Breaking! FBI Stole More Than Documents During Unlawful Raid of Mar-a-Lago – Stole 1,800 Other Items Including His Last Testament and Will


In a place like this where so many of you all are just cookie cutters of each other, I take that as a compliment.
And you love McDonald's allegedly "all beef" cheeseburgers, huh?

Well, in the late 80s, them motherfuckers were 80% soy textured vegetable protein. ;)
It was an intimidation tactic. Straight up. Straight outta early 1900s Soviet Russia's playbook, too.
They gave Trump many opportunities to avoid this.

Trump should have turned over the documents. I have no sympathy for people that want to play games.
They gave Trump many opportunities to avoid this.

Trump should have turned over the documents. I have no sympathy for people that want to play games.
Fuck off, leftist ShitLord. Would you like Americans to have no sympathy for your commie ass, motherfucker?

That can be arranged. Americans will take this country back come hell or high water. FACT.

You have already lost with your lies, be aware of that.
Fuck off, leftist ShitLord. Would you like Americans to have no sympathy for your commie ass, motherfucker?

That can be arranged. Americans will take this country back come hell or high water. FACT.

You have already lost, be aware of that.
The only reason you’re sticking up for this is because it’s Trump.
The only reason you’re sticking up for this is because it’s Trump.

It's because it's America and Fuck You. I was American well before Trump even thought about running for president. In the "Home Alone" days, I was 110% American, you leftist ShitLord shill! In those days, Trump was a Democrat.
Talk about a bunch of thieving bastards. I read on another message board the FBI seized 19 articles of clothing & gift items , 33 Books, 1,673 magazines, including framed magazines, newspapers, press articles some of which dated back to 2008 and 42 empty folders labeled “return to staff secretary/military aide”. Also Trump told Hannity they took his last will and testament. It won't be long until that's leaked to the media. This is overkill.

These disgraceful jackasses are the very criminals they accuse Trump supporters of being.

They embody the worst in America, the corrupt disgusting underbelly of authoritarian statist excrement.

Good thing the political Party that aids and abets them is about to be utterly destroyed.

At the ballot box, Lefties.

We don't take kindly to violence against innocent citizens. Like Antifa and BLM.

Congrats on being the bad guys, dipshits.
It's Gateway Pundit, fool.

Yeah, not fake news like the NY Times or CNN.

What a joke those outlets are.

Glad you figured out Gateway Pundit has more integrity than the "mainstream" outlets that have lied to us about everything.

You catch on fast.
And you love McDonald's allegedly "all beef" cheeseburgers, huh?

Well, in the late 80s, them motherfuckers were 80% soy textured vegetable protein. ;)

You are the one that brought up McDs, not me. Do try to at least keep up with your own post.
Why would you believe any of that? It’s an obvious muddying of the waters to sway public opinion, but they wouldn’t dare say it in court.
Why don’t you believe it? We already know they did indeed took many personal items. You fking know that!
Now THAT'S funny!


It's because it's America and Fuck You. I was American well before Trump even thought about running for president. In the "Home Alone" days, I was 110% American, you leftist ShitLord shill! In those days, Trump was a Democrat.
Nah. You’re a Trumpian now. Protecting America is not as important as protecting Trump now.

That’s why you’re defending this.
Nah. You’re a Trumpian now. Protecting America is not as important as protecting Trump now.

That’s why you’re defending this.

Since all your posts are basically the same, and don't delve into such nuisance characteristics like data or facts, maybe just quit.

"Trump is a threat, you love Trump - therefore you're automatically wrong about everything ya NAZI!"

So booooooooooring.

You're wasting everybody's time, including your own.

Just give it up.
Nah. You’re a Trumpian now. Protecting America is not as important as protecting Trump now.

That’s why you’re defending this.
Keep thinking that as you get shut down, dumb fuck. Does not matter to me.

Yeah, you tards do not get it. Trump or not we're 100% for America.
And will be. And if you martyr Trump, Lord have mercy on your soul.

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