BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

I'm a realist...if I'm investigating something and one of the people I'm questioning under oath invokes their 5th Amendment rights...the focus of my investigation is now going to be on THAT person because it's obvious THAT IN THEIR MINDS they have something to hide!

And when you focus on that person and you find that she is missing 2 years of emails...something she didn't tell you...and it took over a year to find out....would you assume even MORE likely of guilt?

And then, you uncover an email that shows she was asking questions about whether or not IM data is recorded.....would you feel you are getting warmer?

Like that guy who is on trial for allegedly intentionally letting his son die in a hot car....

It was deemed an accident was found that he was curious as to how long it would take for a human to die in a hot car.

Jeez...the whole world sees him as guilty now. A trial is most certainly warranted for sure.

How is Lerners request for information regarding "data retrieval" not the same? I mean, really? The left doesn't see that as reason in itself to investigate this further?
They willfully close their eyes and want it to go away. I dont know if they cannot believe their government would engage in that kind of actiivty, or whether they think it's no big deal because it's their side doing it and they're right and conservatives are wrong. I dont know.
But as i mentioned, it would be dereliction of duty not to investigate that.
Because you should be careful. Being careful about what you say in an email doesn't mean you have something to hide or you are breaking the law. It means you are being careful. You can't convict anyone for being careful about what they put in an email.

Actually, this is what she said:

And the evidence has backed that narrative. After years of investigation, there's still no evidence of partisan motives, or even that anyone committed a crime.

After GOP leadership insisted that someone would go to jail over the 'scandal'. That's before there was even an investigation or determination that any crime had been commited......the GOP had already determined what the punishment was going to be.

And that it *would* be met out on someone. In that McCarthy'esque witch hunt, what would you do? Remember, you've already been convicted, without charges or trial...and the guys questioning you have already told you that you're going to jail. Before the investigation begins.

Almost all of them were reconstructed other people's computers.....the folks she had sent the emails too. And guess what.....there's jack shyte to back the GOP innuedo-a-thon. No partisan motivations, no crime, nothing.

Actually, the IRS mentioned that certain emails were lost due to a hard drive crash long ago. The GOP only noticed that what the IRS told them recently.

And then tried to spin their own failure to read what they asked for as the IRS 'hiding' something.

Again, AFTER the GOP had begun its witch hunt and after they had insisted that someone was going to jail, before they'd even done an investigation.

Only an idiot wouldn't counsel caution in those circumstances.

And of course, this is all long *after* the era of 'Tea Party persecution' that the GOP is lamenting about. In our universe cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by 3 years.

And finally, and perhaps most obviously, she didn't tell anyone to hide anything.

You do realize that the email in question is barely a year old, right? For her to have delivered it on the time line you're demanding, she would have had to CC Doug Issa when she sent it.

Worse for your claims, it occurred AFTER the IRS 'scandal'? And that congress had subpoenaed emails that occured during the supposed scandal.

And after 3 years, Republicans haven't found a single crime either. Or even political motivation. Their entire narrative hasn't worked out. You'd think that would be a hint and a half to the GOP and their followers, but nope. The lack of evidence is only evidence that they have to dig deeper!

McCarthy would be so proud.

And of course, GOP leadership insisted someone would go to jail....before the investigation had even begun. I guess when they're political hay to make, the whole 'innocent until proven guilty' thing goes right out the window.

2) Obama, himself, claimed there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS....


How can ANYONE have made that determination without having access to Lois Lerners emails for 2 years....AND not even KNOWING that those emails were missing?
Check again.

1) Almost all of the emails were recovered from other email accounts with whom Lerner was conversing with.

2) There were no smoking guns. No indications of a crime. No indications of partisanship.

3) The IRS notified Congress of the hard drive crash. Congress only NOTICED recently. And then tried to cast their failure to notice as the IRS 'hiding' something.

And of course, you're insinuating an argument you can't factualy support. If you believe that Lois commited a crime with the scrutiny of Tea Party groups, show us. Show us the evidence. Show us the partisanship. Show us the orders.

You can't. After years of investigation, the evidence simply doesn't support the GOP narrative. You've been reduced to pretending that there's some smoking gun hidden in a handful of emails on a crashed hard drive.....when every other baseless accusation to come out of the GOP on this issue has been proven laughably, comically, and throughly false.

But this time its different, huh?

Cant help it if Rachel Maddow misinforms you.

Not worth my time trying to debate with someone who doesn't know the facts. Sorry.
Almost all of them were reconstructed other people's computers.....the folks she had sent the emails too. And guess what.....there's jack shyte to back the GOP innuedo-a-thon. No partisan motivations, no crime, nothing.

You are one stupid shit making crap up. There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
Get out of here with that nonsense. No one believes you anymore.
It's obvious that Lerner KNOWS that her department has been doing something it shouldn't have been doing. The minute that letter arrives at the IRS from Camp she starts the cover up. Hard drives crash...she's asking IT what can and can't be recovered...she's planting questions in advance of the IG's report. Those aren't the actions of an innocent person! Those are the things that someone does who knows they have acted improperly and are about to be exposed.
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Hey Skylar....

How do you know all of the emails have been reconstructed?

Tell me genius...

How do you know?

Lerner gave congress a list of who she emailed? They contacted every person in the world and looked at their computers?

Come on stated it as fact.

How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

Tell me genius.

Wait...ask Rachel Maddow....she has the answer.
Can't talk about this now, we got an engineered border crisis to top the news.
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.
Almost all of them were reconstructed other people's computers.....the folks she had sent the emails too. And guess what.....there's jack shyte to back the GOP innuedo-a-thon. No partisan motivations, no crime, nothing.

You are one stupid shit making crap up. There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
Get out of here with that nonsense. No one believes you anymore.

not that you had any credibility to lose, but clearly you're just showing yourself here to be ignorant of facts.
GOP Lawmakers Grill IRS Chief Over Lost Emails - WSJ
The IRS said its effort to reconstruct Ms. Lerner's emails from 2009 to 2011 have been largely successful. Skeptical Republicans said at a minimum, the file doesn't include emails to and from other agencies and the outside world. Committee aides noted the IRS provided 43,000 pages of Lerner emails for mid-2011 to mid-2013, but only 24,000 for the two years when data was lost.
24000 blank pages?
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.

start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.

A blanket denial is a little vague. Pick a point and we'll go through the evidence together.
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.

start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.

I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.

start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.

I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.
Wow, Skylar...hard to imagine where you're getting your information from! There is so much that's completely wrong in that last post I don't even know where to start.

start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.

I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

My sources are the hearings.

They are what is being investigated.

I did not need to give a source. They are facts as they happened.

What you did is deny them as facts. Thats fine. Where do you get your information from to deny them?
start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.

I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.

Excuse me. That was not a lie.

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

And thus, you did not give me emails.
start somewhere. don't just make the claim. give us a source on something.

I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.

Is that how it works?

If I say something and you disagree.....I am the one who has to prove I am right?

Seems you do not know the basic terms of a debate.
I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.

Excuse me. That was not a lie.

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

And thus, you did not give me emails.

no, it was a lie. an outright, demonstratable lie.
if you can't see that it's because you're choosing not to.
the rabbi said:
There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
but as my link showed, 24000 pages of emails have been recovered from Lerner's account for the years 2009-2011 and turned over to congress. thus, either the rabbi is ignorant or a liar. or both.
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I gave exactly as many sources as the guy I was responding to.

Pick a point you disagree with and we'll go through the sources together.

i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.

Is that how it works?

If I say something and you disagree.....I am the one who has to prove I am right?

Seems you do not know the basic terms of a debate.

of the two of us, which has provided a source to back up his claim?

hint: it's not you.
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.
You do realize it took a total of 5 years in watergate for all to be prosecuted, right? And that was with a special prosecutor being appointed a year into the investigation, something the doj has refused to do with this. Three years is nothing without that.
Clearly. And the best part? This is their smoking gun:

Be careful what you say in Emails........oh, the humanities? Its time for Civil war! Someone was careful in an *E-Mail*!

If you got nothing to hide why would you have to be careful in an email?

If after a 3 year investigation, a veritable graveyard of failed conspiracy batshyte, threats, dozens of congressional hearings, hundreds of witnesses, hundreds of thousands of emails, tantrums and millions of dollars spent, that is the best argument you can make for the 'IRS scandal'....

.......then you just wasted an enormous amount of time.

And to answer your question, Republican leaders had already said that someone WOULD be going to jail for this. Before the investigation, they'd already determined the punishment.

Even McCarthy waited for his hearings before threatening people. But it must be a conspiracy when Lerner tells her people to be 'careful' in the face of that hysteric and extra-legal witch hunt?
i was responding to oldstyle. if he disagrees, back up that disagreement with a source.

just like i did when the rabbi lied and said that no emails had been recovered or turned over to congress.

Excuse me. That was not a lie.

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

And thus, you did not give me emails.

no, it was a lie. an outright, demonstratable lie.
if you can't see that it's because you're choosing not to.
the rabbi said:
There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
but as my link showed, 24000 pages of emails have been recovered from Lerner's account for the years 2009-2011 and turned over to congress. thus, either the rabbi is ignorant or a liar. or both.

I will say it again.......

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

The fact that you continue to claim that he lied makes it obvious that you are diverting from the truth of the situation.


Interesting how you ignore that one important fact.

You are stuck on "they gave them 24000 emails.

Justr like they expected people on the left to be.

What's it like to support a party that knows you ware naïve enough to believe anything they say, no matter how illogical it is?

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