Breaking:Deputy Atty. Gen. Acknowledges He Knew Comey Was Going To Be Fired Before He Wrote The Memo

I'm going by what Comey has claimed, asshole. Are you saying he's a liar now?
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
Yeah, you have said that before, but you still haven't provided a verifiable source of what YOU claim is the timeline and exactly what YOU said COMEY said. Do please try to stay abreast of and keep straight your own claims, Slick!
Turn on a fucking tv once in a while, Slick.
Turn on a fucking tv once in a while, Slick.
There's the white flag! Thanks for tacitly admitting your inability to dredge up a source to prove your erroneous claims! That displays a modicum of character.
You're a typical troll, TC. You flame, bait, and say "prove it" over and over until the other person stops wasting their time with you, then you claim victory. Troll on.
What source do you have to PROVE THAT, asshole?
I'm going by what Comey has claimed, asshole. Are you saying he's a liar now?
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
Yeah, you have said that before, but you still haven't provided a verifiable source of what YOU claim is the timeline and exactly what YOU said COMEY said. Do please try to stay abreast of and keep straight your own claims, Slick!
Turn on a fucking tv once in a while, Slick.
Turn on a fucking tv once in a while, Slick.
There's the white flag! Thanks for tacitly admitting your inability to dredge up a source to prove your erroneous claims! That displays a modicum of character.
You're a typical troll, TC. You flame, bait, and say "prove it" over and over until the other person stops wasting their time with you, then you claim victory. Troll on.
More fucking evasion? REALLY? Now I'm a troll because you lied out your ass? Fuck you very much, Slick! I bet you could teach the Artful Dodger a trick or two!

Oh yeah, and you NEVER provided a source for you bullshit claim did you!!!! Talking out your ass as I said!
I'm going by what Comey has claimed, asshole. Are you saying he's a liar now?
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
Where is your fucking credibility, given you think a different standard applies to you and to others a different standard applies, at you direction? Fucking hypocrite!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
Where is your fucking credibility, given you think a different standard applies to you and to others a different standard applies, at you direction? Fucking hypocrite!
See post #41, then fuck off. You're done.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
Where is your fucking credibility, given you think a different standard applies to you and to others a different standard applies, at you direction? Fucking hypocrite!
See post #41, then fuck off. You're done.
See post #41, then fuck off. You're done.
WOW! Two White flags from you today! You don't like reaping what you sow do you, ya hypocrite! Yeah, you go hide now, Slick!
So you can't cite a source to back up what you're claiming! Got it, Slick!
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
So, it is Comey's word vs the liar Trump's word. Besides, your orange buddy said he recorded everything. Are you saying Trump lied about the recording?

What did Comey have to gain?
My source is COMEY, you moron.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
So, it is Comey's word vs the liar Trump's word. Besides, your orange buddy said he recorded everything. Are you saying Trump lied about the recording?

What did Comey have to gain?
Comey is gonna hang by his words, shitstain. He had a meeting with Trump in February. Nothing was said about a request from Trump for him to end the Flynn investigation.

On May 3, he testified that no one asked him to end the investigation.

A week later (when he was fired) he claimed Trump asked him to end the investigation and that he had a memo.

Which statement was a lie? The one he made a week before he was fired or the one he made right after he was fired? If the statement he made AFTER he was fired is true, then he is admitting to a felony. He is required BY LAW to report it if he was asked to end the investigation, which he clearly did not.

Either way, we know for a fact he is a liar because he gave two statements saying the exact opposite of each other. You can believe anything you want, and I'm sure you will, but what you believe is irrelevant. There is documentation of Comey's remarks and he has put himself in a position to possibly end up in prison.

He will have to take a position one way or the other, and when he does, either way he will have lied to Congress.
You are the moron, boron. Go back and read what he wrote and said.
Ok, shitstain. YOU tell us when he wrote the memo. You don't post any facts, you just sit on the sidelines and post laughing icons.
"President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting." NYT

No what Mr Shit stain?
Here's a question for you, shitstain. Since a memo is simply something written down on a piece of paper, why would you assume it is the truth? Anyone can say anything they want. If he has no witness, no audio, no video, isn't it just the word of a man who has contradicted himself repeatedly? On May 3, he said he was not pressured. Where is his credibility?
So, it is Comey's word vs the liar Trump's word. Besides, your orange buddy said he recorded everything. Are you saying Trump lied about the recording?

What did Comey have to gain?
Comey is gonna hang by his words, shitstain. He had a meeting with Trump in February. Nothing was said about a request from Trump for him to end the Flynn investigation.

On May 3, he testified that no one asked him to end the investigation.

A week later (when he was fired) he claimed Trump asked him to end the investigation and that he had a memo.

Which statement was a lie? The one he made a week before he was fired or the one he made right after he was fired? If the statement he made AFTER he was fired is true, then he is admitting to a felony. He is required BY LAW to report it if he was asked to end the investigation, which he clearly did not.

Either way, we know for a fact he is a liar because he gave two statements saying the exact opposite of each other. You can believe anything you want, and I'm sure you will, but what you believe is irrelevant. There is documentation of Comey's remarks and he has put himself in a position to possibly end up in prison.

He will have to take a position one way or the other, and when he does, either way he will have lied to Congress.
You are a special kind of stupid. First the Comey Memo was leaked by someone in the FBI after he was fired by El Dumpster. Trump asked him to quit investigation Flynn, not Russia. On May 3rd, he said the DOJ did not ask to end the investigation, not Trump.
First the Comey Memo was leaked by someone in the FBI after he was fired by El Dumpster.
Why was it not leaked BEFORE Comey was fired? An honest person would find the timing curious, but you're not an honest person so I won't bother to ask you.
On May 3rd, he said the DOJ did not ask to end the investigation, not Trump.
Why did Comey not mention Trump at that time? Maybe because he didn't know he was gonna be fired a week later, and the memo claim was an afterthought? An honest person would wonder why Comey would risk going to prison for not reporting his claim of obstruction of justice, but again, you're not an honest person so I won't bother to ask you.

The bottom line is this: Comey has a choice to make when he testifies next week. He can avoid going to jail and deny he wrote a memo, and end this move to impeach Trump, OR he can stick to his claim and risk going to prison. Either way, his testimony on May 3 undermines his credibility.
S. J., quit calling RealDave what you are in fact: a person with no character. Comey realized last year that Trump, like Clinton, was and is a threat to the Republic.

The bottom line next will be that to discuss the memo in full, which will underline the truthfulness of his May 3rd statement.

Comey is Gold, Trump is just old and about to be sold.
You are the troll, S. J. Comey is going to testify, and Trump is going to say "oh why?"

Trump and his criminal gang are getting painted into the corner with their own lies, to mix metaphors.
Senator McCaskill just announced Rothenstein knew Comey was going to be removed BEFORE he wrote the memo. This means Trump did not fire him because he wouldn't drop the investigation.

Magical thinking ^^^.

How did he know Comey was to be removed, if only Trump knew and the firing was Trump's idea?

We call for it here long before even Trump made decision. He's just listening to us. :D
Senator McCaskill just announced Rothenstein knew Comey was going to be removed BEFORE he wrote the memo. This means Trump did not fire him because he wouldn't drop the investigation.

Man. Are you stupid.
No, but you apparently are if that's the best you can come up with.

You know it's not the best I can come up with. It is just as much effort as I'll spend on you.

You just don't understand things. You're a dummy.
Senator McCaskill just announced Rothenstein knew Comey was going to be removed BEFORE he wrote the memo. This means Trump did not fire him because he wouldn't drop the investigation.

Man. Are you stupid.
No, but you apparently are if that's the best you can come up with.

You know it's not the best I can come up with. It is just as much effort as I'll spend on you.

You just don't understand things. You're a dummy.
Nice try, moron.
Senator McCaskill just announced Rothenstein knew Comey was going to be removed BEFORE he wrote the memo. This means Trump did not fire him because he wouldn't drop the investigation.

Man. Are you stupid.
No, but you apparently are if that's the best you can come up with.

You know it's not the best I can come up with. It is just as much effort as I'll spend on you.

You just don't understand things. You're a dummy.
Nice try, moron.
LL has you pegged to a T. You simply troll.

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