Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

He didn't show the documentation.

It was documented by the Capital Police
most likely to cover their own asses.


Now you're lying. How sad.

I linked the Capitol Police timeline which documented their actions starting in December, 2020, in relation to Sedition Day.
A year ago -

video is indisputable.

Today -

Video mean nothing. it's lies, lies I tell you!

Democrats, the scumfucks of society.
Escorting would imply that they're intending for that person to reach the destination. That's not the case.

The cop was not afraid because he was not intending to force them to leave. They had no reason to attack him since he was not going to do anything to them. This strikes at the point that Carlson was trying to make.

Chansley was not convicted of violence or insurrection. He was carrying a weapon (a spear) but plead out of that charge. He plead guilty to one count of impeding an official proceeding. I think given his actions during the day, that he clearly committed that offense.
How so?
Escorting would imply that they're intending for that person to reach the destination. That's not the case.

The cop was not afraid because he was not intending to force them to leave. They had no reason to attack him since he was not going to do anything to them. This strikes at the point that Carlson was trying to make.

Chansley was not convicted of violence or insurrection. He was carrying a weapon (a spear) but plead out of that charge. He plead guilty to one count of impeding an official proceeding. I think given his actions during the day, that he clearly committed that offense.
I won't second guess whether he was guilty of obstruction an official proceeding though I'm pretty sure that was not his intent or purpose for being there. And okay, that 'spear' was evidence in the photos--unable to discern if it was real or fake--but was being used as a flagpole and at absolutely no time was it used to threaten or intimidate anybody.

And it is pretty obvious that nobody felt threatened or intimidated by Chansley in any way. The cop was armed. He didn't even suggest he might use his weapon.

So Chansley was stupid and very counter productive to the Patriot movement. But it damn sure didn't deserve the sentence he got. Had it been ANTIFA or BLM, I'm pretty darn sure that sentence would not have even been considered. Double standards in evidence everywhere on this one.
Its reminiscent of the "alternative facts" Kellyanne Conway tried to put over on everyone. Somehow the 140 cops who were injured, the cop who was murdered, the insurrection attempt, etc... are all justified now.

I'm glad that Fox is helping the Democrats by reviving the 1/6 insurrection just before the election season kicks off. If the Democrats are smart (which they aren't), they'll keep the ball rolling as long as they can.
And remember that Tucker is only amplifying Vlad Putin's Commie propaganda.

I really don't give a shit what you told me, FruitLoops. You should know that without me having to tell you. That aside, I was not talking about any emails. You, as usual, just don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I know that J6 was a lie. I know that people were there to protest the obvious fraud in the swing states and Congress shit on them by not investigating the election. Those are the facts. The rest is lies fabricated and instigated violence by traitors.
Your link was debunked here, by me and others for selectively editing Carslon's comments. Try again.
Wrong again.
Wait and see, I see you haven't a clue on how defense attorneys do their job for their clients.
What do you think a judge will say to prosecution for denying these clips to defense during discovery. Defense had to fight to get very limited video from prosecution and now it's coming out why they limited it.
Most of them who broke in ended up milling around which is what several videos showed that have been released which is this part you are ignoring.

The Police INSIDE the building didn't show any behavior patterns that they thought an insurrection was happening they walked around in a relaxed manner all over the place.

I have never agreed with anyone breaking in and walking around but the lies that surrounds the mostly peaceful people INSIDE the building is the problem and creates a narrative that never existed.

I am sure there will be some videos of a few stupid people behaving like a mob yet to be revealed as a few people were violent in small places but wasn't a threat to take over the Capital building for the lying claims of an overthrow attempt.

How can you swallow that insurrection bullshit is beyond me.
It's easy....if you followed the evidence, and what Trump and his lawyers and cronies and administration and his senators and congress critter conspirators and lawyers did and said between election day and January 6th.

Many of his followers may not having known of all that took place behind the scenes for Trump's self coup de'tat, they only knew he wanted them to go to the capitol and stop the electoral count going to Biden....or to cause chaos.....?
What is the matter with you people? It is clear this was all a calculated lie to distract from the obvious fraud. Why defend traitors?
The rioters broke into the Capitol. Do you deny this? Chansley himself came into the Capitol less than a minute after a rioter broke down the door.
when that happens you let us know
Already testified to under oath in court. Not that that will change any of the faithful Neo-GOP's little minds........Why should cops have to beat the shit out of the intruders after all the lawmakers had reached safety? They knew the camera's were rolling.
He is an inept troll.


That makes me laugh coming from the forum lunatic who still claims the 2020 election was stolen yet has no more proof today of that than he did 28 months ago that it really was.
Already testified to under oath in court. Not that that will change any of the faithful Neo-GOP's little minds........Why should cops have to beat the shit out of the intruders after all the lawmakers had reached safety? They knew the camera's were rolling.
its my understanding he took a plea deal and never tesified,,
The rioters broke into the Capitol. Do you deny this? Chansley himself came into the Capitol less than a minute after a rioter broke down the door.
And then the cops took him to an empty Senate chamber? Do you know how fucking ridiculous you sound?

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