BREAKING: Fani Willis is Done! Nathan Wade Testifies He Paid For Vacations with His Business Card and Fani Willis Reimbursed Him in CASH For Expenses

She reminds me of the type of people who don't put their shopping cart in the cart corrale in the parking lot when they're done with it.

You know the ones I'm talking about? They just leave their cart where it is when they unload it, leaving it to bang into everybody elses cars and whatnot?

Those types...

Trump can't help it.
Well you see Curried Goatballs, here'e the thing since you dare insult my intelligence with that mindless drivel:
  1. Accusations are nothing but accusations. They are no proof of anything or Joe Biden would be the guiltiest man on the planet.
  2. The reason they are trying ALL of these cases against Trump with literally every federal agency working with state agencies has nothing to do with "crime" or "democracy," or "justice," but comes down to TWO WORDS: info politics. You see, if they get a conviction or not, while these sick people like you might enjoy costing Trump a little bit of money, and you fantasize about actually taking him off the ballot and you squirt at the thought of putting this one man in jail, all these cases are really only built on ONE THING: whatever it takes, just reaching the conclusion of being able to convict Trump of some pumped up phony charge in a rigged far left courtroom of trump-haters even if it is overturned in a higher court of real justice just 6 months later! And those two words are:

That is all these cases are about or come down to is so that the sycophant leftwing media can simply repeat ad neaseum to the stupid voters:


24 hours a day 7 days a week.

All your first 126 tries to "get Trump" have failed, so this is all you one-pump chumps have left to hope for. Being able to call Trump a "convicted felon" before the election in yet another effort to steal an election from the voters of the United States.

Because cheating is the only way you souless fucks ever win anything.
That's a lot crying like a bitch and not a lot of acknowledging that out in public you can say, and Trump often does say, whatever the fuck you want. Whether it's supported by facts or not. In a courtroom those facts matter. You prefer unsupported rhetoric and I support the presentation of fact. Learn the difference, Short Bus.
After yesterday's exhibition of sheer incompetence from Fani making a FOOL of herself and the rest of the demented LEFT, it's AMAZING that you Marxist IDIOTS further your display of NO SELF-AWARENESS in denying that this whole SHIT-SHOW is going DOWN IN FLAMES.

Carry on....:laughing0301:
To me that's exactly when she appeared to be on drugs. I really thought she was high on something at that point. She is

1. at a court hearing, 2. on the witness stand, 3. sworn in 4. giving testimony

while shouting like someone unstable, "You're confused, you think I'm on trail"
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How? They are working the same side. Ashleigh Merchant on the other side is working with her husband. Is that a conflict of interest you moron?
It's called Conflict of Interest, Dolt.

Now where the shit really hits the fan is if it turns out the money she was paying her boyfriend came from public funds or was used to INFLUENCE his actions.
It's not. In fact cross examination by the D.A. office revealed how underpaid Mr. Wade is for this case. If anything the county is getting a discount on his amazing work thus far.
Thou doth protest too much. Your objections point to your knowledge of guilt.
Refuting your ignorant claims isn't an admission of guilt. That's not how logic works.
Fanni knew what she was doing was wrong, that is why she covered it up and tried to cover her tracks.
As Wade said there was no cover up, there was just a private relationship. It isn't illegal or illicit for the D.A. to date.
To me that's exactly when she appeared to be on drugs. I really thought she was high on something at that point. She is

1. at a court hearing, 2. on the witness stand, 3. sworn in 4. giving testimony

while shouting like someone unstable, "You're confused, you think I'm not on trail"
That's the thing, she WASN'T on trial, but she couldn't help herself by going blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, on and on. The exact OPPOSITE of pleading the 5th!!!
What a dumb ass!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! :blahblah:
That's the thing, she WASN'T on trial, but she couldn't help herself by going blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, on and on. The exact OPPOSITE of pleading the 5th!!!
What a dumb ass!!!
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa! :blahblah:
She's still not on trial. The burden of evidence to have her removed is with the other side and innuendo isn't proof.
How? They are working the same side. Ashleigh Merchant on the other side is working with her husband. Is that a conflict of interest you moron?

It's not. In fact cross examination by the D.A. office revealed how underpaid Mr. Wade is for this case. If anything the county is getting a discount on his amazing work thus far.

Refuting your ignorant claims isn't an admission of guilt. That's not how logic works.

As Wade said there was no cover up, there was just a private relationship. It isn't illegal or illicit for the D.A. to date.
Your hood rat affirmative hire DA is a TRAIN WRECK DUMPSTER FIRE of FAIL.
No amount of your feeble flailing will rescue her or her fraudulent CASE against Trump.
Your hood rat affirmative hire DA is a TRAIN WRECK DUMPSTER FIRE of FAIL.
No amount of your feeble flailing will rescue her or her fraudulent CASE against Trump.
I don't mind you calling names because at the end of the day the thugs and hoodrats are those white Republicans who are the ones charged with crimes. You're going to have watch Fani treat defendant Trump like she treated his lawyer.
I hate what she is trying to do, but I can't help feeling sorry for her. She's clearly in over her head, has been propped up her whole career, and now has to deal with reality.

She actually said, “When I took out a bunch of money from my first campaign, I kept some of the cash from that.”. She's a prosecutor and doesn't know that's a problematic thing to admit.

Funny, I made more than that for far longer than her and I never amassed 8M dollars!
Wonder who has been slipping her the money under the table?

You DO understand that if you spent NO MONEY, that it would still take you SEVENTY TWO YEARS to save up 8 million with her income she's only had for, what? Five years??? :auiqs.jpg:
They need to hire a forensic accountant to follow the money of her and her honey. Lets look for misappropriated campaign cash, unexplained large deposits and payments from one of the Democrat parties shell companies for starters. She should probably be charged, convicted and jailed for her arrogance and thievery rather that disputing her competence as a judge, which is zero. MAGA.
I hate what she is trying to do, but I can't help feeling sorry for her. She's clearly in over her head, has been propped up her whole career, and now has to deal with reality.

She actually said, “When I took out a bunch of money from my first campaign, I kept some of the cash from that.”. She's a prosecutor and doesn't know that's a problematic thing to admit.

What's problematic about it? She used her own money. If she withdrew a large chunk of it, put some away in cash and used the rest for her own campaign then what's the impropriety?
I don't mind you calling names because at the end of the day the thugs and hoodrats are those white Republicans who are the ones charged with crimes. You're going to have watch Fani treat defendant Trump like she treated his lawyer.
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime."
That Soviet SHIT has no place in the United States fucko bingo Boi.
What are you watching?! I just ran some errands and was listening to Hannitys show. He was harping on the guy pausing for 20 seconds before answering if he stayed in a cabin and then played the clip with the pause. I was just laughing and shaking my head.

Is that the stuff you think is “destroying” them on the stand?
You obviously aren’t watching anything you hack. Willis and her boy look like buffoons. So of course you think that means they’re somehow “winning”.

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