BREAKING: Fani Willis is Done! Nathan Wade Testifies He Paid For Vacations with His Business Card and Fani Willis Reimbursed Him in CASH For Expenses

There is no evidence, she did not secure a grand jury indictment, she just acted like you fascists act, unilaterally, she is a racist (as are all fascist democrats) who like the other urban dwelling DA from NYC, screamed from the hilltops that she was going to get the lawful president!

Her case against him, utterly fabricated, is now as dead as your soul, she very likely opened herself up to criminal prosecution, that is if there is a court in GA willing to uphold the law, not manufacture it?
Trump lost. No unhinged outbursts like this ^^ will change anything about it. Cause you can't prove shit in a court.
Seriously what does Willis personal issues have to do with the trial. Even if she is removed someone else will take her place and the trial will continue.

the story says because she had an affair, she should be removed. It has nothing to do with whether Trump is guilty

  • The hearing centered on allegations that Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade personally benefited from a romantic relationship. She was his boss and as her lover he paid for some of their expenses.
So people who work in a boss and employee relationship cannot date because if the one person pays the bill for dinner or a trip that this is improper.

Both are state employees

Should trumps case be dismissed because they might have had an affair, it won't

This is nothing more than the defense seeing an opportunity and exploiting it. Really has nothing to do with the case.

They are both state employees. The State pays their wages. Then they can do what they want.

To say that state employees can not date because if one pays for dinner then that is a benefit.
Fani did not show the decor of an elected official. Her strategy was that of street tactics. I guess that’s her thing but pretty interesting stuff.

Just seems like we should expect better from a government official
Saw a lot of it. Fanny did fine for herself. So did the dude. I suspect this is all going to be wasted effort on the part of teem trump, as it does not effect the evidence compile pointing to Trump's criminal activity.

The fact that you are a moderator here and are Left of MSNBC is why I am rarely here anymore and will never give this site another dime.
Bringing an indictment in and of itself is an accusation of guilt. That is what a trial is. The prosecutor making a case for the defendants guilt. The presumption of innocence is for the jury and the judge but the prosecutors has already concluded the defendant is guilty that's why they're trying their case.

Well you see Curried Goatballs, here'e the thing since you dare insult my intelligence with that mindless drivel:
  1. Accusations are nothing but accusations. They are no proof of anything or Joe Biden would be the guiltiest man on the planet.
  2. The reason they are trying ALL of these cases against Trump with literally every federal agency working with state agencies has nothing to do with "crime" or "democracy," or "justice," but comes down to TWO WORDS: info politics. You see, if they get a conviction or not, while these sick people like you might enjoy costing Trump a little bit of money, and you fantasize about actually taking him off the ballot and you squirt at the thought of putting this one man in jail, all these cases are really only built on ONE THING: whatever it takes, just reaching the conclusion of being able to convict Trump of some pumped up phony charge in a rigged far left courtroom of trump-haters even if it is overturned in a higher court of real justice just 6 months later! And those two words are:

That is all these cases are about or come down to is so that the sycophant leftwing media can simply repeat ad neaseum to the stupid voters:


24 hours a day 7 days a week.

All your first 126 tries to "get Trump" have failed, so this is all you one-pump chumps have left to hope for. Being able to call Trump a "convicted felon" before the election in yet another effort to steal an election from the voters of the United States.

Because cheating is the only way you souless fucks ever win anything.
so no proof of any CASH transactions

Wade said he had no proof of any CASH deposits he had made from CASH Fani gave him.

Fani says she had no proof of any CASH withdrawals she made in order to give Wade any CASH.
Remember this is his RICO case. Trump is just one of 19 defendants and 4 have already gotten plea deals from Willis.
If Progs win the destruction of America continues. Most nations would be dead now from what we have done. We are seeing DEI with Fani and her lover. Stacey is obviously the same. There is fair and not fair, and people could gripe. We have children in commercials anyway who are going to bed hungry after spending tens of trillions of dollars on the great society. This war on Trump is on purpose.
BREAKING: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis humiliates MAGA lawyer Ashleigh Merchant, snapping back at Merchant and telling Merchant, "don’t be cute with me" during a heated under oath exchange at today’s court hearing.

It all started when Willis took the stand to testify in front of a judge who is considering whether or not to disqualify her from prosecuting Trump in the Georgia election trial.

Merchant is a lawyer representing former Trump campaign official Michael Roman, who is a co-defendant in the Georgia case. She filed court documents accusing Willis of having a "clandestine" relationship with the special prosecutor she hired to help with the Trump case.

Willis has denied allegations that her relationship with the prosecutor, Nathan Wade, began prior to November 2021 when he became special prosecutor. In other words, there was nothing inappropriate about it.

During the hearing, Merchant attempted to grill Willis and absurdly insinuated financial malfeasance.

"Did you ever pay him through Cash App?" Merchant asked, referring to bill reimbursement.
"No," said Willis.

"You only ever paid him through cash?"

"What? Yes. We're talking about— I'm very confused now," said Willis, understandably thrown by the odd line of questioning.

"You never paid Mr. Wade through Cash App?" asked Merchant.

"No," said Willis.

"The only money you've ever given him outside of a contract is cash," said Merchant.

"I didn't give him money in a contract so that was cute, but I didn't give him money in a contract," said Willis.

"What happened— No we're going to answer it since you said," continued Willis, refusing to be cut off. "He worked. He worked more hours than he was paid and the county paid him for the work that he did. So don't be cute with me and then think that you're not gonna get an answer."

The two went back and forth a bit, with Merchant rambling. Willis said that she handed cash to Wade on only a few occasions, and never gave him checks or paid him through an app.

"So you have no proof of any reimbursement for any of these things because it was all cash?" said Merchant.

"The testimony of one witness is enough to prove a fact," said Willis. "Are you telling me that I'm lying to you, is that what you're intimating right here?"

"I'm asking if you have any proof that you paid him," said Merchant.

"The proof is what I just told you," said Willis bluntly.

During another contentious exchange, Willis ripped into Merchant again.

"Your office objected to us getting Delta records for flights that you may have taken with Mr. Wade," said Merchant.

"No, no, look I object to you getting records," said Willis. "You've been intrusive into people's personal lives. You're confused. You think I'm on trial, these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. I'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial."

Brilliant. You can see why Trump and his cronies are trying so hard to get Willis removed from the case. She is a formidable woman who poses a serious threat to Trump's freedom.

Justice must be defended. Fani Willis must be allowed to stay on this case.

May be an image of 2 people
She is DEI. Pushed to the front from Soros like so many others. A local DA like others fronted bringing Trump to court. We are now seeing the door cracked open on many Progressive Socialist African Americans in these positions not being that good. Over the years the fear of the racism charge stopped people from asking questions of their integrity. If you have not noticed with all your vitriol against Trump, he fights back. It's incredible really. Joe and Hillary need the whole Prog party apparatus and the media/entertainers behind them. The judge needed to be more forceful also.
Well you see Curried Goatballs, here'e the thing since you dare insult my intelligence with that mindless drivel:
  1. Accusations are nothing but accusations. They are no proof of anything or Joe Biden would be the guiltiest man on the planet.
  2. The reason they are trying ALL of these cases against Trump with literally every federal agency working with state agencies has nothing to do with "crime" or "democracy," or "justice," but comes down to TWO WORDS: info politics. You see, if they get a conviction or not, while these sick people like you might enjoy costing Trump a little bit of money, and you fantasize about actually taking him off the ballot and you squirt at the thought of putting this one man in jail, all these cases are really only built on ONE THING: whatever it takes, just reaching the conclusion of being able to convict Trump of some pumped up phony charge in a rigged far left courtroom of trump-haters even if it is overturned in a higher court of real justice just 6 months later! And those two words are:

That is all these cases are about or come down to is so that the sycophant leftwing media can simply repeat ad neaseum to the stupid voters:


24 hours a day 7 days a week.

All your first 126 tries to "get Trump" have failed, so this is all you one-pump chumps have left to hope for. Being able to call Trump a "convicted felon" before the election in yet another effort to steal an election from the voters of the United States.

Because cheating is the only way you souless fucks ever win anything.
Wow. You nailed it. 100% accurate post.

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