Breaking! Congress To Step In And Give Immunities to Immunize President Trump From Jack Smith ( 18 U.S. Code § 6002 – 3)

This is why the founding fathers gave separation of powers. It's time to put this fanatical abuse of Lawfare against Trump by Jack Smith.

From a commenter on another forum:

[It immunizes him from anything that he might say under oath to the congress. If he says that the election was stolen in that testimony then he is immune from any prosecutions related to that statement. Jack Smith is currently charging Trump based upon him saying that the election was stolen. See how that might work now. All that has to be done is to be asked questions that somehow relate to any of the charges and the charges go away as long as he has immunity when he says them.]

You're speaking to "use immunity"
Use immunity does create immunity from criminal charges with evidence from other sources.


Trump's ego will never let him allocute to any admissions of wrongdoing.
Because you are an anti American POS.
I've worked hard my whole life. I'm a veteran. Raised two great kids. Have a home. Pay my taxes. I drink beer and BBQ on my rec tec pellet grill. Keep my lawn nice (but admittedly I am about to pay for a lawn service).

What makes me an anti American pos?

Please be specific.
You're speaking to "use immunity"
Use immunity does create immunity from criminal charges with evidence from other sources.


Trump's ego will never let him allocute to any admissions of wrongdoing.
A use immunity strategy would be, if O.J. was called before congress, and given use immunity. If he told them where the bloody knife and his Bruno Maglee shoes were buried. The knife and the shoes couldn't be used against him. But the photograph showing O.J. wearing Bruno Maglee shoes, could still be used. Just not the shoes themselves.
A use immunity strategy would be, if O.J. was called before congress, and given use immunity. If he told them where the bloody knife and his Bruno Maglee shoes were buried. The knife and the shoes couldn't be used against him. But the photograph showing O.J. wearing Bruno Maglee shoes, could still be used. Just not the shoes themselves.
To be honest, that's one hell of a great analogy.
I've worked hard my whole life. I'm a veteran. Raised two great kids. Have a home. Pay my taxes. I drink beer and BBQ on my rec tec pellet grill. Keep my lawn nice (but admittedly I am about to pay for a lawn service).

What makes me an anti American pos?

Please be specific.
Thinking contesting an election is illegal qualifies you.
Thinking contesting an election is illegal qualifies you.
Nothing wrong with how Trump contested the election before December 12th. Afterward any contesting of the election, except by a vote of both houses of congress, became illegal.
What I see in it is you didn't read it.

You are believing what your right wing (and DINO) pundits are telling you and if you didn't like what they said you would find someone else until you found what you want to hear.
I read enough of it to see that I sure wouldn't go after a former US president with it... if this grand jury was not located in DC this wouldn't pass the smell test... DC juries are famously left and anti constitutional....
If Trump could get a change in venue this would stop on a dime....
Nothing wrong with how Trump contested the election before December 12th. Afterward any contesting of the election, except by a vote of both houses of congress, became illegal.
BULLSHIT. Contesting an election has no time limit. You sound like a real jerk. What else is new.
I read enough of it to see that I sure wouldn't go after a former US president with it... if this grand jury was not located in DC this wouldn't pass the smell test... DC juries are famously left and anti constitutional....
If Trump could get a change in venue this would stop on a dime....
The law doesn't give a former president any superior legal status than any other citizen.
I read enough of it to see that I sure wouldn't go after a former US president with it... if this grand jury was not located in DC this wouldn't pass the smell test... DC juries are famously left and anti constitutional....
If Trump could get a change in venue this would stop on a dime....
You haven't seen all the evidence and testimony the grand jury has so not sure how can speculate what a grand jury somewhere would have done.

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