Breaking! Congress To Step In And Give Immunities to Immunize President Trump From Jack Smith ( 18 U.S. Code § 6002 – 3)

Didnt Hillary say over and over that 2016 was stolen.

She is knowingly lying.
Yup and the bottom line is that even though this DC scam court WILL convict him, guaranteed, the case will also go to SCOTUS and at a minimum, the question of disqualification will be ruled on then. If they rule he is disqualified then the coup is complete and the choices become pretty damned limited.
Yup and the bottom line is that even though this DC scam court WILL convict him, guaranteed, the case will also go to SCOTUS and at a minimum, the question of disqualification will be ruled on then. If they rule he is disqualified then the coup is complete and the choices become pretty damned limited.

Disqualification of the judge? Or Mike Pence disqualifying electors and overturning the election all by himself?

Either way, I wouldn't hold your breath.

Most conservative cries of 'coup' is predicated on profound misunderstandings of how the law actually works.
You might want to read the indictment again. As nothing you just said in anyway justifies conspiring to forge fake election documents and sending them in to NARA. In these documents, fake electors lied and said they had been selected by their respective states. They never were. These forged election documents were then turned over to NARA to be recorded.

Not a bit of that is covered by the 1st amendment.

As for discovery, good luck with that. I think you wildly overestimate Judge Chutkan's tolerance for baseless conspiracy theories backed by jackshit.

I'd be happy to take a bet with you that your estimate of a 'decade' is laughably inaccurate. And that the trial will be scheduled to begin before the convention next year occurs.

Say.....a week's exile from from the board? Winner stays, loser leaves? After openly admitting the loss of course. If the convention next year occurs before the trial starts, you win. If the trial is even *scheduled* after the convention next year, you win. If its scheduled before the convention, but is delayed until after the convention for any reason short of threats of violence, you win.

If Trump's trial begins anytime before it, I win.

How does that sound? July 15th, 2024, I believe.

Like I said, I've seen no evidence that Trump was involved in that, and Smith is the one that opened the door for discovery on the fraud issue. BTW, I don't make bets with you commies, experience tells me you and your ilk don't honor your commitments.

Like I said, I've seen no evidence that Trump was involved in that, and Smith is the one that opened the door for discovery on the fraud issue. BTW, I don't make bets with you commies, experience tells me you and your ilk don't honor your commitments.


Really? Because this isn't a particular mystery. In January of 2022 Michigan Republican Party Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock bragged about it.

"We fought to seat the electors. The Trump campaign asked us to do that. I'm under a lot of scrutiny for that today," Maddock is heard saying in the audio reportedly recorded at a conservative gathering last week, according to CNN. In the audio, Maddock does not say whether she personally communicated with officials from the Trump campaign.

She's indicted for (16?) felonies now including forgery and conspiracy.

And has already admitted that the Trump campaign asked them to do it.

Take a look at the forged election document from Arizona and the forged election doc from Michigan. Its the *exact* same template, down to the font type and kerning and the number of asterisks between the header and the body, just with the state particulars swapped out. NARA kept them both.

First Arizona:


Now Michigan:


So, um...where did they get this template? Someone coordinated this fraud across state lines. And that someone, according to Michigan Republican Party Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock.....was the Trump campaign.
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I pity you.

They just wander from internet insanity to internet insanity.

I guess they just forget about them when they don't come to fruition.

Amusing, but so fuckin' dangerous. They're just detached from reality.
They just wander from internet insanity to internet insanity.

I guess they just forget about them when they don't come to fruition.

Amusing, but so fuckin' dangerous. They're just detached from reality.

Its kinda the halmark of conspiracy reasoning. They just discard their profound legion of misses......never assessing the wasteland worldview that could have led them so astray.

If you're willing to ignore any flip of 'heads' on a coin, I can flip tails 50 times in a row, every time.
Its kinda the halmark of conspiracy reasoning. They just discard their profound legion of misses......never assessing the wasteland worldview that could have led them so astray.

If you're willing to ignore any flip of 'heads' on a coin, I can flip tails 50 times in a row, every time.
This whole Q thing has been a perfect example, and now it dominates their thought processes.

Q has been wrong so many times, yet they'll justify it, every time, as some kind of calculated diversion.

I went a long time before I was willing to call this a cult, but....
This whole Q thing has been a perfect example, and now it dominates their thought processes.

Q has been wrong so many times, yet they'll justify it, every time, as some kind of calculated diversion.

I went a long time before I was willing to call this a cult, but....

It does. Its adorable for them in one breath to insist that they don't believe in QAnon. And in the next, share a Trump campaign video alleging the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state, all while eagerly anticipating Trump's return to power and arrest of all the democrats, libs and RINOs.

Another characteristic of the conspiracy a stunning lack of self awareness. And usually, not much understanding of the conspiracy they're apeing. They just kinda say what they've heard, like a toddler expanding their vocabulary. They know the sounds, but not really the meaning.

Its quite rare that I talk to one of them and I don't know more about their conspiracy than they do.
It does. Its adorable for them in one breath to insist that they don't believe in QAnon. And in the next, share a Trump campaign video alleging the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state, all while eagerly anticipating Trump's return to power and arrest of all the democrats, libs and RINOs.

Another characteristic of the conspiracy a stunning lack of self awareness. And usually, not much understanding of the conspiracy they're apeing. They just kinda say what they've heard, like a toddler expanding their vocabulary. They know the sounds, but not really the meaning.

Its quite rare that I talk to one of them and I don't know more about their conspiracy than they do.
You two should get a room.
Really? Because this isn't a particular mystery. In January of 2022 Michigan Republican Party Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock bragged about it.

"We fought to seat the electors. The Trump campaign asked us to do that. I'm under a lot of scrutiny for that today," Maddock is heard saying in the audio reportedly recorded at a conservative gathering last week, according to CNN. In the audio, Maddock does not say whether she personally communicated with officials from the Trump campaign.

She's indicted for (16?) felonies now including forgery and conspiracy.

And has already admitted that the Trump campaign asked them to do it.

Take a look at the forged election document from Arizona and the forged election doc from Michigan. Its the *exact* same template, down to the font type and kerning and the number of asterisks between the header and the body, just with the state particulars swapped out. NARA kept them both.

First Arizona:

View attachment 810760

Now Michigan:

View attachment 810762

So, um...where did they get this template? Someone coordinated this fraud across state lines. And that someone, according to Michigan Republican Party Co-Chair Meshawn Maddock.....was the Trump campaign.

Nothing in there said Trump, himself was involved. Smith would have to prove he was. Care to try again?

You two should get a room.

Or you could just show us where Devon says what you do.

Alas, you can't. As you lied your ass off.

"Devon Archer testified Monday that Hunter Biden and top executives of Burisma Holdings "called D.C." in 2015 to ask the Obama administration to help fire the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the firm, a source familiar with his testimony told Fox News Digital."

So much for your 'facts', eh boy?
It does. Its adorable for them in one breath to insist that they don't believe in QAnon. And in the next, share a Trump campaign video alleging the 'pedophile ambitions' of the deep state, all while eagerly anticipating Trump's return to power and arrest of all the democrats, libs and RINOs.

Another characteristic of the conspiracy a stunning lack of self awareness. And usually, not much understanding of the conspiracy they're apeing. They just kinda say what they've heard, like a toddler expanding their vocabulary. They know the sounds, but not really the meaning.

Its quite rare that I talk to one of them and I don't know more about their conspiracy than they do.
Are you two stroking each other while you post?
Or you could just show us where Devon says what you do.

Alas, you can't. As you lied your ass off.

"Devon Archer testified Monday that Hunter Biden and top executives of Burisma Holdings "called D.C." in 2015 to ask the Obama administration to help fire the Ukrainian prosecutor investigating the firm, a source familiar with his testimony told Fox News Digital."

So much for your 'facts', eh boy?
What are you having a problem with, butt boy. If Hunter didn't talk to daddy, who did he talk to?
Nothing in there said Trump, himself was involved. Smith would have to prove he was. Care to try again?

Its a very easy lift....especially when Trump's personal pitch to Mike Pence was about the very fraudulent electors that are now indicted for forgery and conspiracy. The indictment goes into emasculate detail on this topic, with each of the co-conspirators parts in the fraud, including Trump's.

That establishes, at the very least, involvement in the conspiracy. Which is all Smith needs for the conspiracy and obstruction charges.
Its a very easy lift....especially when Trump's personal pitch to Mike Pence was about the very fraudulent electors that are now indicted for forgery and conspiracy. The indictment goes into emasculate detail on this topic, with each of the co-conspirators parts in the fraud, including Trump's.

That establishes, at the very least, involvement in the conspiracy. Which is all Smith needs for the conspiracy charges.
Where does Trump say he was involved? He doesn't. Are you hallucinating? Smith is going to be embarrassed beyond belief.
Where does Trump say he was involved? He doesn't. Are you hallucinating?

Trump personally called Pence and tried to pressure him into overturning the election results based on these forged election documents that had already been submitted to NARA.

This isn't really in debate, I don't think.

There's no real question that the forged document conspiracy was planned and executed by the Trump campaign. Meshawn Maddock was bragging about it as late as January of 2022. And the indictment has elaborate details, including testimony, phone logs and text messages establishing the same.

If Trump's pressuring of Pence was based on the forged document conspiracy (and it was), then that's all Smith needs to establish conspiracy and obstruction. As Trump would then have participated in the conspiracy.
Trump personally called Pence and tried to pressure him into overturning the election results based on these forged election documents that had already been submitted to NARA.

This isn't really in debate, I don't think.

There's no real question that the forged document conspiracy was planned and executed by the Trump campaign. Meshawn Maddock was bragging about it as late as January of 2022. And the indictment has elaborate details, including testimony, phone logs and text messages establishing the same.

If Trump's pressuring of Pence was based on the forged document conspiracy (and it was), then that's all Smith needs to establish conspiracy and obstruction. As Trump would then have participated in the conspiracy.
Trump never called Pence. You don't know that.
Trump never called Pence. You don't know that.

Witnesses in the White House already confirm it. Plus, there are phone records. This is not hard to verify at all.

The indictment cites calls on December 25th, December 29th, January 1st, January 3rd, and January 6th. All about pressuring Pence on the matter of the fraudulent electors.

With an in-person meeting between Trump and Pence on January 4th where Trump made the same push to pressure Pence on the fraudulent electors.

With *buckets* of witnesses. Including Pence, Pence's Chief of Staff and Pence's counsel. All of whom have already testified on the matter.
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Witnesses in the White House already confirm it. Plus, there are phone records. This is not hard to verify at all.

What witnesses? Give me their names. Now you're making shit up. You aren't Mike Pence so why do you speak for him.

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