Breaking: Democrats and Leftist Media Dread As Tucker Carlson to Fully Reveal January 6 Truth Tonight.

Prosecutor Kimberly Paschall played video of the day and Chansley’s role, including when he entered the Senate chamber and shouted, “Time’s up motherf*ckers!” She called the video “chilling.”

Paschall also cited a note that he wrote on Pence’s desk, “It is only a matter of time. Justice is coming.” Their argument was that even though Chansley did not attack police officers, he contributed to the chaos of the day.

But Lamberth noted that there was no evidence that Chansley knew that outside, rioters had set up gallows for Pence.

“It is chilling given the context of the day,” Paschall said, adding that Chansley called Pence a “F*cking traitor.”
that doesnt list the threats they gave him if he didnt say that,,
As Defendant notes, Mr. Carlson himself aims to “challenge[] political correctness and media bias.” This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary.” Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. 600 W. 115th Corp. v. Von Gutfeld, 80 N.Y.2d 130, 141, 603 N.E.2d 930, 936 (1992). Whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson’s statements as “exaggeration,” “non-literal commentary,” or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable.

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020)

McDougal v. Fox News Network, LLC, No. 1:2019cv11161 - Document 39 (S.D.N.Y. 2020) case opinion from the Southern District of New York US Federal District Court

Tucker Carlson is not stating actual facts. Any reasonable viewer should arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism.

Anyone with a lick of sense already knew that.
These videos are unvarnished truth the public needs to see. Problem here is the left has fallen so far into the propaganda spewed continuously by the democrats, there is no reality left for them.

Nope. Babbitt was justifiably shot to keep a violent mob out of the House chamber where lawmakers were still hold up. And Boyland collapsed from a drug overdose and was trampled by that crazed mob.
You are a paid hack
You didn't like my Ass Holes term? I am surprised you even noticed it... You ignore other facts with impunity. This tells me your lies are thought out and planned. Now tell how my analysis is Bull Shit.. Your good with name calling but bad with facts..

She isn't capable as she ran off under a challenge.

Anyone with a lick of sense already knew that.
It is Carlson's attorney admitting on behalf of Carlson that Carlson lies.

Carlson admitted in court he lies on his show. And the Dominion lawsuit has revealed even moreso he deliberately gaslights his viewers.

Unfortunately, the tard herd does not have the integrity to admit to themselves they were so easily fooled. And so they are forced to go further and further into their madness the more facts come to light that they are being fooled.

It is Carlson's attorney admitting on behalf of Carlson that Carlson lies.

Carlson admitted in court he lies on his show. And the Dominion lawsuit has revealed even moreso he deliberately gaslights his viewers.

Unfortunately, the tard herd does not have the integrity to admit to themselves they were so easily fooled. And so they are forced to go further and further into their madness the more facts come to light that they are being fooled.


Sad? Yeah, but also very entertaining.
That it was a planned violent insurrection.
It was planned, from top to bottom, by Trump and his conspirators.

His everyday followers at his rally may not have known at the time.... But if they have eyes and ears and can read and have deductive reasoning skills, and have an ounce of brain matter and curiosity for what is the truth, they all KNOW by now the intentional SHAM that Trump and company tried to pull over their eyes....was fraud, and seditious conspiracy, committed by Trump and others.
These videos are unvarnished truth the public needs to see. Problem here is the left has fallen so far into the propaganda spewed continuously by the democrats, there is no reality left for them.


It will do nothing for the abysmally ignorant leftist vermin like the usual suspects here, but if there are some actual thinking people out there who are honestly looking for real evidence, it will be all they need to see the facts of the Jan6 protest at last.

The rest of them who are beyond reasoning, we'll save them a place in the deprogramming camps and if that doesn't work....................

Oh well.

We won't worry about them. They are meat.

I explained that.

( thats why President Trump's offer to authorized National guard troops was declined).
Trump sat in the White House jerking off for over three hours while the insurrection raged.

His staff, his family, his lickspittles in Congress running for their lives, and even his media propagandists, were all BEGGING him to do something.

He chose to continue jerking off instead. In fact, he chose to STOKE the mob by siccing them on his Vice President.

No one buys this bullshit narrative about Trump and the National Guard. His ACTIONS prove otherwise.

Only the President and the Secretary of Defense can call out the Guard. Trump chose NOT to do so. The Secretary of Defense called out the Guard the moment he was informed of the insurrection.

Every drop of blood that was spilled that day, including the blood of those who died, is on Trump's hands.
Watch his show tonight and tomorrow night. 30 minutes to go to show time.

This will just show how good the Fox propaganda machine is at "cherry-picking"!

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