shit not to mention all the illegal shit you think she did.
How STUPID are you?

He is all the waaaaay stupid........

Vote Trump, Save America....
I'll tell ya, not soros, not clinton, not the dnc, NOT ANYONE could PAY me like these leftist trolls to post such UTTER BULL SHIT.

Simple as that.

Simple is right. So simple that it lacks any critical thought.
Obviously this was not Clinton's device. That means by default, the bulk were not related in any way to her and easily discarded just as were any duplicates of previously reviewed mails.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007

So in other words, she did all the illegal shit we thought she did, but we are still not going to recommend charges.

When someone isn't found guilty or even charged that usually means they didn't do any illegal shit not to mention all the illegal shit you think she did.
How STUPID are you?

He is all the waaaaay stupid........

Vote Trump, Save America....
I'll tell ya, not soros, not clinton, not the dnc, NOT ANYONE could PAY me like these leftist trolls to post such UTTER BULL SHIT.

You were lied to. You thought you had something and now instead of lashing out at those who lied to you...instead you're mad at me laughing at you for falling for the gag AGAIN. Hurt feelings and all.

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