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BREAKING: FBI May Have Flipped Flynn

The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.
Hillary has been investigated 7 ways to Sunday without a single charge being filed. That's because most of the allegations against the Clintons are based on Republican lies, gossip and innuendo, instead of facts, evidence and witnesses.
Correct. Yet, as Director Comey testified, she was extremely careless and, due her choice of exclusively using a private email system, it was possible that hostile actors gained access to her email system. Good enough reason not to elect her President.

That said, are you now confessing that the Democrats are going to do a "Hillary" on Trump for revenge?
Because Trump is facing charges

I didn't say charges have been leveled...Yet
But that the actions of Trump and Putin could lead to a conclusion of Treason
So let's sum this up; There may be evidence, Flynn may have cut a deal, the Russians may have altered the election, the Russians may have hacked the Republicans and may be blackmailing them, the Russians may be blackmailing Trump, a person or some people in the Trump campaign may have illicit connections to the Russian government and Trump may or may not be personally involved, but you are asserting that Trump is definitely facing Treason charges. Interesting. Not partisan poppycock at all......not! LOL

I am referring to the magnitude of charges Trump could face

Nixon could have faced charges of Obstruction of Justice
Clinton could have faced charges of perjury
Trump would face charges of Treason

YES!!! Here's the evidence of Trump's ties to Putin!!

All of this conjecture floating around reminds me of Benghazi. The frenzy by the right was primarily driven by conjecture.
What goes around, comes around.
Yes and the Democrats are proving they are no better than Republicans who did the same thing the Democrats are doing now.
I am referring to the magnitude of charges Trump could face

Nixon could have faced charges of Obstruction of Justice
Clinton could have faced charges of perjury
Trump would face charges of Treason
Umm, Clinton did face charges of perjury. Hillary could face all kinds of charges too. Think of all the possibilities!

Personally, I'm content to wait for the evidence. LWers are free to rub themselves as they drool over the possibility that "Trump could face" charges just as RWers did over Hillary and Benghazi.

Good idea

Lets have as many Congressional hearings as Hillary faced on Benghazi
Like to see Trump face an 11 hour hearing like Hillary did
The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.

BULLSHIT--the FBI has NOT cleared Flynn of any WRONG-DOING he LIED under OATH. Jeff Sessions another liar decided not to pursue criminal charges against Flynn, but that doesn't mean the FBI is not waterboarding Flynn right now, and threatening him with charges.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.

BULLSHIT--the FBI has NOT cleared Flynn of any WRONG-DOING he LIED under OATH. Jeff Sessions another liar decided not to pursue criminal charges against Flynn, but that doesn't mean the FBI is not waterboarding Flynn right now, and threatening him with charges.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Have proof that he "discussed" sanctions? Not that discussing them is even illegal in the first place. By the way, illegally obtained and unverifiable "transcripts" cannot be used as evidence.
The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.

BULLSHIT--the FBI has NOT cleared Flynn of any WRONG-DOING he LIED under OATH. Jeff Sessions another liar decided not to pursue criminal charges against Flynn, but that doesn't mean the FBI is not waterboarding Flynn right now, and threatening him with charges.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Have proof that he "discussed" sanctions? Not that discussing them is even illegal in the first place. By the way, illegally obtained and unverifiable "transcripts" cannot be used as evidence.

FBI had approval to tap the Russians

Team Trump was just stupid enough to call them
The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.

BULLSHIT--the FBI has NOT cleared Flynn of any WRONG-DOING he LIED under OATH. Jeff Sessions another liar decided not to pursue criminal charges against Flynn, but that doesn't mean the FBI is not waterboarding Flynn right now, and threatening him with charges.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Have proof that he "discussed" sanctions? Not that discussing them is even illegal in the first place. By the way, illegally obtained and unverifiable "transcripts" cannot be used as evidence.

You are quite an example of the typical half brain Trump supporter. The reason Flynn GOT busted is they had his taped his conversation with the Russians. They wire taped RUSSIAN phones lines last July--and anyone who was calling them like (FLYNN) was being recorded.


CLEVELAND during the RNC Convention: July 2016 Trump advisers admit to meeting with Russian ambassador (after Jeff Sessions was accused of lying under oath to congress.)

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today. Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."

We know that the Trump administration (5 times) denied any contact with Russians during the campaign season.
Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Jeff Sessions accused of lying under oath during his confirmation hearing. According to a source it's not unusual for member on the armed service committee to meet with Foreign ambassadors, but none of the other 13 on this committee had met with the Russian ambassador, only Sessions did twice during the campaign season.Sessions also filled out a questionaire prior to the confirmation hearing and stated that he had no contact with any Russians and signed it. Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation.
Sessions recuses himself from Russia investigations - CNNPolitics.com

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

General Flynn also lied to the FBI. Stating he did not have a conversation with the Russian Ambassador regarding the new sanctions that Obama was imposing on Russia for hacking into the election. Obviously the conversation was wiretapped. Flynn gone.Over this weekend we learned that General Flynn was also a paid lobbyist for
Turkey businessman.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

We know that the Russian phone lines were wiretapped, and out comes this information. According to this those phone calls were numerous.

Then John McCain speaks up

Then co-chair of the House Intelligence committee speaks up.

And last but not least Obama ordered this investigation done BEFORE he left office, and it is reported by several sources that he PRESERVED intelligence, and would not turn it over to the new administration because much of it was DAMMING evidence.
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So get your crayons and coloring books out, turn on your Sean Hannity and reich wing talk show hosts, you're in for one hell of a ride.
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The FBI already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing. So what "deal" could he be cutting?

Of course Flynn would cooperate with the FBI, he has nothing to hide.

He's probably telling them exactly what we all already know, there was absolutely no "collusion" with the Trump administration and Russia for hacking the DNC or negotiations for sanctions.

The only illegal activity were Dems abusing FISA wiretaps in order to spy on the Trump staff.

BULLSHIT--the FBI has NOT cleared Flynn of any WRONG-DOING he LIED under OATH. Jeff Sessions another liar decided not to pursue criminal charges against Flynn, but that doesn't mean the FBI is not waterboarding Flynn right now, and threatening him with charges.
Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy

Have proof that he "discussed" sanctions? Not that discussing them is even illegal in the first place. By the way, illegally obtained and unverifiable "transcripts" cannot be used as evidence.

FBI had approval to tap the Russians

Team Trump was just stupid enough to call them

Having approval to tap the Russians doesn't give them authority to release information about US Citizens identified in those taps. Comey has already stated that release was a felony.

Has the FBI even admitted they were the ones that requested the Russians be tapped?
The deniers in are in full court denial.

If Pence becomes President, who do you think he'll pick for his VP?
Pence and Trump have little in common except they are both Republicans. Pence is an ideologue committed to conservatism. Trump is an opportunist committed to Trump.
Disagreed on the Republican affiliation. Trump epitomizes the oft used term RINO.

You use the word "ideologue" as an insult when the majority of the Democratic elected officials are the same, especially Hillary. Do you agree?
I think both parties are lead by ideologues. In fact, all political parties are. The ideological beliefs are what holds a party together. Occasionally, you will get a political leader such as Trump who is committed to certain issues but not to party ideology.

Both parties have strong ideological divisions within. There are certainly stereotype republicans and democrats but there are also a lot of people in each party that simultaneously holds two or more contradictory belief, ideas, or values. This is why people cross party lines both in voting and support for issues. However, there is always the party faithfully, that will vote the party line regardless of the candidate.
A CNN "analyst" positing something bad about the GOP is like a FOX "analyst" positing something bad about the Dems.

We can believe it when we see it.
CNN is far more above board and honest in their reporting, you cant even begin to compare the two.

No, you can't and even Mac knows this. He's just so dedicated to his "both sides do it" narrative that it blinds him to actual reality. He's much like the beltway press in that regard.
CNN's reporting leans the way you two like it, and that's fine. And indeed, that's why conservatives like FOX.

Trying to convince either group of that is an abject waste of time, so I don't try.

Yes, towards truth. They are the least partisan (outside PBS).

Even MSNBC is far less partisan than Fox. A conservative has a three hour show every day and they just hired Van Sustren.

You can't even compare the punditry.

Yes, I know it's a waste of time trying to convince you. You're as dedicated to your narrative as any of the "hyper partisans" you love to moan about constantly.

MSNBC has no problems saying the are left leaning & would never have peddled the outright lie of being 'fair & balanced' nor the absurd notion they are actually 'news'. i also don't recall them going to court over the right to lie.
She didn't drop her claim. She said from the onset that Flynn "may have" struck a deal with the FBI. She has not wavered from that.

Once again, what does the FBI have as leverage for a deal, they've already said Flynn is not in legal jeopardy. The bitch is a moabama flunky trying to fan nonexistent flames.
Why are you asking me? It's not yet been determined that such a deal was forged.

From my link:

But, to be clear, I did not say on this segment that I have any confirmation that he is actually cooperating or that I have talked to anyone who does.

Having rolled out the rumor rug, Kayyem pulled it out from underneath everyone hyping her claim.

Is that not dropping her claim? She admitted to throwing out a rumor, nothing more. The bitch is nothing but a maobama hack.
And that is not anything different than she ever said. Again, from the start, she say Flynn "may" have cut a deal. She never waivered from that and she dropped nothing.

Yeah, and I "may" win the lottery some day, if I decide to play it.
That is also true.
Fmr. DHS Official Claims Michael Flynn May Have Deal With FBI

I guess Comrade Trump should not have fired Mikey, huh?
Funny. The Deplorables can't call this FAKE NEWS since Fox is reporting it.

They were quoting CNN so, yeah it's fake. And anyway, the CNN correspondence said "it's beginning to look like Flynn may have a deal with the Feds " she never said he did.

You must read carefully, I always try to teach Democrats that but, they insist on reading one sentence per paragraph.
Huh? For it to be fake news, there has to be no possibility Flynn cut a deal with the Feds... where's the evidence of this...?

Typical regressive, expecting people to prove a negative. LMAO
Your brain is a negative. As far as her claim, you said it's fake. Now you say you can't prove it's fake. Sucks to be you. And in many more ways than just this.
Fmr. DHS Official Claims Michael Flynn May Have Deal With FBI

I guess Comrade Trump should not have fired Mikey, huh?
Funny. The Deplorables can't call this FAKE NEWS since Fox is reporting it.

They were quoting CNN so, yeah it's fake. And anyway, the CNN correspondence said "it's beginning to look like Flynn may have a deal with the Feds " she never said he did.

You must read carefully, I always try to teach Democrats that but, they insist on reading one sentence per paragraph.
Huh? For it to be fake news, there has to be no possibility Flynn cut a deal with the Feds... where's the evidence of this...?

As soon as you produce Putin's Jockstrap, we'll listen to what you have to say.
Otherwise, you are a Fake Poster, and a Fake American.
Troll On
Translation: you too cannot prove it's fake news. :mm:

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