Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.

ok moron whatever you say.

My case is made based on substance, yours is one about style.

I have no problem leaving it right there.

Yeah, that "substance" oozing out of you libs is certainly not factual.

What is NOT FACTUAL about these?

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
No context or sources. It's just a childish smear site. Tailor made for liberals.
From the link:

Saturday, an anonymous person who works in Washington DC, alleged on 4Chan’s /pol/ subgroup that high-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation.

Your anonymous sources are some how more credible than theirs?
What a moron!
Absolutely my sources are better.
This is basically quoting someone on a discussion board as a source.
You dopes no doubt don't even get why that's a problem. :laugh2:
The so-called investigative reporters who brought down the Nixon administration over a 3rd rate burglary seemed to have retired by the time people started dying mysteriously during the Clinton years. It's possible that the Clinton operatives, who staged Vince Foster's death, stayed active when Bill's wife ran for president. Allegations of a pedophile ring and the murder of a Clinton staffer on a D.C. street is the stuff of Tom Clancy novels but typically the MSM doesn't seem interested.
Breaking News Update!

No FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act) inquiries on Seth Rich to be 'Granted'


Gee, I thought this was just a simple botched robbery.
Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

'Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Seth Rich Announcement

...High-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation.

You can add 'murder' to that 'impressive' DNC 2018 / 2020 Democratic Party election resume.
You are easily trained. Now sit up. Roll over. Play dead. Good trumpette. Here's a cookie.
Just how anonymous does someone posting on Twitter think they are, at least with regard to law enforcement seeking answers to a suspicious death?

I don't know whether Kim-whomever is pulling a prank or is dumb enough to be serious, but I know that upon seeing that post, the cops will find "Kim." Admitting on Twitter, or whatever, that he was involved in the process of hacking and releasing DNC emails is not a bright idea, at least not if one hopes to remain unincarcerated.
"Complete panic at the highest levels of the DNC?" Really?

The Gateway Pundit's claim that the there is "complete panic" at the highest levels of the DNC is dubious at best. Nowhere in the blog post is found so much as one statement from any DNC senior management employee and that would indicate there being "complete panic" at the highest levels of the DNC. Neither is there any description of any activity at the DNC that is indicative of there being "complete panic at the highest levels of the DNC." Not even so much as a photo of a top DNC staffer going to work with their hair uncombed, maybe a blouse/shirt wrinkled or not properly buttoned, maybe someone wearing mismatched socks. Not one shred of evidence -- incontrovertible or circumstantial -- that suggests there is anything remotely resembling panic at the DNC; all there is is Sean Hannity bald claim saying that is so, and the Gateway Pundit serving as part of the "echo chamber" by repeating his unfounded, unsubstantiated assertion.
Hillary supporters have nothing to fear. Nothing will happen....much like the time that Coroner back in Arkansas certified on a death certificate that 'one guy' died from being run over by a train while 'sleeping on the railroad tracks'. It must of be because of that 'sleep aid' he had taken - the bullet hole in the back of his head NOT initially mentioned in the autopsy.

The shit is going to hit the fan this week. I suspect Tuesday. The DNC, Hillary, Podesta, and end the end, Obama, will soon be at an empasse. Seth Rich is the conduit to bringing them down, even in his death. Newt Gingrich brought this up this morning. It's something that can't be ignored anymore.

First line of the Gateway propaganda:

"Saturday, an anonymous person who works in Washington DC alleged on 4Chan’s /pol/ subgroup that high-ranking current and former Democratic Party officials are terrified of the Seth Rich murder investigation."

What happened to all of the RWnuts' contempt for and total rejection of 'anonymous sources'? That was alive and well last week.


From Wikipedia:

"Rich's parents have strongly criticized the conspiracy theory and have urged members of the press to stop posting about the incident. They accused conspiracy theorists of politicizing his death for political gain, and called posters of the debunked conspiracy theory "sociopaths" and "disgusting".[9][10] In a statement released by the family, they stated "[People who post the conspiracy theory] are blind to the damage they are doing to a murder victim's family or don't care, showing a profound lack of judgement and common decency."[

"Profound lack of judgement and common decency."

They've described wingnut USMB members quite accurately!
The parents are attempting to protect the memory of their opposed to the Democrats who had Seth murdered because he was leaking TRUTH out about Hillary, the DNC, and the Democratic Party.

Is it that the Democrats had him murdered or is it that you want to believe that the Democrats had him murdered?

In other words, are you just a partisan political hack supporting ridiculous conspiracy theories?

If he was passing information to WikiLeaks, don't you think that the DNC would just fire him? Having him murdered would be stupid as hell.

Besides, his parents would certainly want his death avenged - they'd probably see him as a hero for passing info to Wikileaks.

Please try not to be Sooooo DELUSIONAL!
Dem murder count

victim perp
Vince Foster Clintons
Ron Brown Clintons
James McDougle Clintons
Jerry Parks Clintons
Seth Rich Clintons
Is it that the Democrats had him murdered or is it that you want to believe that the Democrats had him murdered?
History shows the Clintons and their 'circle' don't take kindly to leakers, political threats, and / or those who betray 'the family'. Just sayin'... :p
History shows the Clintons and their 'circle' don't take kindly to leakers, political threats, and / or those who betray 'the family'. Just sayin'..


Vince Foster
Jerry Parks
Ron Brown
Herschel Friday
Seth Rich

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