Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Tucker Carlson is an admitted liar. He admitted to being a liar in court.

Tucker also knew his tard viewers are too weak-minded to accept that Biden won the election fair and square. So he continued to lie to their faces.

This is all coming out now. It was all about keeping the tard herd from defecting to Newsmax.

This latest hack piece of propaganda by Tucker is his attempt to throw smoke over his private messages which reveal what he really thinks about the tards and that he believes Donald Trump is a "demonic force".

He's trying to win back the love and affection of Donald Trump and the MAGAtards.

Fox "News" is pure unadulterated manufactured bullshit propaganda, and only an idiot who has had their face pissed on by Tucker Carlson would continue to open their mouths and drink it all in.
So did your J6 crew, who put out limited footage to rile people like you.

Who says these are Trump supports.....can you indentify them?

The people who broke the law should be held accountable. Blaming all Trump supporters is ridiculous.

The J6 committee made it one.
Who said I blamed all Trump supporters?

I only blame the ones who have convictions in a court of law and Trump supporters who gas light the you. So yes, you are partly to blame.

Many have been identified. If those people aren't on this list then so far they have gotten away with a crime. To bad.

By the way, thanks for the tip. Now every time a trumper posts a picture of the "summer of love" I will lift a page out of your book and say, "have those people been identified, derp derp"

Appreciate it.
Okay I'll give you that one. The one source I looked at had it worded differently but obstruction of an official proceeding was the actual charge.

But again Chansley was completely non-violent and I think it is safe to say he intended and did no harm. By the time he entered a congressional chamber it was empty except for a couple of other peaceful protesters.

Other people who show up at congressional hearings and disrupt them with shouting are just as guilty and sometimes are sometimes ejected from the building by Capitol Police or, if arrested, usually get a fine or very light sentences.

Chansley was never accused of being violent, so I'm not sure what point you're trying to make by pointing out he wasn't violent?
I don't get it.
I post facts and videos and you post memes.

That meme somehow disproves all the videos of Trumpers rioting and attacking cops?
More like you just can't admit reality.
Video, you imbecile. Clear and evident proof that you've accepted the
Democrats as your Lords and Saviors.
Right, since a man with Tucker Carlson's integrity would never edit VIDEO to support a narrative he didn't believe in.

Clear and evident proof that you've accepted Fox News as your religion.
With 41 thousand hours of video I bet we can find a different clip or two with sound. Don't those cops have video cams?
also as far as what they said,, the new videos prove they have lied once so I can only expect they are still lying in anything they say,,
Tucker Carlson is an admitted liar. He admitted to being a liar in court.

Tucker also knew his tard viewers are too weak-minded to accept that Biden won the election fair and square. So he continued to lie to their faces.

This is all coming out now. It was all about keeping the tard herd from defecting to Newsmax.

This latest hack piece of propaganda by Tucker is his attempt to throw smoke over his private messages which reveal what he really thinks about the tards and that he believes Donald Trump is a "demonic force".

He's trying to win back the love and affection of Donald Trump and the MAGAtards.

Fox "News" is pure unadulterated manufactured bullshit propaganda, and only an idiot who has had their face pissed on by Tucker Carlson would continue to open their mouths and drink it all in.

And his boss called him a liar.

But the their cult is desperate to find anything they can to divert from the crimes of that day,
I won't be listening, until the Press gets the tapes and can verify what he claims. Tucker is a propagandist, paid to deceive you..... McCarthy knew that, why do you think he chose to give Tucker an exclusive and not just release the tapes to all of the Press to filter through all at once.

It is what republicans do..... Build their own exclusives with their own owned press, exclusively so they can create their faux narrative for three weeks, then release the tapes, or the Mueller Report, or the Hunter Laptop, AFTER they've had the three weeks to BRAINWASH YOU with their fake news.

Y'all need to smarten up. We are on to you!

He's the Last Person on Earth I'd believe working a News Channel....
I'm glad you'll wait for your trusted news sources to review Tucker's videos.....your sources are the ones that plastered the limited releases from J6 that cast the lies in stone. Thank God for Fox.

Boy if you hadn't put Tucker in there I thought you were talking about the democrats and CNN, MSNBC, CNBC and the rest.
I'd have to say, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the left has been trick f**ked by the J6 committee.

Good chance people who have been incarcerated may now have an excellent case for appeal.

Hope 'yall didn't miss it.

Carlson proved it tonight, more tomorrow.
I told you that does not work. Your desperation and total lack of honesty and character are shining brightly. You reprehensible traitorous maggot. So you know.


I really don't give a shit what you told me, FruitLoops. You should know that without me having to tell you. That aside, I was not talking about any emails. You, as usual, just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

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