BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

NaziCons have put Hillary through hell.

Poor little Hill, those mean Republicans who did this to her!!!!!!


Hillary is worth $30 million. Can you explain how she "made" that money?


Start with cattle futures, Whitewater, and Castle Grande....

She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...
Yep. How do you think Chelsea paid for her wedding.
NaziCons have put Hillary through hell.

Poor little Hill, those mean Republicans who did this to her!!!!!!


Hillary is worth $30 million. Can you explain how she "made" that money?


Start with cattle futures, Whitewater, and Castle Grande....

She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...
Yep. How do you think Chelsea paid for her wedding.

Did she buy a portrait of herself or pay off a government official with foundation money? That is so trumplike....
Watch the polls now move back into Hillary's direction. Can't wait to hear what Comrade Trump now says about Comey. He will go off the rail again...

A few days ago most of you Hillarybots were demanding that James Comey resign or even be arrested, now you want to lick his buttocks.

Shhhh they think we don't notice LOL

A week ago the Hillarybots were screaming that Comey was attempting to help Trump, Lakhota even had a thread demanding that Comey resign for helping Trump.

Now of course he's not attempting to help Hillary and he's almost within minutes become a Saint of some type.

LaKooKoo is a befuddled old fool who wakes up around 11 AM after an all night bender and goes to each of his threads commenting "good morning" to bump his nonsense.

But you're right, they all screamed for Comey to be drawn and quartered last week and now he's back in their good graces
Apparently he skipped this mornings sun dance to spam the board. :)
There wasn't anything incriminating in any of her emails, then or now.

RWNJs need to stfu with their incessant lies.


Clinton email review is over, we have not changed our conclusions.

letter sent to Congress critters....

he should have NEVER did what he did! he influenced the election by knowing the republicans in congress would spread it through the grapevine in a new york second, with a bunch of lies and speculations...

I wonder if people that voted since his last notice can have a redo!!

There is no one on the planet who does not know that the Repubs used emails to smear Clinton.

Amen! Just imagine if we could have seen all the RNC emails.
Stop talking to yourself.
NaziCons have put Hillary through hell.

Poor little Hill, those mean Republicans who did this to her!!!!!!


Hillary is worth $30 million. Can you explain how she "made" that money?


Start with cattle futures, Whitewater, and Castle Grande....

She is worth about $200 million dollars....all the money in the clinton foundation belongs to her too....and she uses it for herself and her family...
Yep. How do you think Chelsea paid for her wedding.

Did she buy a portrait of herself or pay off a government official with foundation money? That is so trumplike....
No you dumbass. She had secret emails on a pedophiles laptop. Do you really have your priorities right?
Watch the polls now move back into Hillary's direction. Can't wait to hear what Comrade Trump now says about Comey. He will go off the rail again...

A few days ago most of you Hillarybots were demanding that James Comey resign or even be arrested, now you want to lick his buttocks.

Shhhh they think we don't notice LOL

A week ago the Hillarybots were screaming that Comey was attempting to help Trump, Lakhota even had a thread demanding that Comey resign for helping Trump.

Now of course he's not attempting to help Hillary and he's almost within minutes become a Saint of some type.

LaKooKoo is a befuddled old fool who wakes up around 11 AM after an all night bender and goes to each of his threads commenting "good morning" to bump his nonsense.

But you're right, they all screamed for Comey to be drawn and quartered last week and now he's back in their good graces

The thing about Lakhota, he gets so excited whatever happens and goes into freaking out mode.

Lakhota reacting to bad news.


Lakhota reacting to good news.

Perfect description.
You guys need to make up your mind.

First, he's a villain.
Then, he's a hero.
Now, he's a villain.


Right back at for me? He lost any credibility with me last July when he rolled out that "no intent" garbage

Cool. That makes you different from the rest.

Something stinks about'll come out it always does
Yes, it is identified as the obummer administration corruption.

You mean like this garbage?

Obama: Latinos Should Vote to Give Undocumented Family Members a Voice

How is urging people to vote for a candidate that will look out for the interests of Latinos with undocumented family corruption?
Breaking: Just when you thought maybe at least the FBI isn't rotten clear to the core. They remove all doubt.

There is something very shady about all this. The FBI wouldn't have reopened the investigation unless they had something concrete. Now we find out it was nothing at all?

When Comey made this announcement he did not even have these emails in his possession. He got roped a doped by Guiliani & Kallstrom that news was going to leak on this story, and he jumped out in front of the freight train with his announcement.

These emails are DUPLICATES of ones they had already reviewed, which a lot of people believed. As Huma was shocked, and already turned everything over to them and was fully cooperative with them. She told them she often forwarded emails to her home server to print them out.

Comey chased a rabbit down a hole, and now he can't get out. There will be a Judicial investigation & hearing on this.

As usual, Republicans are too dumb to figure out when they are doing something illegal or wrong....until they get caught, then they try to obfuscate what they said. Like Guiliani, trying to backtrack after he opened his big mouth and literally bragged about it. What pussies.

Guiliani & Kallstrom are on video making those comments--and videos never go away. This really starts with Comey though. In his effort to be totally transparent--he released a lot of information to congress during this investigation, that then when to FOX NEWS--and all the arm chair investigators & prosecutors came out of the closet. What police department or any other is going to release any information during an investigation to the media, which is exactly what Comey did.

No matter what we still have Republicans on CNN right now, stating "she's guilty" lock her up, who were never part of the investigation--but still think they know more than the FBI. Then they were madder than hell at Comey in July, last week he was their hero, now he's a monster today, and they still are chanting lock her up at the Trump rallies.

This is an instance where Hillary Clinton was guilty because FOX News told you so--LOL

But after Hillary Clinton wins, I hope they're all investigated for violating the Hatch Act of 1939--and this conspiracy is finally broken into pieces in front of public view, and everyone sees just what a Reich wing witch hunt this has been from the very beginning. Just like Benghazi was.
With Clinton exonerated, conspiracy theorists turn on Trey Gowdy


In the end the real question is, how many people voted for Donald Trump over the last 7 days, after thinking that Hillary Clinton was going to be charged? And that's the disgusting part in all of this. They should be allowed to take their vote back and vote again.
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I fully expect that Hillary will win the election - but Comey must pay a high price for his malfeasance in office. He placed her candidacy at unfair, probably illegal, risk.
Any comment on Clinton having her housekeeper print out classified material? Any at all? Or is that OK with you loons? Of course it, party first eh, Fraulein Mertex?
now ya know it is oaky with them, so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer, we love comey again now, he is their hero and Hillary is as innocent as a newborn lamb.

so is the fact that weenie and huma had classified info on their home computer,

A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Ha,ha, says the fool who supports the orange buffoon who has been exposed as the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the office of the President. He takes money from his charitable organization to pay his bills, he fleeces his workers, he makes up fake universities to scam millions from innocent people, he lies every time he opens his mouth. Oh, and he gropes women and treats them like dirt.

I say the despicable ones are you and the rest of the deplorables in the basket.

you mean like how the clinton foundationn money paid for Chelseas wedding? asshole
That's what Libs consider charity.
When someone isn't found guilty or even charged that usually means they didn't do any illegal shit not to mention all the illegal shit you think she did.
How STUPID are you?

He is all the waaaaay stupid........

Vote Trump, Save America....
I'll tell ya, not soros, not clinton, not the dnc, NOT ANYONE could PAY me like these leftist trolls to post such UTTER BULL SHIT.

You were lied to. You thought you had something and now instead of lashing out at those who lied to you...instead you're mad at me laughing at you for falling for the gag AGAIN. Hurt feelings and all.
You are an absolute idiot, and there isn't a thing you could say that I would either believe or support other than if you said you were going to kill yourself, then I'd support that.

The corruption is SO DEEP AND TOTAL in Washington that NOTHING you PROGTARDS can say can hide it. The VAST majority of Americans see it, and you can't stop it, or LIE your way around it.


Its not about believing me skippy. It's about you were told you were getting a shiny new bike again. And it was a big hoax again.
A straight up lie.
sure it is which is why the NYC fbi sent all the emails to the DC fbi. face it, you libtards thrive on corruption and corruption won this round. that makes you and your party despicable. everyone knows that1

Ha,ha, says the fool who supports the orange buffoon who has been exposed as the most corrupt candidate to ever run for the office of the President. He takes money from his charitable organization to pay his bills, he fleeces his workers, he makes up fake universities to scam millions from innocent people, he lies every time he opens his mouth. Oh, and he gropes women and treats them like dirt.

I say the despicable ones are you and the rest of the deplorables in the basket.

you mean like how the clinton foundationn money paid for Chelseas wedding? asshole

No, I mean like Trump taking out money from the Trump Foundation to pay his legal bills, asswipe.

Trump used $258,000 from his charity to settle legal problems
A SOS was just let off the hook after 650,000 of her government emails were found on a pedophiles laptop and you're fucking worried about how a lawyer got paid. Anyone have any questions left about how we have ended up in this mess?
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!

So Comey is back to being Saint Righteous Steward again among the Dimocrats, but he never said that Hillary wont be indicted for the Clinton Foundation investigations.
You know a better analogy? It's like a treasure hunter keep going back to his investors and promising to find to gold if only he had a other couple of million.

Chaffez is saying sure I spent millions in your cash but trust me. There's gold in them thar hills!

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