BREAKING: E-mails Show Lois Lerner Intentionally Sought to Hide Information from Cong

It's called "obstructing a congressional investigation."

Specifically since she mentioned "I was cautioning folks about email and how we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails--so we need to be cautious about what we say in emails."

Do you read, or do you simply react?

There was NO congressional investigation at the time was there?

Uhh, yeah, there was. If you would pull your head out of your posterior, you'd know that:

" we have had several occasions where Congress has asked for emails and there has been an electronic search for responsive emails"

Also, there have been Congressional investigations as far back as March of 2012, when a Congressional Committee subpoenaed Douglas Shulman over the IRS targeting of conservative groups. The investigations were in full swing by April of 2013. Congress launches preliminary investigations before convening a hearing. That's the part you don't see, and that's the part Lerner is referring to. A hearing was convened on May 22nd, 2013. Less than a month after she wrote that e-mail.

Wider Problems Found at IRS - WSJ

You fail.
Oh, the Darrell Issa and other Witch Hunters Committees on Perpetual Investigations and Fishing Expeditions? Those committee hearings?

Oh well, you've got me there. You win. Let the revolution begin




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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
@emplarKormac [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION]
Allen West? This the same guy who says he has a higher security clearance than the President/CinC? :eek:

it doesn't matter to them. they're compulsive liars anyway, so why wouldn't they quote compulsive liars.

Oh please. This whole administration has given new meaning to the term pathological liar.

Irony alert!!!
Excuse me. That was not a lie.

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

And thus, you did not give me emails.

no, it was a lie. an outright, demonstratable lie.
if you can't see that it's because you're choosing not to.
the rabbi said:
There have been no emails. Congress has not seen them. They claim they are lost.
but as my link showed, 24000 pages of emails have been recovered from Lerner's account for the years 2009-2011 and turned over to congress. thus, either the rabbi is ignorant or a liar. or both.

I will say it again.......

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

The fact that you continue to claim that he lied makes it obvious that you are diverting from the truth of the situation.


Interesting how you ignore that one important fact.

You are stuck on "they gave them 24000 emails.

Justr like they expected people on the left to be.

What's it like to support a party that knows you ware naïve enough to believe anything they say, no matter how illogical it is?
good lord you're willfully ignorant.

they asked for lerner's emails. the hard drive with her 2009-2011 emails had crashed. the backups were erased. however, they have reconstructed 24000 pages of those emails.


the rabbi, and apparently you, are claiming that the irs did not turn over the emails from 2009-2011 at all when it is clear that they have.

your claims that they aren't the emails requested should be sourced and backed up if you're going to make it.

can you do that, or are you just talking out of your ass?
no, it was a lie. an outright, demonstratable lie.
if you can't see that it's because you're choosing not to.

but as my link showed, 24000 pages of emails have been recovered from Lerner's account for the years 2009-2011 and turned over to congress. thus, either the rabbi is ignorant or a liar. or both.

I will say it again.......

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

The fact that you continue to claim that he lied makes it obvious that you are diverting from the truth of the situation.


Interesting how you ignore that one important fact.

You are stuck on "they gave them 24000 emails.

Justr like they expected people on the left to be.

What's it like to support a party that knows you ware naïve enough to believe anything they say, no matter how illogical it is?
good lord you're willfully ignorant.

they asked for lerner's emails. the hard drive with her 2009-2011 emails had crashed. the backups were erased. however, they have reconstructed 24000 pages of those emails.


the rabbi, and apparently you, are claiming that the irs did not turn over the emails from 2009-2011 at all when it is clear that they have.

your claims that they aren't the emails requested should be sourced and backed up if you're going to make it.

can you do that, or are you just talking out of your ass?

You are willfully ignorant. 7 hard drives crashed. And any emails between those 7 are conveniently not recoverable. How you can claim they gave all the emails, when they, themselves have admitted there are unrecoverable emails is, as I already said, willfully ignorant. The number of emails they do have has nothing to do with. The ones missing have everything to do with it.
I will say it again.......

If I ask for emails regarding the Smith file...and you send me 25,000 emails regarding everything BUT the Smith file...and don't mention to me that the Smith file emails are missing...

You did not give me any emails of relevance.

The fact that you continue to claim that he lied makes it obvious that you are diverting from the truth of the situation.


Interesting how you ignore that one important fact.

You are stuck on "they gave them 24000 emails.

Justr like they expected people on the left to be.

What's it like to support a party that knows you ware naïve enough to believe anything they say, no matter how illogical it is?
good lord you're willfully ignorant.

they asked for lerner's emails. the hard drive with her 2009-2011 emails had crashed. the backups were erased. however, they have reconstructed 24000 pages of those emails.


the rabbi, and apparently you, are claiming that the irs did not turn over the emails from 2009-2011 at all when it is clear that they have.

your claims that they aren't the emails requested should be sourced and backed up if you're going to make it.

can you do that, or are you just talking out of your ass?

You are willfully ignorant. 7 hard drives crashed. And any emails between those 7 are conveniently not recoverable. How you can claim they gave all the emails, when they, themselves have admitted there are unrecoverable emails is, as I already said, willfully ignorant. The number of emails they do have has nothing to do with. The ones missing have everything to do with it.

i didn't claim that all the emails were recovered. i said that they recovered and submitted 24000 pages. 24000 > 0, which is what the rabbi and apparently jarhead believe have been recovered.
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

Why don't you explain to all of us your thoughts on the lost emails. I know you will not even attempt to explain it. I am certainly not hoping you are foolish enough to believe the notion that there was some "computer crash" and they were all just innocently lost.

Why did she plead the 5th if there was nothing to hide?

Do you have any ability to think for yourself, or do you need to be told what to think and how to think?
If you got nothing to hide why would you have to be careful in an email?

Because you should be careful. Being careful about what you say in an email doesn't mean you have something to hide or you are breaking the law. It means you are being careful. You can't convict anyone for being careful about what they put in an email.

1) Lerner apologized for unfairly targeting conservative groups and blamed it on two low level rogue employees.
2) Lerner plead the 5th
3) Emails for 2 of the most pertinent years are missing
4) It took months for the IRS to mention they were missing
5) Lerner has an email asking about "is data recoverable, and "we need to be careful"
6) It took a year for the IRS to present that email

Now...each alone....can be innocent. Put them together? Seems fishy....but there is more.....

1) An Obama appointed Attorney investigated and claimed to have found no criminal action. She made that claim within a week of starting the investigation

2) Obama, himself, claimed there was not a smidgen of corruption at the IRS....


How can ANYONE have made that determination without having access to Lois Lerners emails for 2 years....AND not even KNOWING that those emails were missing?

What did the attorney do during the investigation? Ask "is anyone guilty" and when no one said "I am", simply leave?

Now....anyone with half a brain would recognize that something is not right here.

Acting fishy isn't a crime. An attorney doing the investigation had to go off the information they have and once a deadline is presented, they must present what they have. Now this may or may not apply but with most crimes, there are a statue of limitations. Now if more information is presented that is clear proof of illegal activity and it's within the statue of limitation, they can bring charges.

However, acting fishy, Saying "be careful what you put in your email," and asking if data is recoverable isn't a crime. It might warrant additional investigation but when Ladygunslinger and others ITT says "Oh that makes her guilty! Arrest her!" You and I both know that's not the case given the factual information we have available. Baseless accusations don't withstand in the court of law.
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

Arriving like a hurricane, full of so-called "facts", oh so happy to "explain" them to the rubes, to divert attention from Lerner (BOOOSH!), over 200 posts in a week, yeah, I'm certain you aren't a paid scumbag stooge for Team Bammy.

Go fuck yourself propaganda whore. :eusa_clap:
How did they reconstruct the emails to the other 6 PERTNENT employees who ALSO lost their emails during the same period?

A pertinent employee being anyone in who worked at the Cincinnati facility. Which includes hundreds and hundreds of people. The idea the only possible explanation for 6 people out of several hundred having computer crashes over 2 years is a grand conspiracy is just more baseless claptrap.

Computer hard drives crash. Ask the US attorney's office during the investigation of the firing of 8 government attorneys under Bush. There were hard drive crashes there too....with a full 51 email accounts completely missing. Not 24,000 pages of them. Not 2 years of them. But the entire accounts.

But conservatives didn't claim it was a conspiracy to hide information from the government then, did they?

What's different now, genius? Why the panty shyting hysterics when every single GOP accusation regarding this IRS 'scandal' hasn't panned out. There's no evidence of political motivation, let alone a crime.

Which is why your ilk have been reduced to *insinuating* an argument they can't factually support. If you have evidence of a crime or political motivation, show us. Don't tell us.

Yet after 2 years of investigations, you can't. The evidence simply doesn't support the accusation. And frankly, never did.

Arriving like a hurricane, full of so-called "facts", oh so happy to "explain" them to the rubes, to divert attention from Lerner (BOOOSH!), over 200 posts in a week, yeah, I'm certain you aren't a paid scumbag stooge for Team Bammy.

Go fuck yourself propaganda whore. :eusa_clap:
you could, and i know this is a foreign concept to many, but you could try to disprove the posts rather than make baseless accusations.

but then, why would you try to prove something when issa and the pundits have shown you that the accusation is enough?
Arriving like a hurricane, full of so-called "facts", oh so happy to "explain" them to the rubes, to divert attention from Lerner (BOOOSH!), over 200 posts in a week, yeah, I'm certain you aren't a paid scumbag stooge for Team Bammy.

Go fuck yourself propaganda whore. :eusa_clap:
you could, and i know this is a foreign concept to many, but you could try to disprove the posts rather than make baseless accusations.

but then, why would you try to prove something when issa and the pundits have shown you that the accusation is enough?

You could, (and I know this is a familiar concept to you), you could take the Skylar Sock off your little hand, go crawl in a corner and choke your chicken.

But then, why tell us where Lerner's emails really went when you can try and change the subject.

Fuck you and your little socks, faggot. :eusa_clap:
you try to help some people...

look, if you want to appear like anything other than a parrot for pundits and idiots you need to have some sources to back up your claims. if you're going to call someone a liar, be able to prove it. if you're going to make a statement of fact, be able to back it up.

you haven't done that. it's clear you're a parrot. jarhead hasn't done that. parrot. the rabbi - parrot.

but unlike them, i have sources and facts to back up my claims. i can use the google.

and did you really fucking applaud your rant? seriously?
I'm a realist...if I'm investigating something and one of the people I'm questioning under oath invokes their 5th Amendment rights...the focus of my investigation is now going to be on THAT person because it's obvious THAT IN THEIR MINDS they have something to hide!

And if your investigation proves nothing, what then? Lerner was subpoenaed, she had no choice but to testify. See others like George Zimmerman and others don't have to take the stand. They can volunteer if they want to. Lerner couldn't so she used the only option available to her, plead the 5th. That was it. That doesn't make her guilty when that was her only option available.
Arriving like a hurricane, full of so-called "facts", oh so happy to "explain" them to the rubes, to divert attention from Lerner (BOOOSH!), over 200 posts in a week, yeah, I'm certain you aren't a paid scumbag stooge for Team Bammy.

Go fuck yourself propaganda whore. :eusa_clap:
you could, and i know this is a foreign concept to many, but you could try to disprove the posts rather than make baseless accusations.

but then, why would you try to prove something when issa and the pundits have shown you that the accusation is enough?

You could, (and I know this is a familiar concept to you), you could take the Skylar Sock off your little hand, go crawl in a corner and choke your chicken.

But then, why tell us where Lerner's emails really went when you can try and change the subject.

Fuck you and your little socks, faggot. :eusa_clap:

[MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] another religious wingnut who applauds hate?
you could, and i know this is a foreign concept to many, but you could try to disprove the posts rather than make baseless accusations.

but then, why would you try to prove something when issa and the pundits have shown you that the accusation is enough?

You could, (and I know this is a familiar concept to you), you could take the Skylar Sock off your little hand, go crawl in a corner and choke your chicken.

But then, why tell us where Lerner's emails really went when you can try and change the subject.

Fuck you and your little socks, faggot. :eusa_clap:
[MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] another religious wingnut who applauds hate?

Hate to disappoint...but I would hardly call myself religious.
I haven't set foot in a church other than weddings in 40 years.
And I fail to see what religion has to do with lois and her life of crime. It may have influenced her not to become a criminal....but thats about the only connection I can see.
You could, (and I know this is a familiar concept to you), you could take the Skylar Sock off your little hand, go crawl in a corner and choke your chicken.

But then, why tell us where Lerner's emails really went when you can try and change the subject.

Fuck you and your little socks, faggot. :eusa_clap:
[MENTION=27168]HereWeGoAgain[/MENTION] another religious wingnut who applauds hate?

Hate to disappoint...but I would hardly call myself religious.
I haven't set foot in a church other than weddings in 40 years.
And I fail to see what religion has to do with lois and her life of crime. It may have influenced her not to become a criminal....but thats about the only connection I can see.

it was the wordy insult, the juvenile crap

oh well

WASHINGTON (AP) — A federal*judge*ordered the*IRSThursday to explain under oath how it lost a trove of emails to and from a central figure*

You think it'll change any lib minds?
Those who continue to call this a witch hunt are starting to look totally ridiculous.
Some will just fade away, others lack the integrity to, as they are anonymous on a message board and don't care. What did I tell ya? Dante, true to form.
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