Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

The Gateway Pundit is the biggest source of rightwing horseshit on the internet.
/---- Don't like the message? Attack the messenger. Now what are you going to say about the Free Republic?
Breaking: 'Complete Panic' at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim ...
2 hours ago - Breaking: 'Complete Panic' at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom's Seth Rich Announcement ... This comes after internet entrepreneur and hacker, Kim DotCom, admitted on Saturday that he was part of an operation along with Seth Rich to get stolen DNC emails to Wikileaks. (Excerpt) Read more at ...
Everyone with a brain knew that these were leaks and not hacks. I work in IT and have a security role as well with my company, and everything I have read and heard about The Democrat Party's Narrative of "Russian Hacking" sounded fishy, and everything said and known about The DNC Server and Podesta's emails pointed towards leaks from inside the DNC itself, not hacking.

When a Political Party makes a decision to build it's campaign cycle on manufactured lies and false narratives, and propaganda, eventually they will be exposed. Their fall from grace (if they had any) will be hard and painful. And it will be entirely self inflicted and entirely deserved.
Please tell us, old wise one, What was in the DNC emails that was ACTUALLY so harmful? Why would anyone need to be killed over them? idiot!!!
Trump's legion of very busy dogwashers that can find or admit nothing repulsive or even eye brow raising about the constantly lying man-child and co.

So someone who fully supports Trump, but may not be happy with some of the things he has said....would NOT be a Trumpster?

I feel he's on the right track as far as the nation is concerned. I fully agree that the immigration situation is out of control and that we are not a nation if we have no borders or control over them. I agree with his stance that America is stronger when we develop our own sources of energy.
He seems to be working to create jobs and economic prosperity. I cannot say I felt Obama did these things. Obama seemed to have spent more of his time stirring up hatred by attending riots and flaming and not supporting the rule of law. That';s the way I see it.

I really don't see where he is "constantly lying". I think you exaggerate a bit on that. I'm sure we could find "some" lies. Same with Barack and most politicians.

If you don't see well documented pattern of lying well above and beyond your run out of mill politician you are a Trumpster. It is tough to explain it any other way given the quickly growing pile of stink:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When Trump fired Comey and stated that the firing was based on a memo about how Comey mistreated Clinton, he and his admin were clearly and quite stupidly lying. Trump admitted 2 days later that the firing was not at all based on the memo he received from justice department, that is to say, admitted lying. Same thing happened with divulge of intelligence to Russia.

NOW. That doesn't mean that someone that knows that Trump is a lying pos can't support him. After all, if you want those tax cuts bad enough and still believe he can deliver on his economic growth promises, you maybe are willing to over look the swamp Trump is spreading. But to say that you still see nothing wrong with Trump puts you in a whole other category.
Do you have a credible source? I tried looking at that one but it was filled with jumping needles and flames, obviously with the toddler in mind.

Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.
Red confirms it. It's just another in the continuing pulp series of the RusssianWNJ's defense of the Fatherland.
Snowflakes spend nearly 1 year throwing their poo against the wall to see what would stick without evidence, and ALL THE REAL EVIDENCE has revealed REAL DNC crimes:
- Hillary broke laws

- Obama administration/loyalist committed 'Felony Espionage'

- Seth Rich was the Wikileaks Insider...and was the victim of a 'hit'

- Debbie W-S intentionally jeopardized DNC (e-mails and) Classified House files / National Security by re-hiring one of the 3 Pakistani brother spies who had already been banned from the House for potential espionage

...and you still defend the only PROVN CRIMINALS! :p

More regurgitated RussianWNJ pulp.

"Murderers and Criminals"

From Wikipedia:

"Rich's parents have strongly criticized the conspiracy theory and have urged members of the press to stop posting about the incident. They accused conspiracy theorists of politicizing his death for political gain, and called posters of the debunked conspiracy theory "sociopaths" and "disgusting".[9][10] In a statement released by the family, they stated "[People who post the conspiracy theory] are blind to the damage they are doing to a murder victim's family or don't care, showing a profound lack of judgement and common decency."[

"Profound lack of judgement and common decency."

They've described wingnut USMB members quite accurately!
From Wikipedia:

"Rich's parents have strongly criticized the conspiracy theory and have urged members of the press to stop posting about the incident. They accused conspiracy theorists of politicizing his death for political gain, and called posters of the debunked conspiracy theory "sociopaths" and "disgusting".[9][10] In a statement released by the family, they stated "[People who post the conspiracy theory] are blind to the damage they are doing to a murder victim's family or don't care, showing a profound lack of judgement and common decency."[

"Profound lack of judgement and common decency."

They've described wingnut USMB members quite accurately!
The parents are attempting to protect the memory of their opposed to the Democrats who had Seth murdered because he was leaking TRUTH out about Hillary, the DNC, and the Democratic Party.
It is obvious that something unusual happened with this murder. Rich gets assassinated late a night and the FBI and DC police claim it is a robbery, yet Rich's father claims he wasn't robbed. Now that is strange...why would they claim robbery when there was no robbery?

Combine this with all this talk that Rich was leaking to Wikileaks.

Then the so called family investigator goes public with all sorts of contradictory shit and the family claiming R partisans were politicizing the murder. Why would the family hire an PI who supposedly is being paid be a third party?

Then you have Assange citing Rich's murder, not by name, but as proof of how dangerous it is being a whistle blower.
There were actually several people that were highly critical of The Clintons who mysteriously died in the same week.
One was an author coming out with a new book that was about all of The Clintons connections to organized crime, drug trafficking, and the Russian Mafia.
Trump's legion of very busy dogwashers that can find or admit nothing repulsive or even eye brow raising about the constantly lying man-child and co.

So someone who fully supports Trump, but may not be happy with some of the things he has said....would NOT be a Trumpster?

I feel he's on the right track as far as the nation is concerned. I fully agree that the immigration situation is out of control and that we are not a nation if we have no borders or control over them. I agree with his stance that America is stronger when we develop our own sources of energy.
He seems to be working to create jobs and economic prosperity. I cannot say I felt Obama did these things. Obama seemed to have spent more of his time stirring up hatred by attending riots and flaming and not supporting the rule of law. That';s the way I see it.

I really don't see where he is "constantly lying". I think you exaggerate a bit on that. I'm sure we could find "some" lies. Same with Barack and most politicians.

If you don't see well documented pattern of lying well above and beyond your run out of mill politician you are a Trumpster. It is tough to explain it any other way given the quickly growing pile of stink:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When Trump fired Comey and stated that the firing was based on a memo about how Comey mistreated Clinton, he and his admin were clearly and quite stupidly lying. Trump admitted 2 days later that the firing was not at all based on the memo he received from justice department, that is to say, admitted lying. Same thing happened with divulge of intelligence to Russia.

NOW. That doesn't mean that someone that knows that Trump is a lying pos can't support him. After all, if you want those tax cuts bad enough and still believe he can deliver on his economic growth promises, you maybe are willing to over look the swamp Trump is spreading. But to say that you still see nothing wrong with Trump puts you in a whole other category.
Do you have a credible source? I tried looking at that one but it was filled with jumping needles and flames, obviously with the toddler in mind.

Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what Trumpster idiots like YOU declare to be a credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can take your baseless nonononoing and fuck off.
So someone who fully supports Trump, but may not be happy with some of the things he has said....would NOT be a Trumpster?

I feel he's on the right track as far as the nation is concerned. I fully agree that the immigration situation is out of control and that we are not a nation if we have no borders or control over them. I agree with his stance that America is stronger when we develop our own sources of energy.
He seems to be working to create jobs and economic prosperity. I cannot say I felt Obama did these things. Obama seemed to have spent more of his time stirring up hatred by attending riots and flaming and not supporting the rule of law. That';s the way I see it.

I really don't see where he is "constantly lying". I think you exaggerate a bit on that. I'm sure we could find "some" lies. Same with Barack and most politicians.

If you don't see well documented pattern of lying well above and beyond your run out of mill politician you are a Trumpster. It is tough to explain it any other way given the quickly growing pile of stink:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When Trump fired Comey and stated that the firing was based on a memo about how Comey mistreated Clinton, he and his admin were clearly and quite stupidly lying. Trump admitted 2 days later that the firing was not at all based on the memo he received from justice department, that is to say, admitted lying. Same thing happened with divulge of intelligence to Russia.

NOW. That doesn't mean that someone that knows that Trump is a lying pos can't support him. After all, if you want those tax cuts bad enough and still believe he can deliver on his economic growth promises, you maybe are willing to over look the swamp Trump is spreading. But to say that you still see nothing wrong with Trump puts you in a whole other category.
Do you have a credible source? I tried looking at that one but it was filled with jumping needles and flames, obviously with the toddler in mind.

Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.
If you don't see well documented pattern of lying well above and beyond your run out of mill politician you are a Trumpster. It is tough to explain it any other way given the quickly growing pile of stink:

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

When Trump fired Comey and stated that the firing was based on a memo about how Comey mistreated Clinton, he and his admin were clearly and quite stupidly lying. Trump admitted 2 days later that the firing was not at all based on the memo he received from justice department, that is to say, admitted lying. Same thing happened with divulge of intelligence to Russia.

NOW. That doesn't mean that someone that knows that Trump is a lying pos can't support him. After all, if you want those tax cuts bad enough and still believe he can deliver on his economic growth promises, you maybe are willing to over look the swamp Trump is spreading. But to say that you still see nothing wrong with Trump puts you in a whole other category.
Do you have a credible source? I tried looking at that one but it was filled with jumping needles and flames, obviously with the toddler in mind.

Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.

ok moron whatever you say.

My case is made based on substance, yours is one about style.

I have no problem leaving it right there.
The anonymous post released Saturday reads:

“Anons, I work in D.C.

I know for certain that the Seth Rich case has scared the shit out of certain high ranking current and former Democratic Party officials.

This is the reason why they have backed away from impeachment talk. They know the smoking gun is out there, and they’re terrified you will find it, because when you do it will bring the entire DNC, along with a couple of very big name politicians.

It appears that certain DNC thugs were not thorough enough when it came time to cover their tracks. Podesta saying he wanted to “make an example of the leaker” is a huge smoking gun.”

“The behavior is near open panic. To even mention this name in D.C. Circles [sic] will bring you under automatic scrutiny. To even admit that you have knowledge of this story puts you in immediate danger.

If there was no smoke there would be no fire. I have never, in my 20 years of working in D.C. Seen [sic] such a panicked reaction from anyone.

I have strong reason to believe that the smoking gun in this case is out o [sic] the hands of the conspirators, and will be discovered by anon. I know for certain that Podesta is deeply concerned. He’s been receiving anonymous calls and emails from people saying they know the truth. Same with Hillary.”

Breaking: ‘Complete Panic’ at Highest Levels of DNC Over Kim DotCom’s Seth Rich Announcement

No smoke without fire, hey? Trump's going to have a lot more fire then.....

Well, some people might go down for this, but the Democrats won't, the system will protect them, the people will protect them that's for sure. Nothing will ever take the monopoly away from the two main bastard parties.
THIRD thread on this, just this morning! Marching orders have been delivered to their pawns!
Do you have a credible source? I tried looking at that one but it was filled with jumping needles and flames, obviously with the toddler in mind.

Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.

ok moron whatever you say.

My case is made based on substance, yours is one about style.

I have no problem leaving it right there.

Yeah, that "substance" oozing out of you libs is certainly not factual.
Toddler mind is the one deflecting about needs and flames instead of disputing the substance that supports the statement that Trump is a top grade liar.
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.

ok moron whatever you say.

My case is made based on substance, yours is one about style.

I have no problem leaving it right there.

Yeah, that "substance" oozing out of you libs is certainly not factual.

What is NOT FACTUAL about these?

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
Needles. And it's an eyesore for adults. I asked for a credible source and you don't even know what I'm talking about.

Credible source is not what idiots like YOU declare credible source. PolitiFact is a credible source awarded for it's reporting a Pulitzer prize, so you can fuck off.
No credible source creates geegaws to attract the attention of toddlers. You don't know what a credible source is, you think an immature hate site is credible.

ok moron whatever you say.

My case is made based on substance, yours is one about style.

I have no problem leaving it right there.

Yeah, that "substance" oozing out of you libs is certainly not factual.

What is NOT FACTUAL about these?

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

They're all designed to fan the flames of liberal BS.
It is obvious that something unusual happened with this murder. Rich gets assassinated late a night and the FBI and DC police claim it is a robbery, yet Rich's father claims he wasn't robbed. Now that is strange...why would they claim robbery when there was no robbery?

Combine this with all this talk that Rich was leaking to Wikileaks.

Then the so called family investigator goes public with all sorts of contradictory shit and the family claiming R partisans were politicizing the murder. Why would the family hire an PI who supposedly is being paid be a third party?

Then you have Assange citing Rich's murder, not by name, but as proof of how dangerous it is being a whistle blower.
There were actually several people that were highly critical of The Clintons who mysteriously died in the same week.
One was an author coming out with a new book that was about all of The Clintons connections to organized crime, drug trafficking, and the Russian Mafia.
link please

also, please just enlighten us how each of these alleged murders actually HELPED and BENEFITED the clintons....???

sheesh, you are dumb as a rock or just playing a rock....
It is obvious that something unusual happened with this murder. Rich gets assassinated late a night and the FBI and DC police claim it is a robbery, yet Rich's father claims he wasn't robbed. Now that is strange...why would they claim robbery when there was no robbery?

Combine this with all this talk that Rich was leaking to Wikileaks.

Then the so called family investigator goes public with all sorts of contradictory shit and the family claiming R partisans were politicizing the murder. Why would the family hire an PI who supposedly is being paid be a third party?

Then you have Assange citing Rich's murder, not by name, but as proof of how dangerous it is being a whistle blower.
There were actually several people that were highly critical of The Clintons who mysteriously died in the same week.
One was an author coming out with a new book that was about all of The Clintons connections to organized crime, drug trafficking, and the Russian Mafia.
link please

also, please just enlighten us how each of these alleged murders actually HELPED and BENEFITED the clintons....???

sheesh, you are dumb as a rock or just playing a rock....

You really aren't that bright are you?

If you have a canary singing a song you don't like, you end his little bird life.

Dead Birds sing no songs, and Dead Men tell no tales.

Has Seth Rich been interviewed lately?

Mysterious Deaths of DNC’s Seth Rich and Other East Coast Politicos Fuel Conspiracy Theories

While the nation remains captivated by the presidential campaign, DC politicos and government officials across the East Coast are grappling with a string of high-profile and mysterious deaths, some of which remain unsolved.

The unsettling events have given way to a host of Internet conspiracy theories, with denizens of Reddit and social media platforms trying to connect the deaths. Popular theories include an underground Hillary Clinton-authorized murder spree, a bizarre United Nations plot to hide evidence of global involvement in American political affairs, and, occasionally, a connection to the oncoming apocalypse.

Of course, unless Clinton is far more capable of handling a multi-national scheme than she appears, it’s likely the Internet is simply letting its imagination run wild. But see if you aren’t a little unnerved by this list of six strange deaths that have taken place on the eastern seaboard.

1. Molly Macauley: The world-renowned “space economist” Molly Macauly was brutally murdered while walking her two dogs around the corner from her Baltimore home. The assailant attacked Macauley and left her for dead in upscale Roland Park —it was the first murder there since 1998. Police say they have no suspects and no leads, though Twitter is convinced that authorities downplayed the murder because it happened during the height of the #BlackLivesMatter-related unrest.

2. John Ashe: The former President of the UN General Assembly was awaiting trial on bribery charges when he turned up dead in June, apparently having crushed his own windpipe while lifting weights in his home. According to theories floating around on the web, Ashe was “scheduled to testify against the Clinton family” when he met his untimely end. There isn’t much independent confirmation for his testimony appointment, but Ashe was part of a scheme to funnel foreign money to the Democratic National Committee during the Clinton years.

3. Victor Thorne: Thorne was, himself, a conspiracy theorist (and a Holocaust denier), but his suicide from a self-inflicted gunshot wound drew attention from political media because his latest project – a forthcoming book – was reportedly a treasure trove of Hillary Clinton opposition research.

4. Seth Rich: The DNC staffer was attacked near DC’s up-and-coming Bloomingdale neighborhood three weeks ago. DC police say they still have no clues or leads in what they say was a random killing, likely part of a burglary attempt. But while Rich was beaten, shot and killed, he wasn’t robbed; he still had his wallet, watch and phone when police discovered his body. Reddit, which has been “investigating” Rich’s death, is convinced that Rich was pushed to pass internal email to Wikileaks, resulting in the document dump that forced Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s resignation.

5. Joe Montano: An aide to Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Kaine died of an apparent heart attack in his Falls Church, Va., home in late July. Montano, who was close to Kaine and had been employed by him for several years, was working for the Democratic National Committee when he died. Eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists immediately connected his death to Rich’s, even though Montano reportedly passed away from a medical event.

6. Shawn Lucas: Lucas, the lead attorney and process server in fraud case against the DNC filed by Bernie Sanders supporters, was found dead on his bathroom floor just this past week. Lucas’s death is strange, as he was reportedly in good health, according to his girlfriend. He had just appeared in a viral video showing the moment he surprised DNC officials with the fraud allegations. Theorists have linked his death to a massive “cover-up” on the part of the Clinton campaign, but they don’t offer much, aside from speculation, to tie the deaths together.

Obviously, the Internet has a lot of time on its hands. But given the air of mystery that surrounds the Clinton family, stemming from events in the 1990s and the anxiety of the 2016 Presidential campaign, with many believing the Clintons would do anything to retake the White House, plenty of rank-and-file folks are trying to connect the dots.

Most of the theories are purely conjecture, some are complete fantasy. The DNC’s leaked emails show an organization barely able to manage a complicated telephone network, let alone a multinational squad of expert killers. But that won’t stop the Internet from considering the possibility.

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