Breaking! FBI Stole More Than Documents During Unlawful Raid of Mar-a-Lago – Stole 1,800 Other Items Including His Last Testament and Will

That is up to the Special Master to decide now. The FBI could not do it if they wanted to without his approval.
Has the FBI said that they requested that? There's no reason for them not to say, "Judge Dearie, these menus, panties, and lawyer-client documents obviously don't have an evidentiary value and were taken by over-zealous searchers, so why don't we start by giving them back right now?"
now it is up to thousands. By the end of the week it will be tens of thousands, then by next week you all will be saying they took millions
Yes, when our government treats a private citizen like this in contravention of the laws they swore to uphold, and refused to tell us to what extent they broke the law, it is inevitable that people will think the worst.

How many personal documents, panties, and lawyer-client documents do you think they stole?
Yes, when our government treats a private citizen like this in contravention of the laws they swore to uphold, and refused to tell us to what extent they broke the law, it is inevitable that people will think the worst.

How many personal documents, panties, and lawyer-client documents do you think they stole?

How many civilians steal classified documents from the White House?
Yes, when our government treats a private citizen like this in contravention of the laws they swore to uphold, and refused to tell us to what extent they broke the law, it is inevitable that people will think the worst.

How many personal documents, panties, and lawyer-client documents do you think they stole?

They did not steal anything, they took what the legally signed warrant said they could.

That you are butt hurt over your god's house being searched is really none of my concern at all
Talk about a bunch of thieving bastards. I read on another message board the FBI seized 19 articles of clothing & gift items , 33 Books, 1,673 magazines, including framed magazines, newspapers, press articles some of which dated back to 2008 and 42 empty folders labeled “return to staff secretary/military aide”. Also Trump told Hannity they took his last will and testament. It won't be long until that's leaked to the media. This is overkill.

Fake news!
Talk about a bunch of thieving bastards. I read on another message board the FBI seized 19 articles of clothing & gift items , 33 Books, 1,673 magazines, including framed magazines, newspapers, press articles some of which dated back to 2008 and 42 empty folders labeled “return to staff secretary/military aide”. Also Trump told Hannity they took his last will and testament. It won't be long until that's leaked to the media. This is overkill.

I am certain none of these illegally obtained personal documents will EVER BE LEAKED.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Fuck you Biden Cult Fucks.
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Yet, you obsessively reply.

Something to do during the commercial during the football game.

Did the GSA mistake Mar-a-Lago for a GSA/NA approved warehouse?

I have seen zero evidence the GSA sent the documents there. If they had there would be an exact inventory of what was sent...have you seen that or even heard about such a thing?
yes, and those sources keep growing the week you will report it is in the millions
Prog sources do nothing but lie, lie, lie. They claimed Trump had "nuclear documents," so what happened to those?

The known information changes when new information come out. Since when do the sleazy DOJ and FBI tell everything they know? Answer: never.

There's also the FBI claim that Trump had “Special Access information.", “Let’s say we’re talking about what the Washington Post was talking about,” said McCarthy. “Special Access information which only a handful of people in the government are read-into and allowed to get access to, and it’s totally need-to-know, and it’s a teeny-tiny group of people, OK? And that’s what they expected to find.”
Since they expected to find such dramatically super-secret information at President Trump’s home, they must have sent super-secret agents with super-secret clearances to figure out which information this was and retrieve it. Since there were only so few people with the clearance for this kind of information, does it make sense that more than 30 FBI agents were also cleared for that information? McCarthy isn’t buying it for a second.
There were [more than] 30 FBI agents there. Do you think they read 30 FBI agents into a Special Access program so they could execute a search warrant thinking that that information was really going to be there? I don’t think so. … I’ve seen how classified information gets handled when it’s handled correctly and how persnickety they are about how somebody who doesn’t have the clearance or doesn’t have the need-to-know is not in a position where that person is able to see the thing he doesn’t have the right to see – even if he has a security clearance. And I’m sure all these FBI agents who got sent there had security clearances of some level and I’m sure there were some people who were running things that had very high-security clearances, but if you’re going to turn 20 or 30 [or 40] FBI agents loose and tell them, ‘OK, fellas, go find what’s in the warrant, you’re opening the possibility of somebody who doesn’t have the appropriate security clearance to see this top secret, super secret, Special Access information is going to get precisely that they’ll be exposed to something they’re not allowed to see. I don’t believe it. So, maybe I’ll be wrong too but I don’t believe it.”
Something to do during the commercial during the football game.

I have seen zero evidence the GSA sent the documents there. If they had there would be an exact inventory of what was sent...have you seen that or even heard about such a thing?

That little story I told about Melania and Don Junior driving the trucks of stuff to Mar-a-Lago and Melania getting mad at her American stepson for not knowing how to drive a standard was meant as parody. Of course the GSA sent the documents there.

JAN. 20, 2021

Then-President Donald Trump left the White House for Florida ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. According to the General Services Administration, members of Trump’s transition team were responsible for packing items into boxes, putting boxes on pallets and shrink-wrapping those pallets so they could be transported.

Prior to shipping, GSA said it “required the outgoing transition team to certify in writing that the items being shipped were required to wind down the Office of the Former President and would be utilized as the Office transitioned to its new location in Florida.”

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