BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal*judge*ordered the*IRSThursday to explain under oath how it lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure*

You think it'll change any lib minds?
Those who continue to call this a witch hunt are starting to look totally ridiculous.

nothing has changed but you people soiling your 'depends' on a more regular basis

Joke time:
Ben Ghazzi, Ben Gay, and Ben Dover walk into a bar...
[MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] another religious wingnut who applauds hate?

Hate to disappoint...but I would hardly call myself religious.
I haven't set foot in a church other than weddings in 40 years.
And I fail to see what religion has to do with lois and her life of crime. It may have influenced her not to become a criminal....but thats about the only connection I can see.

it was the wordy insult, the juvenile crap

oh well


Naaah...the real juvenile crap is coming from the mouths of lois supporters.
Your shit is one step removed from sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "Nah,Nah,Nah,Nah....I cant hear the bad stuff so it's not real!!.
The only thing that hasnt happened is for her to admit it for Christ sake.
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
i don't know. do you know the failure rate, age, and conditions the hard drives were stored in?

why did lerner try to get hers repaired?
I'm a realist...if I'm investigating something and one of the people I'm questioning under oath invokes their 5th Amendment rights...the focus of my investigation is now going to be on THAT person because it's obvious THAT IN THEIR MINDS they have something to hide!

And if your investigation proves nothing, what then? Lerner was subpoenaed, she had no choice but to testify. See others like George Zimmerman and others don't have to take the stand. They can volunteer if they want to. Lerner couldn't so she used the only option available to her, plead the 5th. That was it. That doesn't make her guilty when that was her only option available.

She could have simply answered the questions.
Hate to disappoint...but I would hardly call myself religious.
I haven't set foot in a church other than weddings in 40 years.
And I fail to see what religion has to do with lois and her life of crime. It may have influenced her not to become a criminal....but thats about the only connection I can see.

it was the wordy insult, the juvenile crap

oh well


Naaah...the real juvenile crap is coming from the mouths of lois supporters.
Your shit is one step removed from sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "Nah,Nah,Nah,Nah....I cant hear the bad stuff so it's not real!!.
The only thing that hasnt happened is for her to admit it for Christ sake.

Mark my words.. The moment Lois starts to sing like a canary these same liberals will not be able to impugn her character fast enough. LOL
A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
i don't know. do you know the failure rate, age, and conditions the hard drives were stored in?

why did lerner try to get hers repaired?

Dude, seriously? You can look at the list of who's computer's "crashed" and buy the line of bullshit that being put out about this? Come on...have a little self respect! Nobody is THAT naive.
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, they don't buy that story actually. They know there's a there there..
A better question than why did Lois try to get hers repaired would be why didn't any of the people who's computers crashed immediately go to the backup and restore what was lost? You're telling me that Lerner, Eldridge and Flax didn't have anything important on ANY of their computers? You're REALLY going with that narrative?
How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
i don't know. do you know the failure rate, age, and conditions the hard drives were stored in?

why did lerner try to get hers repaired?

Dude, seriously? You can look at the list of who's computer's "crashed" and buy the line of bullshit that being put out about this? Come on...have a little self respect! Nobody is THAT naive.

i've lost two computer hard drives in my own house before - in the same week.

i'm not saying it isn't worth investigating, just that it isn't necessarily a conspiracy, either.

and here's the thing about this being a conspiracy - the longer it goes on, the bigger it has to be, and yet you seem to believe that there is not one person in the irs, or in their it department, or wherever, that isn't interested in the fame and glory and frankly butt covering that would go along with exposing everything.

there should be a whistleblower. the fact that there isn't, although not conclusive, certainly leads me to believe that there really is nothing to see.
i don't know. do you know the failure rate, age, and conditions the hard drives were stored in?

why did lerner try to get hers repaired?

Dude, seriously? You can look at the list of who's computer's "crashed" and buy the line of bullshit that being put out about this? Come on...have a little self respect! Nobody is THAT naive.

i've lost two computer hard drives in my own house before - in the same week.

i'm not saying it isn't worth investigating, just that it isn't necessarily a conspiracy, either.

and here's the thing about this being a conspiracy - the longer it goes on, the bigger it has to be, and yet you seem to believe that there is not one person in the irs, or in their it department, or wherever, that isn't interested in the fame and glory and frankly butt covering that would go along with exposing everything.

there should be a whistleblower. the fact that there isn't, although not conclusive, certainly leads me to believe that there really is nothing to see.

I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..
A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

How many people work in that office, Skylar? And you know this how? Admit come on here accusing other of "shyting" when you yourself make it up as you go. You don't have the faintest idea how many people work there unless you work there yourself.

I'm frankly amused by the liberal narrative that the 7 computer crashes that wiped out e-mails was just an unlucky coincidence. What do you think the odds would be for the hard drives of Lois Lerner (Head of Exempt Organizations), Nikole Flax (Chief of Staff to the IRS Commissoner), Michelle Eldridge (Head of Media Relations for the IRS) and 4 other IRS agents working in Cinn. in the Exempt Organizations group to all crash right after a Congressman sends a letter to the IRS demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? A billion to one? A trillion to one? But you buy that story...:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

No, they don't buy that story actually. They know there's a there there..
And what I failed to mention is each of those 7 had their emails subpoenaed when suddenly they all happened to crash at the same time.
Dude, seriously? You can look at the list of who's computer's "crashed" and buy the line of bullshit that being put out about this? Come on...have a little self respect! Nobody is THAT naive.

i've lost two computer hard drives in my own house before - in the same week.

i'm not saying it isn't worth investigating, just that it isn't necessarily a conspiracy, either.

and here's the thing about this being a conspiracy - the longer it goes on, the bigger it has to be, and yet you seem to believe that there is not one person in the irs, or in their it department, or wherever, that isn't interested in the fame and glory and frankly butt covering that would go along with exposing everything.

there should be a whistleblower. the fact that there isn't, although not conclusive, certainly leads me to believe that there really is nothing to see.

I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..
you know i didn't mean that i physically misplaced them, right?
I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..


did you seriously just mistake physically losing a hard drive with a hard drive crashing?

I've lost one hard drive in twenty years. I back up my data. When my computer crashed I didn't lose a thing. Why is it that "me" a computer noob can manage that yet the IRS cannot? You want to believe that the trillion to one coincidence really happened and then that everyone involved just kind of "spaced" on retrieving their data from the tape backups. That get's more and more amusing...
7 hard drives crashing in the entire irs? Possibly. All 7 that were subpoenaed? Not a chance.
i've lost two computer hard drives in my own house before - in the same week.

i'm not saying it isn't worth investigating, just that it isn't necessarily a conspiracy, either.

and here's the thing about this being a conspiracy - the longer it goes on, the bigger it has to be, and yet you seem to believe that there is not one person in the irs, or in their it department, or wherever, that isn't interested in the fame and glory and frankly butt covering that would go along with exposing everything.

there should be a whistleblower. the fact that there isn't, although not conclusive, certainly leads me to believe that there really is nothing to see.

I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..
you know i didn't mean that i physically misplaced them, right?

You do know they claim they physically lost them as well, right?
I work in IT.. I don't know how the hell someone loses two harddrives in their home.. You're either a slob and you should be featured on HOARDING or you're lying..
you know i didn't mean that i physically misplaced them, right?

You do know they claim they physically lost them as well, right?

to be fair, i didn't keep my dead hard drives around, either. despite what ladygunslinger may think, i'm not a hoarder. once it's dead, it's gone.

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